Efforts by the United States to secure removal of the armed forces of the Soviet Union from Iran; withdrawal of Soviet forces after Soviet-Iranian agreement1
1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. viii, pp. 359 ff.
[266] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
861.24591/3–1546: Telegram
[267] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 17—3:30 p.m.]
861.24591/3–1746: Telegram
[268] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 17—5:37 p.m.]
861.24591/3–1746: Telegram
[269] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:50 p.m.]
861.24591/3–1846: Telegram
[270] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
861.24591/3–1946: Telegram
[271] The Representative of the Soviet Union at the United Nations (Gromyko) to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Lie)
Reprinted from SC, 1st yr., 1st ser., supp. No. 2, p. 44.
[272] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
861.241591/3–2046: Telegram
[273] Extract of Telegram From the British Foreign Office to the British Embassy in Washington, March 21, 1946
740.00119 Council/3–2146
[274] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 24—12:49 p.m.]
861.24691/3–2246: Telegram
[275] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
361.24591/3–2246: Telegram
[276] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
891.24/3–1246: Telegram
[277] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:51 p.m.]
861.24591/3–2346: Telegram
[278] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 24—8:56 a.m.]
861.24591/3–2346: Telegram
[279] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
891.00/3–2046: Telegram
[280] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 1:25 p.m.]
861.24591/3–2446: Telegram
[281] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
861.24591/3–2446: Telegram
[282] The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 25—10:25 a.m.]
861.24591/3–2546: Telegram
[283] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 26—8:03 a.m.]
861.241591/3–2546: Telegram
[284] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 26—10:45 a.m.]
861.24591/3–2546: Telegram
[285] Statement by the Soviet Representative at the United Nations (Gromyko)
Made before the Security Council in New York City on the morning of March 26; reprinted from Department of State Bulletin, April 7, 1946, p. 568. The statement, with substantial language changes, is printed in SC, 1st yr., 1st ser., No. 2, p. 11.
For an account of the meetings of the Security Council on March 26 and of the discussions preceding the morning meeting, see telegram 6, March 26, from New York, p. 383.
In telegram 949, March 26, from Moscow, Stalin was quoted as saying in a press statement: “… As regards the question of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Iran, it, as is known, has already been solved in a positive sense by agreement between the Soviet Government and the Government of Iran.” (861.24591/3–2646)
[286] The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State (Acheson)
501.BC/3–2646: Telegram
[287] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:10 p.m.]
861.24591/3–2746: Telegram
[288] The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
501.BC/3–2746: Telegram
[289] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
861.24591/3–2746: Telegram
[290] Memorandum on Private Meeting of Members of Security Council, March 28, 1946, 4:10 p.m.
[291] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)
501.BC/3–2946: Telegram
[292] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 30—11:25 a.m.]
861.24591/3–2946: Telegram
[293] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
501.BC/3–2046: Telegram
[294] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:10 p.m.]
861.24591/3–3046: Telegram
[295] The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 31—10 p.m.]
861.24591/3–3046: Telegram