Status of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series

Volumes Published in 2025 (0)

    Volumes Published in 2024 (3)

    1. 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (March 6)
    2. 1981–1988, Volume XXXVIII, International Economic Development; International Debt; Foreign Assistance (September 3)
    3. 1981–1988, Volume XXIV, North Africa (December 6)

    Volumes Planned for Publication in 2025 (4)

    Volumes in Production

    1. 1977–1980, Volume XIV, Japan; Korea
    2. 1981–1988, Volume XXVIII, China, 1981–1983
    3. 1981–1988, Volume XLIV, Part 1, National Security Policy, 1985–1988
    4. 1989–1992, Volume XXXI, START I, 1989–1991

    Volumes Planned for Publication in 2026 and later

    Volumes in Production (3)

    1. 1977–1980, Volume XXV, Global Issues; United Nations Issues
    2. 1981–1988, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy
    3. 1981–1988, Volume XXXVI, Trade; Monetary Policy; Industrialized Country Cooperation, 1981–1984

    Volumes Under Declassification Review (41)

    1. 1977–1980, Volume V, European Security, 1977–1983
    2. 1977–1980, Volume VII, Poland, 1977–1981
    3. 1977–1980, Volume X, Iran: Revolution, January 1977–November 1979
    4. 1977–1980, Volume XI, Part 2, Iran: Hostage Crisis, September 1980–January 1981
    5. 1977–1980, Volume XXVII, Western Europe
    6. 1981–1988, Volume VII, Western Europe, 1981–1984
    7. 1981–1988, Volume IX, Poland, 1982–1988
    8. 1981–1988, Volume XII, INF, 1984–1988
    9. 1981–1988, Volume XIV, Central America, 1981–1984
    10. 1981–1988, Volume XV, Central America, 1985–1988
    11. 1981–1988, Volume XVI, South America
    12. 1981–1988, Volume XVII, Part 1, Mexico; Western Caribbean
    13. 1981–1988, Volume XVII, Part 2, Eastern Caribbean
    14. 1981–1988, Volume XVIII, Part 1, Lebanon, April 1981–August 1982
    15. 1981–1988, Volume XVIII, Part 2, Lebanon, September 1982–March 1984
    16. 1981–1988, Volume XIX, Arab-Israeli Dispute
    17. 1981–1988, Volume XX, Iran; Iraq, April 1980–January 1985
    18. 1981–1988, Volume XXI, Iran; Iraq, 1985–1988
    19. 1981–1988, Volume XXII, Middle East Region; Arabian Peninsula
    20. 1981–1988, Volume XXV, Southern Africa, 1981–1984
    21. 1981–1988, Volume XXVI, Southern Africa, 1985–1988
    22. 1981–1988, Volume XXVII, Sub-Saharan Africa
    23. 1981–1988, Volume XXIX, China, 1984–1988
    24. 1981–1988, Volume XXX, Japan; Korea, 1981–1984
    25. 1981–1988, Volume XXXI, Japan; Korea, 1985–1988
    26. 1981–1988, Volume XXXII, Southeast Asia; Pacific
    27. 1981–1988, Volume XXXIII, South Asia
    28. 1981–1988, Volume XXXIV, Afghanistan, February 1981–October 1985
    29. 1981–1988, Volume XXXV, Afghanistan, November 1985–February 1989
    30. 1981–1988, Volume XXXIX, Public Diplomacy
    31. 1981–1988, Volume XL, Global Issues I
    32. 1981–1988, Volume XLIII, National Security Policy, 1981–1984
    33. 1981–1988, Volume XLIV, Part 2, National Security Policy, 1985–1988
    34. 1981–1988, Volume XLVI, War on Drugs
    35. 1981–1988, Volume XLVII, Part 1, Terrorism, January 1977–May 1985
    36. 1981–1988, Volume XLVII, Part 2, Terrorism, June 1985–January 1989
    37. 1981–1988, Volume XLVIII, Libya; Chad
    38. 1989–1992, Volume VII, Yugoslavia
    39. 1989–1992, Volume XVII, China
    40. 1989–1992, Volume XXI, Somalia, 1989–1994
    41. 1989–1992, Volume XXVI, National Security Policy

    Volumes Being Researched or Prepared (37)

    1. 1917–1972, Volume II, Public Diplomacy, The Interwar Period
    2. 1917–1972, Volume III, Public Diplomacy, World War II
    3. 1956–1960, The Intelligence Community
    4. 1981–1988, Volume VIII, Western Europe, 1985–1988
    5. 1981–1988, Volume XXIII, Iran-Contra Affair, 1985–1988
    6. 1981–1988, Volume XXXVII, Trade; Monetary Policy; Industrialized Country Cooperation, 1985–1988
    7. 1981–1988, Volume XLII, Refugees and Immigration, 1975–1984
    8. 1981–1988, Volume XLV, Eastern Mediterranean
    9. 1989–1992, Volume I, Foundations of Foreign Policy; Public Diplomacy
    10. 1989–1992, Volume III, Soviet Union, Russia, and Post-Soviet States: High-Level Contacts
    11. 1989–1992, Volume IV, Soviet Union, Russia, and Post-Soviet States: Policy
    12. 1989–1992, Volume V, Eastern Europe
    13. 1989–1992, Volume VI, Eastern Mediterranean
    14. 1989–1992, Volume VIII, Western Europe
    15. 1989–1992, Volume IX, Germany
    16. 1989–1992, Volume X, European Security, 1984–1992
    17. 1989–1992, Volume XI, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1989–1990
    18. 1989–1992, Volume XII, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990–1991
    19. 1989–1992, Volume XIII, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1991–1992
    20. 1989–1992, Volume XIV, Arab-Israeli Dispute
    21. 1989–1992, Volume XV, South Asia
    22. 1989–1992, Volume XVI, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
    23. 1989–1992, Volume XVIII, Japan; Korea
    24. 1989–1992, Volume XIX, Southern Africa
    25. 1989–1992, Volume XX, North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa
    26. 1989–1992, Volume XXII, Cuba; Haiti; Caribbean
    27. 1989–1992, Volume XXIII, Central America
    28. 1989–1992, Volume XXIV, Panama, 1981–1992
    29. 1989–1992, Volume XXV, South America
    30. 1989–1992, Volume XXVII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation
    31. 1989–1992, Volume XXX, Foreign Economic Policy
    32. 1989–1992, Volume XXXII, Iran
    33. 1989–1992, Volume XXXIII, Canada and Mexico
    34. 1993–2000, Volume I, Foundations of Foreign Policy
    35. 1993–2000, Volume XX, Arms Control and Nonproliferation within the Former Soviet Union, December 1991–December 1994
    36. 1993–2000, Volume XXV, Northern Ireland Peace Process
    37. 1993–2000, Volume XXVIII, Rwanda; Central Africa

    Volumes Being Planned (49)

    1. 1917–1972, Volume IV, Public Diplomacy, 1945–1952
    2. 1917–1972, Volume V, Public Diplomacy, 1953–1960
    3. 1989–1992, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy
    4. 1989–1992, Volume XXVIII, Counternarcotics; Counterterrorism
    5. 1989–1992, Volume XXIX, Global Issues
    6. 1993–2000, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Institutional Reform, 1992–1996
    7. 1993–2000, Volume III, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Institutional Reform, 1997–2000
    8. 1993–2000, Volume IV, Foreign Economic Policy, 1993–1996
    9. 1993–2000, Volume V, Foreign Economic Policy, 1997–2000
    10. 1993–2000, Volume VI, National Security Policy
    11. 1993–2000, Volume VII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 1993–1996
    12. 1993–2000, Volume VIII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 1997–2000
    13. 1993–2000, Volume IX, Counterterrorism Policy
    14. 1993–2000, Volume X, Global Issues: Transnational Security; United Nations; Multilateral Peacekeeping
    15. 1993–2000, Volume XI, Global Issues: Global Programs
    16. 1993–2000, Volume XII, Global Issues: Rights and Governance
    17. 1993–2000, Volume XIII, Global Issues: Transnational Commons
    18. 1993–2000, Volume XIV, Public Diplomacy
    19. 1993–2000, Volume XV, Wars in the Balkans, 1993–1995
    20. 1993–2000, Volume XVI, Wars in the Balkans, 1995–2000
    21. 1993–2000, Volume XVII, North Atlantic Treaty Organization; European Security
    22. 1993–2000, Volume XVIII, Russia: High-Level Contacts
    23. 1993–2000, Volume XIX, Russia: Policy
    24. 1993–2000, Volume XXI, Ukraine; Belarus; Moldova; Transcaucasus; Central Asia
    25. 1993–2000, Volume XXII, Europe: High-Level Contacts
    26. 1993–2000, Volume XXIII, Europe: Policy, 1993–1996
    27. 1993–2000, Volume XXIV, Europe: Policy, 1997–2000
    28. 1993–2000, Volume XXVI, Northern Africa
    29. 1993–2000, Volume XXVII, South Africa; Southern Africa
    30. 1993–2000, Volume XXIX, Africa Region; Western Africa; Eastern Africa
    31. 1993–2000, Volume XXX, North America
    32. 1993–2000, Volume XXXI, Cuba; Haiti; Caribbean
    33. 1993–2000, Volume XXXII, Central America
    34. 1993–2000, Volume XXXIII, South America; Latin America Region, 1993–1996
    35. 1993–2000, Volume XXXIV, South America; Latin America Region, 1997–2000
    36. 1993–2000, Volume XXXV, Middle East Peace Process, 1993–1996
    37. 1993–2000, Volume XXXVI, Middle East Peace Process, 1997–2000
    38. 1993–2000, Volume XXXVII, Iraq, 1993–1996
    39. 1993–2000, Volume XXXVIII, Iraq, 1997–2000
    40. 1993–2000, Volume XXXIX, Iran
    41. 1993–2000, Volume XL, Middle East Region; Arabian Peninsula
    42. 1993–2000, Volume XLI, China, 1993–1996
    43. 1993–2000, Volume XLII, China, 1997–2000
    44. 1993–2000, Volume XLIII, Japan; Korean Peninsula, 1993–1996
    45. 1993–2000, Volume XLIV, Japan; Korean Peninsula, 1997–2000
    46. 1993–2000, Volume XLV, South Asia, 1993–1996
    47. 1993–2000, Volume XLVI, South Asia, 1997–2000
    48. 1993–2000, Volume XLVII, Mainland Southeast Asia; East Asia Region
    49. 1993–2000, Volume XLVIII, Indonesia; Philippines; Oceania; Pacific Region