Status of the Series - Historical Documents
Status of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series
Volumes Published in 2025 (0)
Volumes Published in 2024 (3)
- 1977–1980, Volume IV, National Security Policy (March 6)
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXVIII, International Economic Development; International Debt; Foreign Assistance (September 3)
- 1981–1988, Volume XXIV, North Africa (December 6)
Volumes Planned for Publication in 2025 (2)
Volumes in Production
- 1981–1988, Volume XLIV, Part 1, National Security Policy, 1985–1988
- 1989–1992, Volume XXXI, START I, 1989–1991
Volumes Planned for Publication in 2026 and later
Volumes in Production (2)
- 1977–1980, Volume XIV, Japan; Korea
- 1981–1988, Volume XXVIII, China, 1981–1983
Volumes Under Declassification Review (40)
- 1977–1980, Volume V, European Security, 1977–1983
- 1977–1980, Volume VII, Poland, 1977–1981
- 1977–1980, Volume X, Iran: Revolution, January 1977–November 1979
- 1977–1980, Volume XI, Part 2, Iran: Hostage Crisis, September 1980–January 1981
- 1977–1980, Volume XXV, Global Issues; United Nations Issues
- 1977–1980, Volume XXVII, Western Europe
- 1981–1988, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy
- 1981–1988, Volume VII, Western Europe, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume IX, Poland, 1982–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XII, INF, 1984–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XIV, Central America, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XVI, South America
- 1981–1988, Volume XVII, Part 1, Mexico; Western Caribbean
- 1981–1988, Volume XVII, Part 2, Eastern Caribbean
- 1981–1988, Volume XVIII, Part 1, Lebanon, April 1981–August 1982
- 1981–1988, Volume XVIII, Part 2, Lebanon, September 1982–March 1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XIX, Arab-Israeli Dispute
- 1981–1988, Volume XXII, Middle East Region; Arabian Peninsula
- 1981–1988, Volume XXV, Southern Africa, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XXVI, Southern Africa, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XXVII, Sub-Saharan Africa
- 1981–1988, Volume XXIX, China, 1984–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XXX, Japan; Korea, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXI, Japan; Korea, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXII, Southeast Asia; Pacific
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXIII, South Asia
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXIV, Afghanistan, February 1981–October 1985
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXV, Afghanistan, November 1985–February 1989
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXVI, Trade; Monetary Policy; Industrialized Country Cooperation, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXIX, Public Diplomacy
- 1981–1988, Volume XL, Global Issues I
- 1981–1988, Volume XLIII, National Security Policy, 1981–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XLIV, Part 2, National Security Policy, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XLVI, War on Drugs
- 1981–1988, Volume XLVII, Part 1, Terrorism, January 1977–May 1985
- 1981–1988, Volume XLVII, Part 2, Terrorism, June 1985–January 1989
- 1981–1988, Volume XLVIII, Libya; Chad
- 1989–1992, Volume VII, Yugoslavia
- 1989–1992, Volume XXI, Somalia, 1989–1994
- 1989–1992, Volume XXVI, National Security Policy
Volumes Being Researched or Prepared (40)
- 1917–1972, Volume II, Public Diplomacy, The Interwar Period
- 1917–1972, Volume III, Public Diplomacy, World War II
- 1956–1960, The Intelligence Community
- 1981–1988, Volume VIII, Western Europe, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XV, Central America, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XX, Iran; Iraq, April 1980–January 1985
- 1981–1988, Volume XXI, Iran; Iraq, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XXIII, Iran-Contra Affair, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XXXVII, Trade; Monetary Policy; Industrialized Country Cooperation, 1985–1988
- 1981–1988, Volume XLII, Refugees and Immigration, 1975–1984
- 1981–1988, Volume XLV, Eastern Mediterranean
- 1989–1992, Volume I, Foundations of Foreign Policy; Public Diplomacy
- 1989–1992, Volume III, Soviet Union & Russia: High-Level Meetings
- 1989–1992, Volume IV, Soviet Union, Russia, and the Newly Independent States
- 1989–1992, Volume V, Eastern Europe
- 1989–1992, Volume VIII, Western Europe
- 1989–1992, Volume IX, Germany
- 1989–1992, Volume X, European Security, 1984–1992
- 1989–1992, Volume XI, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1989–1990
- 1989–1992, Volume XII, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990–1991
- 1989–1992, Volume XIII, Persian Gulf Crisis, 1991–1992
- 1989–1992, Volume XIV, Arab-Israeli Dispute
- 1989–1992, Volume XV, South Asia
- 1989–1992, Volume XVI, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- 1989–1992, Volume XVII, China
- 1989–1992, Volume XVIII, Japan; Korea
- 1989–1992, Volume XIX, Southern Africa
- 1989–1992, Volume XX, North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa
- 1989–1992, Volume XXII, Cuba; Haiti; Caribbean
- 1989–1992, Volume XXIII, Central America
- 1989–1992, Volume XXIV, Panama, 1981–1992
- 1989–1992, Volume XXV, South America
- 1989–1992, Volume XXVII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation
- 1989–1992, Volume XXX, Foreign Economic Policy
- 1989–1992, Volume XXXII, Iran
- 1989–1992, Volume XXXIII, Canada and Mexico
- 1993–2000, Volume I, Foundations of Foreign Policy
- 1993–2000, Volume XX, Arms Control and Nonproliferation within the Former Soviet Union, December 1991–December 1994
- 1993–2000, Volume XXV, Northern Ireland Peace Process
- 1993–2000, Volume XXVIII, Rwanda; Central Africa
Volumes Being Planned (50)
- 1917–1972, Volume IV, Public Diplomacy, 1945–1952
- 1917–1972, Volume V, Public Diplomacy, 1953–1960
- 1989–1992, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy
- 1989–1992, Volume VI, Eastern Mediterranean
- 1989–1992, Volume XXVIII, Counternarcotics; Counterterrorism
- 1989–1992, Volume XXIX, Global Issues
- 1993–2000, Volume II, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Institutional Reform, 1992–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume III, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; Institutional Reform, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume IV, Foreign Economic Policy, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume V, Foreign Economic Policy, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume VI, National Security Policy
- 1993–2000, Volume VII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume VIII, Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume IX, Counterterrorism Policy
- 1993–2000, Volume X, Global Issues: Transnational Security; United Nations; Multilateral Peacekeeping
- 1993–2000, Volume XI, Global Issues: Global Programs
- 1993–2000, Volume XII, Global Issues: Rights and Governance
- 1993–2000, Volume XIII, Global Issues: Transnational Commons
- 1993–2000, Volume XIV, Public Diplomacy
- 1993–2000, Volume XV, Wars in the Balkans, 1993–1995
- 1993–2000, Volume XVI, Wars in the Balkans, 1995–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XVII, North Atlantic Treaty Organization; European Security
- 1993–2000, Volume XVIII, Russia: High-Level Contacts
- 1993–2000, Volume XIX, Russia: Policy
- 1993–2000, Volume XXI, Ukraine; Belarus; Moldova; Transcaucasus; Central Asia
- 1993–2000, Volume XXII, Europe: High-Level Contacts
- 1993–2000, Volume XXIII, Europe: Policy, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XXIV, Europe: Policy, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XXVI, Northern Africa
- 1993–2000, Volume XXVII, South Africa; Southern Africa
- 1993–2000, Volume XXIX, Africa Region; Western Africa; Eastern Africa
- 1993–2000, Volume XXX, North America
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXI, Cuba; Haiti; Caribbean
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXII, Central America
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXIII, South America; Latin America Region, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXIV, South America; Latin America Region, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXV, Middle East Peace Process, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXVI, Middle East Peace Process, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXVII, Iraq, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXVIII, Iraq, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XXXIX, Iran
- 1993–2000, Volume XL, Middle East Region; Arabian Peninsula
- 1993–2000, Volume XLI, China, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XLII, China, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XLIII, Japan; Korean Peninsula, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XLIV, Japan; Korean Peninsula, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XLV, South Asia, 1993–1996
- 1993–2000, Volume XLVI, South Asia, 1997–2000
- 1993–2000, Volume XLVII, Mainland Southeast Asia; East Asia Region
- 1993–2000, Volume XLVIII, Indonesia; Philippines; Oceania; Pacific Region