501.BC/3–2946: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)
top secret
Washington, March 29,
575. …
For your info, following is outline of position which Secretary proposes to take in further discussions of Iran problem:
- (1)
- We are not going to agree to Sov request for postponement.
- (2)
- In view of ambiguity as to whether there is an understanding or not, and if there is an understanding why it is that Iran cannot accept it, we plan to ask both Sov and Iran Govs to let Council know status of any so-called understanding or any other agreement which has been reached or is in the course of discussion. It is planned to [Page 394] request both Govs to make this info available for Council meeting on April 2. We have confidential info from Qavam as to general character of negotiations but he has insisted that neither we nor his Ambassador can use this info since he fears that its disclosure might further antagonize SovGov. We are therefore making requests to both Govs in an effort to bring details of proposed agreements into open in order that it may be clear why we are taking firm stand in Council.
- (3)
- Our position will not be one of antagonism to Sov Union but will be couched in terms to indicate that Council is desirous of helping to arrive at a constructive settlement which will strengthen Iran hand so that they will not have to accept agreement under pressure.
- (4)
- We hope in this way to prevent possibility of Sov troops being used to bring pressure on IranGov to reach unequitable agreement. We plan not to back away from insistence that Sov troops must withdraw unconditionally.