861.241591/3–2046: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)
most immediate
226. 1. With reference to our telegram no. 188 of Mar 827 stating the intention of this Govt to parallel the action of Iran, Stettinius is today sending the following letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations:
“I have received your letter of Mar 1928 informing me of the action of Iran in filing with you the two letters of Mar 18, copies of which you enclosed.
Under instructions from my Govt, I wish to inform you that when the Security Council reconvenes I shall move:
- (1)
- That consideration of the letter filed by Iran be placed at the head of the agenda of the Security Council.
- (2)
- That, in connection with the consideration of this letter, Iran and the USSR be requested to report upon the negotiations which may have taken place between them in accordance with the Resolution of the Council adopted February 1 [January 30], 1946.”
2. After considerable study of procedural and other considerations we have come to the conclusion that this line of action is the most effective and appropriate which we can take at this moment in the carrying out of our obligations arising from the! Declaration of [Regarding] Iran and the Charter of the United Nations. You may make this clear to the PriMin when delivering to him a copy of the letter.