861.241591/3–2546: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iran (Murray) to the Secretary of State
top secret
us urgent
us urgent
Tehran, March 25,
1946—3 p.m.
[Received March 26—8:03 a.m.]
[Received March 26—8:03 a.m.]
395. Following information given me today by Qavam:
- 1.
- Soviet Ambassador Sadchikov called on him last night 7 o’clock with three notes: First note said Soviet Govt would evacuate all Iranian [Page 380] territory within 5 or 6 weeks “if nothing further happened”. (Sadchikov said he did not know what this latter phrase meant but guessed it might refer to Azerbaijan situation.) Second note proposed that Irano-Soviet company be formed to develop Iranian oil, 51% to be Russian and 49% Iranian. Third note offered to intercede to adjust Azerbaijan situation on basis that “Prime Minister of Azerbaijan” should be known as Governor General, Cabinet Ministers should be known as Directors of Offices, and local Majlis should be known as Provincial Council.
- 2.
- Sadchikov called again at 10 p.m. with telegram just received from Moscow saying Soviet Govt pleased to learn of arrest of Seyid Ala [Zia]-Ed-Din and announcing Soviet intention to withdraw troops at once from Karaj and Kazvin in accordance request of Iranian Prime Minister.
- 3.
- Qavam intends to reply to first note by expressing appreciation and requesting evacuation be completed in 4 weeks. He will also insist that Russian decision be communicated formally to Security Council. (He may already have taken this action.) In reply to second note he plans make counterproposal on oil development. In reply third note he will decline offer of Soviet intercession and negotiate direct with Azerbaijan “Government”.
- 4.
- He has not modified Ala’s instructions in connection Security Council discussion. I infer he will wait to see that Soviets carry out their assurances before doing anything in this respect.
Sent Dept as 395, repeated London 77, Moscow 124.