861.24591/3–2546: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 25—10:25 a.m.]
928. Following Iranian materials appear Soviet press March 25.
- 1.
- Tass announcement “regarding evacuation of Soviet troops from
Iran” which reads as follows in translation:
“The withdrawal of Soviet troops in Iran from districts of Meshed, Shahrud and Semnan begun March 2, 1946, has already been finished. By agreement with the Iranian Govt the evacuation of the remaining Soviet troops began March 24. The Soviet command in Iran estimates [Page 379] that the complete evacuation of Soviet troops from Iran can be concluded in the course of 5–6 weeks if nothing unforeseen should take place.”
- 2.
- Tass despatch from Tehran “statement of Qavam Es Saltane”.
Despatch is translated as follows:
“Iranian Premier Qavam Es Saltane today told correspondents in Tehran that differences between Iran and Russia can be solved before session of Security Council takes place. It is of no significance whether the session takes place March 25 or 14 days later. If the question of evacuation of Soviet troops from Iran and other problems are not settled sooner the Iranan question will be included on the agenda of Security Council. Answering question of a correspondent concerning the letter of the Iranian Ambassador in Washington Hussein Ala to the General Secretary of the UNO Trygve Lie the Iranian Premier emphasized categorically that this letter was written and sent by the Iranian Ambassador without the knowledge and sanction of the Iranian Govt. Qavam Es Saltane told correspondents that he had sent strict telegraphic instructions to Hussein Ala in which the necessity of avoiding the repetition of such arbitrary action in the future was pointed out. Qavam Es Saltane expressed confidence that the Iranian question would be settled satisfactorily. The most important question is the evacuation of Soviet troops from Iran. All the other problems depend upon the solution of this question. The question of Azerbaijan has comparatively little importance. It can be settled by means of negotiations as soon as agreement is reached concerning the evacuation of Russian troops from Iran. Qavam Es Saltane denied reports that after March 2 additional Soviet troops came to Iran.”
- 3.
- Tass despatch from Iran reporting that at press conference in Tehran Qavam Es Saltane in replying to question of foreign correspondents on circumstances which led to arrest of Seyid Zia47 stated that decision to arrest him was adopted without any pressure from the side and was caused exclusively by the threat which Seyid Zia’s subversive activity represented to the international security of Iran.
- Pravda March 25 also announces appointment of Gromyko permanent representative of Soviet Union on Security Council.
Sent Dept 928, repeated Tehran 74, London 161 and Frankfurt.
- Seyid Zia ed-Din Tabatabai, prominent Iranian politician.↩