Arms Control and Disarmament
241. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for Science and Technology (Wiesner) to President Kennedy
Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Subjects Series, Nuclear Weapons, Testing, 8/62-12/62. Secret.
243. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Kennedy
Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, ACDA, Disarmament, General, 11/1/62-11/22/62. Secret.
245. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 65 D 330. Secret; Restricted Data. Drafted by Baker.
246. Memorandum From the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (Foster) to President Kennedy
Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, ACDA, Disarmament, General, 11/1/62-11/22/62. Confidential. Attached to the source text is a November 20 memorandum by Foster, presumably sent to the Committee of Principals, which states that the paper was a final revision and reflected the discussion by the Committee of Principals on November 10 and comments received by the interested agencies in response to ACDA’s November 13 and November 15 memoranda. A copy of the November 13 memorandum is in the Washington National Records Center, RG 383, ACDA/DD Files: FRC 77 A 17, Committee of Principals. The November 15 memorandum and the agencies’ responses have not been found.
247. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy
Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Agencies and Departments Series, ACDA, Disarmament, Non-Diffusion of Nuclear Weapons, 8/62-7/63. Confidential. For an earlier memorandum from Secretary Rusk to President Kennedy on this subject, see Document 230.
248. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 65 D 330. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Thompson and approved in S on December 10.
250. Memorandum From William Y. Smith to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Taylor)
[Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, WYS Chron File, Oct-Dec 1962. Top Secret. 2 pages of source text not declassified.]
253. Teletype Message From Prime Minister Macmillan to President Kennedy
Source: Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, Macmillan-Kennedy 1963. Top Secret. The time of transmission is illegible.
255. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 700.5611/1-963. Secret; Limited Distribution. Drafted by John C. Guthrie (EUR/SOV) on January 10 and approved in draft by Thompson and by the White House on January 14. A memorandum of their conversation on Cuba is printed in volume XI. A telegraphic summary of their conversation on U.S.-Soviet relations is printed in vol. V, Document 170.
256. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 700.5611/1-1063. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Guthrie on January 11 and approved in S on January 16. The meeting was held in the Secretary’s office. Memoranda of their conversation on U.S.-Soviet relations are printed in vol. V, Documents 171 and 172, and one on Germany and Berlin is printed in vol. XV, pp. 474–475. Foster also met with Kuznetsov and Dobrynin; a memorandum of their conversation is in the Washington National Records Center, RG 383, ACDA/D Files: FRC 77 A 80, Secretary of State.
260. Memorandum for the File
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI Memos for Record, 1/1/63-2/9/63. Top Secret. Drafted by McCone on February 8. A note on the source text indicates the memorandum was handcarried to Gilpatric.
261. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 18-6. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Guthrie and approved in S on February 10.
263. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 18-6. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Guthrie and approved in S on February 13. The meeting was held in the Secretary’s office.
265. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 65 D 330. Secret. Drafted by Imhof and approved in S on March 6. The meeting was held in the Secretary’s office. A memorandum of their discussion on U.S.-French relations is printed in vol. XIII, pp. 760–761.
266. Memorandum for the File
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI, ER Subject Files, White Papers—Nuclear Test Ban, 3/1/63-1/21/64. Secret. Drafted by McCone.
268. Memorandum From the Ambassador at Large (Thompson) to Secretary of State Rusk
Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL UK-US. Top Secret. Also addressed to Under Secretary Ball.
269. Message From President Kennedy to Prime Minister Macmillan
Source: Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, Kennedy-Macmillan Correspondence, Vol. II. Secret. A handwritten notation on the source text indicates that the message was sent by the White House channel. A draft of this message, identical to the source text, is attached to a March 27 memorandum from Foster to McGeorge Bundy, which indicates that the draft was approved by Secretary Rusk after review by Thompson and Tyler. (Ibid.)