Reports by United States Missions in Germany on the reaction in the German Democratic Republic to the negotiation and signing of the Contractual Agreements; the second conference of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, July 9–12, 1952; the declaration of the “New Course” in the German Democratic Republic, June 11, 1953; the June disturbances; the food relief program; the Soviet declaration of sovereignty for the German Democratic Republic, March 25, 1954; the fourth congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, March 30–April 6, 1954; subsequent implementation of United States policy toward the German Democratic Republic

[729] No. 729
President Eisenhower to Chancellor Adenauer

Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “Eisenhower to Adenauer: Correspondence”

[732] No. 732
The Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn

Source: Drafted by Eleanor Dulles and cleared with Lewis, Huyler, Straus, and Thurston of State and Jackson of the White House. Repeated to Berlin and Moscow.

[734] No. 734
President Eisenhower to Chancellor Adenauer

Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “Eisenhower to Adenauer: Correspondence”

[736] No. 736
Record of the Seventh CINCUSAREURHICOG/Commanders Conference, Heidelberg, July 27, 1953, 1 p.m.

Department of the Army files, 338–78–0071, 337/1, B/P 7

[740] No. 740
The United States High Commissioner for Germany (Conant) to the Mutual Security Agency

MSAFOA telegram files, lot W–130, “Bonn Tomus”: Telegram

[744] No. 744
Chancellor Adenauer to President Eisenhower


[752] No. 752
President Eisenhower to Chancellor Adenauer

Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “Eisenhower to Adenauer