Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “Eisenhower to Adenauer: Correspondence”
No. 729
President Eisenhower to
Chancellor Adenauer1
My Dear Mr. Chancellor: The receipt of your letter of July 4, 1953,2 in which you outlined the serious situation existing in the Soviet Zone of Germany concerning the supply of food for the population, has confirmed reports which I have received from High Commissioner Conant and which have been of considerable concern to me over the past few weeks.
I am, therefore, anxious to respond affirmatively to your appeal that this Government join you in aiding the people of East Germany in this hour when many of those demonstrating are demanding more food.
I have, therefore, today instructed the American Chargé d’Affaires in Moscow to offer the Soviet Government shipments of food for distribution to the population of East Germany. I have suggested that arrangements for the distribution be made between the staffs of the United States and Soviet High Commissioners in Germany and that considerations be given to distribution through German religious institutions.
I sincerely hope that this effort on our part to relieve the plight of the people in East Germany will be welcomed by the Soviet Government.
Sincerely yours,
- The text of this letter, released to the public on the evening of July 10, was transmitted to Bonn in telegram 117, July 9. (862B.49/7–953)↩
- Document 727.↩