Reports by United States Missions in Germany on the reaction in the German Democratic Republic to the negotiation and signing of the Contractual Agreements; the second conference of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, July 9–12, 1952; the declaration of the “New Course” in the German Democratic Republic, June 11, 1953; the June disturbances; the food relief program; the Soviet declaration of sovereignty for the German Democratic Republic, March 25, 1954; the fourth congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, March 30–April 6, 1954; subsequent implementation of United States policy toward the German Democratic Republic
[695] No. 695
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Department of State
762B.00/5–1452: Despatch
[696] No. 696
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.001/5–1652: Telegram
[697] No. 697
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/5–2352: Telegram
[698] No. 698
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/5–2752: Telegram
[699] No. 699
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Department of State
601.6162B/6–552: Despatch
[701] No. 701
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Department of State
762B.00/6–1752: Despatch
[703] No. 703
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762A.00/7–1252: Telegram
[704] No. 704
The Chief of the Eastern Affairs
Division, Berlin Element, HICOG (Barnes) to the Department of
762.00/7–2652: Despatch
[705] No. 705
The Acting
Secretary of State to All
Diplomatic Offices
762B.02/11–1952: Circular airgram
[706] No. 706
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/1–2053: Telegram
[707] No. 707
The Acting Director of the Berlin
Element, HICOG (Maynard) to the
Office of the United States High
Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn
862B.03/5–1153: Telegram
[708] No. 708
Memorandum by W. Bradley Connors
of the Office of Policy and Plans, International Information
Agency, to the Under Secretary of State (Smith)
PSB files, lot 62 D 333, “Luncheon Meetings”
[710] No. 710
The Embassy in
Germany to the Department of
762A.00/6–0353: Despatch
[711] No. 711
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/6–1153: Telegram
[712] No. 712
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/6–1553: Telegram
[713] No. 713
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
862B.062/6–1653: Telegram
[715] No. 715
Memorandum of Discussion at the
150th Meeting of the National Security Council, Thursday, June
18, 1953
Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file
[717] No. 717
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
762B.00/6–2653: Telegram
[719] No. 719
Working Paper Prepared in the
Eastern Affairs Division, Berlin Element, HICOG
[720] No. 720
The United States High Commissioner
for Germany (Conant) to the Department of
462A.62B31/7–253: Telegram
[721] No. 721
Record of the Sixth CINCUSAREUR–HICOG Commanders Conference,
Heidelberg, June 29, 1953, 1:30 p.m.
Department of the Army files, 338–78–0071. 337/1, B/P #6
[722] No. 722
Memorandum by the Special Assistant
to the President (Jackson) to the President
Eisenhower Library, C. D. Jackson papers, “1931–67”
[723] No. 723
Memorandum by the Director of the
Bureau of German Affairs (Riddleberger) to the Secretary of State
Secretary’s Letters, lot 56 D 459, “F–G”
[724] No. 724
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Lyon) to the Department of State
762B.00/7–753: Telegram