United States policy at the United Nations with respect to the regulation of armaments and collective security: the international control of atomic energy; regulation of conventional armaments; efforts toward agreements placing armed forces at the disposal of the Security Council 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1946, vol. i, pp. 712–1109. For documentation on aspects of United States policy with, respect to atomic energy other than international control, see pp. 781 ff. For documentation on United States national security policy, see pp. 707 ff. For documentation on the attitude of the Soviet Union concerning regulation of armaments, see vol. iv, pp. 514 ff., passim. For information on U.S. policy regarding international control of atomic energy, see Richard G. Hewlett and Francis Duncan, Atomic Shield, 1947–1952, volume I of A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission (University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1969). For an informal summary record of policy developments concerning international control of atomic energy, October 15, 1946, to May 17, 1948, see Department of State Publication 3161, The International Control of Atomic Energy: Policy at the Crossroads (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1948). Regarding efforts toward agreements placing armed forces at the disposal of the Security Council, see Department of State Bulletin, August 3, 1947, Supplement, “Arming the United Nations.”
[345] Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State
IO Files: SD/A/C.1/84
[346] Minutes of a Meeting of the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, Washington, September 8, 1947, 10:30 a.m.
Department of State Disarmament Files
[347] Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State
IO Files: SD/A/C.1/88
[348] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Commission on Conventional Armaments (Bard) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
501.BC Armaments/9–1047
[349] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Edmund A. Gullion, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
Department of State Atomic Energy Files
[350] Position Paper Prepared in the Division of International Security Affairs
IO Files: SD/A/C.1/97
[351] Position Paper Prepared in the Division of International Security Affairs
IO Files: SD/A/C.1/99
[352] Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the United States Delegation to the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, New York, September 13, 1947, 3:00 p.m.
IO Files: US/A/M(Chr)/49 add. 1
[353] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Hawkins) to the Secretary of State
501.BC/9–647: Telegram
[354] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Commission for Conventional Armaments (Bard) to the Chairman of the Working Committee
USUN Files
[355] The Secretary of State at New York to the Acting Secretary of State
501.BB/9–1347: Telegram
[356] Memorandum by the United States Army Representative on the United Nations Military Staff Committee (Ridgway) to the United States Army Chief of Staff (Eisenhower)
[357] Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
SPA Files: Lot 428
[358] Memorandum by Mr. Edmund A. Gullion, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
Policy Planning Staff Files
[359] Record of an Informal Meeting Among Certain Representatives on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission
USUN Files
[360] Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting of the United States Delegation to the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, New York, October 3, 1947, 9:15 a.m.
IO Files: US/A/M(Chr)/59
[361] The Secretary of Defense (Forrestal) to the Secretary of State
Department of State Disarmament Files
[362] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
501.BB/10–447: Telegram
[363] Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State
IO Files: SD/A/C.1/105
[364] Memorandum by Lt. General Lauris Norstad to the Army Chief of Staff (Eisenhower)
SPA Files: Lot 428
[365] Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
SPA Files: Lot 428
[366] Memorandum by the Associate Chief of the Division of International Security Affairs (Blaisdell)
SPA Files: Lot 428
[367] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
501.BC Armaments/10–1747: Telegram
[368] The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
501.BC Atomic/10–1847: Telegram
[369] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk)
Department of State Atomic Energy Files
[370] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Associate Chief of the Division of International Security Affairs (Blaisdell)
SPA Files: Lot 428
[371] Memorandum by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Executive Committee on Regulation of Armaments
Department of State Disarmament Files
[372] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to the Secretary of State
501.BC Atomic/11–1447
[373] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk)
501.BC Atomic/12–247
[374] The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk)
501.BC Atomic/12–247