IO Files: SD/A/C.1/105
Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State
[Washington,] October 13, 1947.
Information on Armaments and Armed Forces
the problem
What should be the United States position in the General Assembly if a request is made for information:
- (a)
- On armaments and armed forces generally;
- (b)
- On armed forces in foreign countries other than ex-enemy states; or
- (c)
- On armed forces in ex-enemy states.1
- (a)
- If proposals are made for requesting information on conventional armaments and armed forces wherever located, the United States should insist that such proposals be referred to the Commission for Conventional Armaments as the agency established for the purpose of considering such matters. The United States should oppose any request calling upon the General Assembly to obtain such information emphasizing the position that such information is necessary only in response to the requirements of an overall program for the regulation and reduction of armaments as developed under Item IV of the Plan of Work of the CCA.
- (b)
- If the question of a census of foreign troops in the territories of member states arises in the General Assembly, the United States should express the view that the provision of such information is not necessary to determine compliance with the provision of the third paragraph of Section 7 of the General Assembly Resolution of December 14, 1946, relating to withdrawal of troops from such territories. (The U.S. position on the withdrawal of such troops is dealt with in a separate paper, Document SD/A/C.1/84).2
- (c)
- If proposals for obtaining information on numbers of troops in the territories of ex-enemy states are made the United States should state its view that this is a matter to be dealt with by the Council of Foreign Ministers.
- (d)
- If, despite the expression of the views in (b) and (c) above, there is general interest in obtaining information on the numbers of foreign troops in member states or ex-enemy states, the U.S. Delegate, if he deems the circumstances warrant, should vote in favor of a proposal to obtain such information.
The position recommended is in accord with present United States policy. It leaves to the Delegation certain decisions which should be made in the light of the circumstances under which this question arises.