501.BB/10–447: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


467. 1. Developments since position paper on Conclusion of Special Agreements under Art 43 and Organization of UN Armed Forces (SD/A/C.1/88, Sept 8, 1947)1 do not warrant US taking initiative in proposing in GA that it recommend to members that they make specific offers of forces to SC (urtel 938, Oct 42). Inquiries US has made as to acceptability of such proposal have not produced encouraging response.

2. Feasibility of such proposal to GA turned on several factors, among them: further consideration by SC of general principles governing organization armed forces (Apr 30 report MSC) thus clarifying [Page 681] position SC members on main principles at least; reaction of France, UK, China to inquiry; interest of UN members in obtaining implementation Art 43 as manifested in general debate.

3. No further action has been taken by SC on the principles recommended by MSC. Other and more pressing matters, some connected with GA have absorbed time SC. “While GA is in session hardly to be expected that SC could complete its study of these principles. Since additional study leading to decisions seems a necessary prerequisite to GA action it follows that to propose at this time that Assembly take steps in this matter would be premature.

4. Reaction of French and UK Govts has not been favorable. Our Embassies in Paris, London and Nanking were requested on Aug 29 to inquire informally if these Govts contemplated any new course of action to implement Art 43 and if not what the reaction would be if US were to propose to GA it recommend to members that they make offers of forces. French, while approving our aim (presumably for early implementation Art 43), nevertheless have given no further evidence their reaction. UK reacted negatively and hoped that we would not make proposal in GA. No report received from Nanking. In this situation obvious US could not be assured in advance of readiness these three Govts to support proposal in GA and to respond affirmatively to GA recommendation. In absence such advance assurance reps. Army, Navy, Air Depts advise from military point of view against making proposal.

5. General GA debate developed no evidence particular interest or desire of members for early implementation Art 43.

6. Final consideration is full GA agenda and particularly the program of US proposals. Addition another item such as one under consideration appears unwise.

7. Despite our desire for early implementation Art 43 weight of above considerations is against making proposal as originally contemplated.

  1. Ante, p. 632.
  2. Telegram 938 requested a definite decision on the question whether the United States should introduce in the General Assembly a resolution recommending that the members of the United Nations make specific offers of armed forces to the Security Council (501.BB/10–447).