501.BC Atomic/12–247

The Deputy United States Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission (Osborn) to the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Rusk)


Dear Mr. Rusk: The present and tentative plan for the Atomic Energy Commission is as follows:

A meeting of the Commission will be called during December, sometime after the 15th of the month, while the French have the Chairmanship.

It will be proposed to reopen in the working committee the discussion of the Soviet proposals of June 11th in the light of the Soviet replies to the United Kingdom’s questions.1 These replies were received after the completion of the Second Report.

It may also be proposed to continue work on Section 3(a) of the subject list, which has the title “Organizational Structure.” This proposal is still under discussion. It is the view of the major delegations that we should work on specific proposals covering organizational structure, provided we find no serious points of disagreement.

All the major delegations are agreed not to go beyond 3(a) for the present, because we would then become involved in controversial political questions not yet ready for solution.

The big problem we are now facing is the content and timing of the Third Report. In order to get as much light as possible on these questions we are calling a meeting of our board of consultants in New York on Friday, December 12th, including Messrs. Conant, Oppenheimer, Bacher, Farrell, Groves, Barnard and Tolman.2

Yours sincerely,

Frederick Osborn
  1. For the texts of the questions and the replies, see AEC, 2nd yr., Special Suppl., pp. 92–95.
  2. Blaisdell made the following marginal comment opposite the final paragraph: “To me this is premature except in the most tentative fashion. Why the rush?”