501.BC Armaments/10–1747: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)

us urgent

491. Secretariat’s synopsis working papers submitted by various dels on Items 2 and 3 of CCA Plan of Work recently received.1 Views of Dept being forwarded USUN. First reading synopsis indicates at least three objectionable features. These are: general slant of paper, [Page 687] inclusion Soviet Plan of Work2 under new guise; and inaccurate classification of material.

General Slant of Synopsis

Paper generally slanted to emphasize elements of practical proposals rather than “principles in connection with” the regulation of armaments. This may lead into an immediate discussion of Item 4 Plan of Work before completion of Items 2 and 3.

Inclusion of Soviet Plan in Synopsis

Inclusion of Soviet Plan of Work already rejected by majority is transparent device to have it considered on equal basis with new proposals other dels. While it has been US position that CCA Plan of Work does not exclude introduction of pertinent topics nature of Soviet tactic should be clearly indicated and resisted and Soviet plan shown to relate primarily to Item 4. As already noted by dep U.S. rep in October 10 session CCA Soviet plan has little relation to subject matter under Items 2 and 3.

Inaccuracies in Synopsis

Understand inaccuracies of synopsis already called to attention UN Secretariat.

Essential to emphasize that recent developments in CCA such as: (a) Remarks Brit and Aus reps in October 10 CCA session re desirability of proceeding with “planning” as soon as statement of agreed proposals developed; (b) Soviet tactics in reaffirming adherence to unacceptable position and rejected Plan of Work; (c) emphasis in synopsis on elements of practical proposals rather than on principles in connection with regulation of armaments; all make it likely Item 4 may be discussed before prior agreement reached among permanent members on Items 2 and 3 of CCA Plan of Work.

It is our view that without agreement among permanent members on basic principles embraced by Items 2 and 3, questionable whether any further fruitful work can be accomplished by CCA at this time. In event of disagreement among permanent members over principles under Items 2 and 3 seems likely discussions under Item 4 would merely give Soviets opportunity to introduce irresponsible proposals for propaganda purposes and to have them considered on basis equality with those introduced by other dels which would be bound by agreement on principles. Every aspect of Items 2 and 3 should therefore be thoroughly and completely discussed so as to encourage maximum possible agreement. At same time, most important that discussion be so directed as to prevent premature (i.e. before agreement on Items 2 and 3) consideration of Item 4.

[Page 688]

Ref agreement of permanent members on Item 3: means accord on basic principles which should govern a system of safeguards and not necessarily agreement at this time on details such as organization, composition and functions of international supervisory agency. (RAC D–18/2a) July 25,3 1947, already sent Mission.

If it should develop that such broad and fundamental differences exist among the permanent members as to prevent agreement on Items 2 and 3, it may be necessary refer matter SC before further discussions in CCA, since questionable in such circumstances whether CCA could fulfill its terms of reference.4

  1. Regarding the synopsis, see footnote 4, p. 684; the Plan of Work itself is printed as RAC D–13/5, June 19, p. 525.
  2. For text, see telegram 494 from New York, May 21, p. 476.
  3. Ante, p. 574.
  4. The Department transmitted additional objections to the synopsis in telegram 515, October 27 (501.BC Armaments/10–2747).