References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David L.
- ASAT talks
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318, 388
- Nuclear proliferation, 317, 326, 381, 398, 401, 444
- Nuclear testing, 235, 253, 254
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68, 317, 381
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 479, 486, 489, 496, 499, 500
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 113, 120, 129, 135
- U.S.-Argentine relations, 468
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 309
- ABM Treaty (1972), 6, 131, 161
- Acland, Sir Antony, 137
- Acosta Hernandez, Valentin, 288, 432
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Arms Transfer, 269
- Ad Hoc Interagency Group on Nuclear Proliferation, 325, 358, 375, 463, 470
- Adams, Michael, 453
- Aden, Alberto, 439
- Adeniji, Oluyemi, 501
- Adsens, John, 324
- Afghanistan (see also Soviet invasion of Afghanistan)
- Africa (see also Conventional arms transfers to Africa; Ethiopia; Nigeria; South Africa, Republic of)
- Agnew, Harold, 198, 206, 209, 210
- Agreements, international (see also
Biological Weapons Convention (1972);
Comprehensive test ban (CTB); Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963); Tlatelolco Treaty)
- Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (1972), 6, 131, 161
- Argentine-Brazilian agreement on nuclear cooperation, 461, 466
- Ayacucho Declaration, 288, 296, 304
- Ban on new weapons systems (proposed), 153
- Basic Principles of Relations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R (1972), 285, 293
- Brussels Treaty (1948), 342
- Canada-EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1959), 355
- Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (1972), 39
- Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (1975), 39
- Geneva Protocol (1925), 62, 77, 81, 106, 110
- International Telecommunications Convention, 6
- Japan-U.S. Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (1968), 341
- “Measures Agreement to Reduce the Outbreak of Nuclear War,” 6
- Nuclear Test Moratorium (1958), 206, 232, 286
- Outer Space Treaty (1967), 6, 39, 43
- Panama Canal Treaty, 434, 499
- Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE) Treaty, 102, 141, 146, 153, 210, 243
- Rush-Bagot Amendment, 413
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974), 141, 146, 153, 158, 173, 243
- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), 433, 434
- Ahearne, John, 364
- Ahlberg, David, 63
- Air defense systems, 263
- Airborne warning and control system (AWACS), 263, 277, 278, 286, 287
- Aircraft
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 79, 84, 94
- Alarcón de Quesada, Ricardo, 422
- Alaska, 241, 245
- Alcohol as energy source, 427, 433
- Aleksandrov-Argentov, Andrei M., 56, 101, 236, 309
- Alexander, Michael, 242
- Algeria, 146, 300, 359, 471
- Allen, George, 281, 290, 294, 295, 486, 494
- Allen, Lew, Jr., 57
- Alternative energy, 427
- Ammunition, 263, 265
- Anderson, David, 12, 28, 62, 278, 357
- Andreani, Jacques, 157, 476
- Andriotti, Giulio, 342
- Andrus, Cecil D., 2, 5, 27
- Angola, 304
- Angra I reactor (Brazil), 424, 461
- Anthrax
- Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (1972), 6, 131, 161
- Anti-Satellite (ASAT) weapons
- Arms competition in, 6
- Ban on, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 478
- Comprehensive agreement on, 51
- Congressional funding for, 35
- Control of, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 18
- Démarche to Dobrynin on, 49, 50
- DOD position, 7, 9
- High-energy laser weapons’ role as, 15, 26, 40
- No-first-use pledge for, 31
- Office of Science and Technology Policy’s Space Advisory Group report on, 8
- Soviet systems, 4, 9, 28, 34, 35, 40
- Space shuttle seen as, 6, 20, 29, 47, 52, 56, 60
- Special Coordination Committee meetings on
- Survivability of, 6, 8
- Talks on
- First round review, 33
- Second round, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44
- Third round, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54
- Agenda for possible future rounds, 59
- Approval of goals for, 11, 18
- Brezhnev-Carter message exchanges on, 5, 14, 20
- Carter’s desire for, 5, 6
- Definitions as discussed in, 54
- Hostile acts agreement, 52
- Illegal satellites, 42, 43, 44, 46, 53
- Initiation of process for, 1
- Interagency Working Group on, 17, 29, 34, 43
- Issue paper for, 6, 9, 11
- JCS position, 4
- Joint communiqué on, 55
- Options for, 31
- Presidential Directives for, 32, 38, 40
- Priorities in, 36
- Satellite protection, 42, 43, 44
- Satellites shared with third countries, 42, 43, 44
- Scheduling of, 29, 31
- Soviet interest and objectives in, 60
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, effect on, 57, 60
- Special Coordination Committee discussion of options for, 11, 17, 29, 31, 43, 59
- Stalling of, 316
- Status of, 60
- Suspension of testing during talks on, 28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40
- U.S. framework for, 16
- U.S. initiatives for, 12, 13
- U.S. support for, 138
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions, 12, 13, 49, 50
- Vance-Gromyko discussions, 3, 6, 13, 55, 56
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 42, 55, 56
- Testing of
- Treaty on
- U.S. capabilities
- Verification of capabilities for, 4, 6, 13, 30, 31, 59
- York-Shchukin discussion of, 30
- Anti-submarine warfare, 6, 406
- Apartheid, 144
- Arafat, Yasser, 269
- Argentina (see also Argentine Tlatelolco
Treaty accession)
- Ayacucho Declaration, 288
- Biological Weapons Convention adherence by, 453
- Brazilian agreement for nuclear cooperation, 461, 466
- Brazilian nuclear competition with, 401, 417, 422, 443, 445
- Brazilian-U.S. relations, 439
- Comprehensive test ban, 145, 146, 211, 224
- Conventional arms transfers, 260, 297, 300
- FRG nuclear sales to, 462, 466, 467
- Full-scope safeguards for
- INFCE conference, 420, 422
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 327, 439, 443
- Non-ratification of Biological Weapons Convention by, 62
- Nuclear materials and equipment
- Atucha II reactor, 448, 466, 470
- European nuclear fuel transfers, 396
- Heavy water exports to, 420, 429, 439, 445, 448
- Heavy water production technology assistance
- Plutonium production by, 381, 443
- Research reactor exports to Peru, 429, 466
- U.S. highly enriched uranium exports, 463
- U.S. reactor part exports, 470
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing, 417, 426, 439, 443
- Nuclear weapons development by, 415, 431
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 211, 224, 439, 443
- RA–3 reactor, 459, 463
- RA–6 reactor, 459
- Regional equilibrium as need for, 426, 429
- Regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Seismic stations in the Falklands, 251
- Soviet Union, relations with, 468
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 475
- U.S. nuclear cooperation with, 419, 459, 468
- U.S. relations with, 439, 442, 443, 466, 468
- Argentine Commission on Atomic Energy (CNEA), 422, 429, 459
- Argentine Tlatelolco Treaty accession
- ACDA position, 407
- Agreement to, 437
- Announcement of ratification, 439
- Argentine backpedaling on, 365, 453, 460, 462
- Argentine commitment for ratification, 426, 439
- Argentine conditions for, 431
- As requirement for entry into force of treaty, 406, 419
- Carter-Videla talks on, 420, 422, 432
- Delaying in signing, 422, 453
- Possibility of, 469
- Soviet position, 449
- U.S.-Argentine discussions of, 425, 429, 434
- U.S.-French discussion of, 361
- U.S.-Mexican discussion of, 411
- U.S. nuclear cooperation and, 419, 459
- U.S.-Soviet discussions of, 428
- U.S. support for, 419
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussion of, 416
- Warnke’s presentation on, 428
- Arita, Keisuke, 239
- Armacost, Michael, 320, 329, 345, 352
- Armitage, John, 346
- Armored personnel carriers (APCs), 263
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
- Anti-Satellite (ASAT) weapons, 7, 9, 13
- Chemical weapons
- Clinch River reactor funding, 322
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 261, 287, 290, 295, 301, 307, 316
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 489, 491, 492
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 401
- Hostile acts in space, 29, 31
- NPT Review Conference, 388
- Nuclear fuel, 358, 392, 424, 489, 491, 492
- Nuclear proliferation, 210, 211, 343, 348
- Nuclear reprocessing, 344, 354
- Nuclear testing, 158, 161, 172, 248, 254, 255
- Seismic stations, 248, 255
- Special Session on Disarmament, 479, 481, 489, 491, 492, 496
- Sverdlovsk incident, 133, 135
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 407, 425
- U.S. reactor part exports to Argentina, 470
- Arms Export Control Board, 268
- Armstrong, Robert, 242
- Army Chemical Corps, 95
- Arria, Diego, 416
- Ashworth, George, 139
- Aspin Committee, 131
- Assad, Hafez al-, 20
- Atherton, Alfred, 321
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 210
- Atucha II reactor (Argentina), 448, 466, 470
- Aubert, Pierre, 457, 467
- Australia
- Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference, 119
- Chemical weapons, 76, 106
- Comprehensive test ban, 144
- Conventional arms transfers, 268, 269, 270, 271, 275, 276
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 355
- Nuclear cooperation with the United States, 372
- Nuclear fuel exports by, 383
- Nuclear proliferation, 329, 359, 364, 369, 375
- Nuclear reprocessing by, 369
- Seismic stations in, possible, 226, 232
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 477, 501
- Austria, 364, 365, 471, 475, 501
- Ayacucho Declaration, 288, 296, 304
- Aaron, David L.
- B–77 bombs, 146
- BACKSTAY nuclear test, 173
- Bacteriology, 119
- Bahamas, 359, 471
- Baker, Howard, 115, 269
- Balances of terror, 327
- Bangladesh, 471
- Banzer, Hugo, 288
- Barkley, Richard, 445
- Barmon, Ward, 467
- Barneby, Malcolm, 429
- Barnwell reprocessing plant, 323, 329, 338, 364
- Barre, Raymond, 355, 419
- Barry, Robert, 77, 113, 120, 135
- Bartholomew, Reginald
- ASAT talks, 43, 59
- Bessmertnykh talks with, 387
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons, 68, 139
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 190, 197
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68
- Seismic stations, 240, 250, 251
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 473, 487, 488
- Sverdlovsk incident, 129, 130, 135
- Barton Group, 494
- Basic Principles of Relations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R (1972), 285, 293
- Bateman, Worth, 252, 381
- Battlefield surveillance, 6
- Batzel, Roger, 198, 206, 209, 210
- BEAFORT nuclear test, 154, 161
- Beauchataud, Francis, 442
- Becker, Jane, 250
- Begin, Menachim, 191, 233
- Beigel, Edgar, 87, 122, 324
- Belgium
- Belize, 242, 288
- Benavides, Raul, 436
- Benglesdorf, Harold, 345, 448
- Benin, 471
- Bennett, Frank, 369
- Benson, Lucy W., 268, 269, 286, 377
- Benton, Marjorie, 499
- Bergland, Robert, 2, 5, 27
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 320
- Berlin crisis (1958–1961), 146
- Berta, Michael, 59
- Bessmertnykh, Alexander A.
- Bettauer, Ronald, 369, 429, 467
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 321, 327, 357
- Bindschedler, Rudolf, 460
- Bingham, Jonathan B., 375, 381
- Bioconversion, 427
- Biological weapons (BW) (see also Biological Weapons Convention; Sverdlovsk incident), 61, 62, 81, 85, 111
- Biological Weapons Convention (1972) (see also Biological weapons)
- Amounts of biological agents allowed under, 111
- Argentine adherence to, 453
- Article I, 116, 121, 134, 137
- Article V
- Article VI, 109
- Article IX, 119
- Article X, 119
- Encouragement of adherence to, 62
- Lack of verification provisions in, 68
- Peaceful biological research, 119
- Review Conference (Geneva, 1980), 89, 109, 112, 113, 115, 119, 129
- Soviet non-compliance with, 121, 129
- Soviet position, 114
- Swedish initiative for amendment of, 112, 119
- U.S. commitment to, 61, 81
- Bittner, Edward, 266
- Black boxes, 163, 180
- Blackwill, Robert D., 242
- Blechman, Barry
- Bligh, John, 445
- Bloomfield, Lincoln, 381
- Bloomfield, William, 115
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 259, 271
- Boelling, Klaus, 417
- Bohlen, Avis, 79, 122, 175, 240, 387
- Bolivia, 275, 288, 466
- Bombs (see also Enhanced radiation (ER) weapons; Nuclear weapons)
- Bond, Stephen, 47, 59
- Bonight, James, 345
- Boosting, 256
- Booth, Roger, 87, 88, 98
- Boright, John P., 360
- Botha, P.K., 211
- Bottaro Consalvi, Simon, 288
- Bouillet, Jacques, 438
- Bowdler, William G., 211
- Bowie, Robert R., 228, 294, 375
- Bradburn, David, 34, 35, 39, 43, 47, 48
- Braswell, Arnold, 486
- Bratton, Joseph K., 150
- Bray, Charles W., III, 398, 400
- Brayshaw, Charles, 448
- Brazil (see also Brazilian Tlatelolco
Treaty accession; Germany, Federal Republic of, nuclear sales to
- Acceptance of full-scope safeguards by, 395, 399, 412, 419, 433
- Angra I reactor, 424, 461
- Argentine agreement for nuclear cooperation, 461, 466
- Argentine nuclear competition with, 401, 417, 422, 443, 445
- Comprehensive test ban, 145, 146, 210, 211, 214, 224
- Conventional arms transfers, 296, 297
- European nuclear fuel transfers to, 396, 424
- London Suppliers Group membership for, 335
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318, 319, 320, 327, 364
- Nuclear agreements with, 325, 461
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing by, 324, 361, 364, 412
- Peaceful biological research, 119
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 211, 224, 404
- Regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 475, 501
- U.S. nuclear aid to, 419
- U.S. relations with, 397, 400, 403, 404, 439, 443
- Venezuelan nuclear agreement with, 461
- Brazilian Tlatelolco Treaty accession
- Breakout, 6, 9, 11, 18, 27, 35
- Breckon, Lyall, 65, 475, 494
- Breeder reactors
- Clinch River (CRBR), 322, 323, 330, 337, 364
- Economy of, 396
- French export of, 324
- French position, 342
- Funding for, 322
- Gas-cooled, 346
- Kalkar (FRG), 371
- Liquid metal fast (LMFBRs), 334, 337
- Proposal for research on, 346
- Sodium, 346
- Steering committee report on, 337
- Thermal, 373, 377, 384
- U.S. push for agreement on use of, 376
- Brement, Marshall
- Bremer, L. Paul, 453, 454, 467
- Brewster, Kingman, 229, 232, 233, 242, 308
- Brezhnev, Leonid I.
- ASAT, 5, 14, 20, 55, 56
- Chemical weapons, 101
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 283, 309, 310
- Meetings with Carter, 42, 55, 56, 236, 309, 310
- Message exchanges with Carter, 5, 14, 20, 142, 145, 221
- Negative security assurances, 492, 493, 498
- Neutron bomb, 20
- Nuclear proliferation, 332
- Nuclear weapons production halt, 482
- Special Session on Disarmament, 491
- Speeches
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974), 153
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 435, 437, 492
- Toon meetings with, 177
- Vance’s discussions with, 153, 332
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 55, 56, 101, 236
- Bridges, Peter, 324
- British Nuclear Fuels (BNF), 89
- Brown, George S.
- ASAT capabilities, 4, 24
- ASAT talks, 11, 40, 46, 53
- Comprehensive test ban, 147, 148, 178, 198
- Conventional arms transfers, 266, 286, 292
- Nuclear fuel supply, 392
- Nuclear testing, 156, 158, 172, 173
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- PD/NSC–15, 72, 78
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–36, 292
- PD/NSC–38, 203, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Special Session on Disarmament, 478, 479, 483
- Brown, Harold:
- ASAT talks:
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons:
- Comprehensive test ban:
- Carter discussions with DOD officials, proposed, 149
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 201, 221
- Carter meeting with nuclear laboratory officials on, 206
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 216
- JCS position, 148, 178, 220
- Non-proliferation value of, 211, 224
- Nuclear testing during, 191
- On-site inspection quotas, 180
- Peaceful nuclear explosions as accommodated in, 145, 147
- Review conference proposals, 227, 231
- SCC discussion of, 205, 207, 210
- SCC work program for discussions of, 164
- Three year approach, 210, 217
- Trilateral negotiations, 160, 163, 166, 167, 216, 219, 257
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 236
- Conventional arms transfers:
- Coproduction limits, 268, 312
- Dollar volume ceilings, 268
- In FY 1977, 272, 277
- Management of restraints on, 279, 280
- New technology developed for export, 268
- Of sensitive weapons, 268
- PD/NSC–36, 292
- Review of policies for promotion of, 274
- SCC meetings on, 303
- U.S. policy assessment on, 312, 313
- U.S.-Soviet talks on, 303, 306, 307
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 309
- High-energy lasers (HELs), 26
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Mutual and balanced force reductions, 236
- Negative security assurances, 498
- Nuclear proliferation, 317, 375, 382
- Nuclear testing:
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 188, 190, 192, 193, 197
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- PD/NSC–13, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70, 72
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 166, 169
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141, 146, 192
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Special Coordination Committee meetings:
- Special Session on Disarmament, 478, 479
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 406, 407, 409, 413, 440
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 236, 309
- Brown, Kent, 446, 448
- Brussels Treaty (1948), 342
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew:
- ASAT talks:
- Barnwell reprocessing plant, 323
- Carter-Geisel talks, 433
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Carter-Pérez talks, 432
- CBW study proposal, 61
- Chemical weapons:
- Clinch River reactor funding, 322, 323
- Comprehensive test ban:
- Callaghan message to Carter on, 215
- Carter discussions with DOD officials, proposed, 149
- Carter-Dobrynin discussions of, 142
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 201, 221
- Carter-Thatcher talks on, 242
- CD working group on, 390
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 216, 219
- DOE position, 196
- Fixed duration treaty, 197, 198
- JCS position, 220
- Non-proliferation value of, 211, 224
- On-site inspections, 179
- Peaceful nuclear explosions as accommodated by, 145, 147
- Permitted experiments under, 202
- Quadripartite discussions of, 157
- SALT agreement ratification before CTB, 218
- SCC discussions of, 207, 210, 248, 252
- Three year approach, 210, 217
- Trilateral negotiations:
- U.S.-British discussions of, 159
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 153
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 236
- Conventional arms transfers:
- Amounts of, In FY 1977, 272, 277
- Congressional notification of, 263, 265
- Controls over promotion of, Regulations for, 261, 262
- Coproduction limits, 268
- Dobrynin-Brzezinski discussions of, 310
- Dollar volume ceilings, 268
- For new systems, 268
- FY 1978 program, 286
- FY 1979 ceiling, 302
- Management of restraints on, 279, 280
- New technology developed for export, 268
- Of sensitive weapons, 268
- PD/NSC–13, 270
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 266, 268, 286, 287, 290
- Sales of C–130s, 276
- U.S. policy assessment on, 313
- U.S.-Soviet talks on:
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 288
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 309, 310
- Dobrynin’s discussions with, 310
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 347, 355, 374
- Heavy water production technology exports to Argentina, 452, 454, 456, 457, 458
- High-energy lasers (HELs), 15, 26
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Latin American regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Meeting with Jay, 194
- Negative security assurances, 492, 493
- Nuclear fuel exports, 358, 362, 424, 463
- Nuclear proliferation
- Additional conditions for new nuclear cooperation agreements, 339
- Carter-Fukuda talks on, 329
- Carter-Giscard talks on, 361
- Carter’s policy statement on, 331
- Congressional concern over, 366
- European-U.S. differences on, 365
- French nuclear sales to Pakistan, 350
- French policy on, 356
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 399, 401, 404, 427
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 382, 383
- International restraints for slowing of, 323
- London Suppliers Group expansion, 335
- PD/NSC–8, 334, 336, 343
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 317, 328
- Presidential decision on controls over reprocessing, 340
- Smith’s final report on U.S. policy on, 395
- Storage for foreign spent nuclear fuel, 343
- U.S. policy toward, 371, 396
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 416
- Vance’s trip to Brazil, 427
- Nuclear reprocessing, 338, 340, 344, 351, 353, 354
- Nuclear testing
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 188, 190, 192, 197
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155, 161
- PD/NSC–8, 334, 336, 343
- PD/NSC–13, 270
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 145, 147, 169, 183, 186
- Policy Review Committee
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- PRM/NSC 27, 66, 69
- PRM/NSC 37, 86, 92
- Protected vs. illegal satellites, 44
- Seismic stations, 222, 246
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament
- Sverdlovsk incident, 109, 130, 133
- Tlatelolco Treaty
- U.S.-Japanese agreement for Tokai, proposed, 351
- U.S. nuclear reactor part exports to Argentina, 470
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 236, 309, 310
- Buchheim, Robert
- Buchsbaum, Solomon J., 8
- Buckley, Sheila, 87, 88, 104, 129, 135
- Buckley Airfield, 124
- Bujon de L’Estaing, François, 369
- Bulgaria, 471
- Bundestag, 371
- Burman, Allan V., 43, 59
- Burns, David Allan, 89, 94
- Burt, Richard, 57
- Burundi, 471
- Bushnell, John, 305, 468
- Butcher, Suzanne, 58
- Butcher, William, 251
- Byrd, Robert, 115
- Callaghan, Audrey, 191
- Callaghan, James
- Carter meetings with, 191, 192, 198, 499
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 299
- Election loss to Conservatives, 229
- Message exchange with Carter, 215, 218, 299
- Negative security assurances, 498
- Nuclear proliferation, 342
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 191, 192
- Special Session on Disarmament, 491, 492, 499
- Callen, Ivor, 244
- Cambodia, use of chemical weapons in, 104, 106, 107, 108, 122, 126, 128
- Canada
- As London Suppliers Group member, 260, 317
- Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference, 119
- Chemical weapons, 76, 77, 89
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 491
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 355
- Full-scope safeguards, 447, 457, 458, 462
- Heavy water
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 372
- Nuclear assistance to India by, 357
- Nuclear processing plants, 372
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing by France, 349
- Seismic stations in, possible, 226
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 474, 483, 491, 494, 501
- Canada-EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1959), 355
- Canal Zone, 402, 406, 423
- Carasales, Julio Cesar, 420
- Carcinogens, 76
- Carlson, David, 77, 87, 98, 108, 122, 126
- Carnesale, Albert, 375, 384
- Carrea, Antonio, 459, 466
- Carrington, Lord Peter
- Carter, Hodding, III, 57, 104, 127, 316
- Carter, James Earl
- ASAT talks
- Barnwell reprocessing plant, 323, 364
- Chemical weapons
- Chinese People’s Republic, 242
- Clinch River reactor funding, 322, 323, 364
- Comprehensive test ban
- As campaign promise of, 140
- Callaghan-Carter talks on, 191, 192, 198
- Carter-Dobrynin discussions of, 142
- CD working group on, 390, 391
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 214, 219
- Discussion, proposed, with DOD officials on, 149
- Fixed duration treaty
- Gromyko’s discussions of, 153, 168, 201, 212, 221
- Meeting with nuclear laboratories officials on, 206, 209
- Non-proliferation value of, 224
- On-site inspections, 179, 182, 184
- Permitted experiments under, 198, 202
- Press statements on, 140, 144
- SALT agreement ratification before CTB, 218, 221, 237
- SCC work program for discussions of, 164
- Thatcher’s discussions of, 242, 244, 245
- Trilateral negotiations
- British withdrawal from negotiations, 242
- Changing approaches to issues in, 252
- Instructions for, 163, 170, 180, 185
- On-site inspections, 184
- Proposed strategy for, 166
- Review of U.S. strategy for, 214
- Sessions of, 165, 195, 257
- Soviet acceptance of moratorium on peaceful nuclear explosions, 175
- Speeding up of, 199
- U.S.-British discussions of, 159
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 153, 168, 201, 212, 221
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 236
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 204
- Conventional arms transfers
- Ceiling management in, 287
- Concussion bomb sale ban, 263
- Congressional notification of, 263, 265
- Controls over promotion of, Regulations for, 261, 262
- France as obstacle to limits on, 298, 299
- FY 1979 ceiling, 301, 302
- Gromyko’s discussions of, 278
- Legislation on, 264
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 259, 268, 287
- Presidential directive on, 270, 271, 277, 312
- Sales of C–130s, 273, 275, 276
- SCC meetings on, 295
- Submission for approval through, 258
- U.S. policy assessment on, 312, 313
- U.S.-Soviet talks on, 285, 291, 292, 295
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 288
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 309, 310
- Dobrynin’s talks with, CTB, 142
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 412, 417, 426, 427
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 347, 355, 366, 372, 373, 374
- Heavy water production technology exports to Argentina, 457
- High-energy lasers (HELs), 15, 26
- Latin American regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Meetings
- With Barre, 355
- With Begin, 191
- With Brezhnev, 42, 55, 56, 236, 309, 310
- With Callaghan, 191, 192, 198, 499
- With Desai, 361
- With Fukuda, 329
- With Geisel, 433
- With Genscher, 405
- With Giscard, 157, 361, 416, 499
- With Gromyko
- With Huang Chen, 151
- With Lopez Portillo, 402
- With nuclear laboratories officials, 206, 209
- With Pérez, 288, 411, 432
- With Roel García, 414
- With Schmidt, 412, 417, 499
- With SSOD Delegates, 499
- With Thatcher, 242, 244, 245
- With Videla, 420, 422, 432
- Messages
- Namibia, 242
- Negative security assurances, 492, 493, 498
- Neutron bomb, 20
- NPT Review Conference, 390, 391, 393
- Nuclear fuel exports, 358, 424, 463
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Act signed by, 366
- Nuclear proliferation
- Additional conditions for new nuclear cooperation agreements, 339
- Carter-Fukuda talks on, 329
- French policy on, 356
- Full-scope safeguards, 430
- G–7, summit discussion of, 342, 344
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 378, 382, 383
- International restraints for slowing of, 323
- London Suppliers Group expansion, 359
- PD/NSC–8, 330, 334, 336
- Policy review for, 317
- Presidential decision on controls over reprocessing, 340
- Quadripartite discussions of, 326
- Smith’s final report on U.S. policy on, 395
- Statement of fuel cycle evaluation program policy, 331, 333, 338
- Storage for foreign spent nuclear fuel, 343
- U.S.-French talks on, 349, 355, 361
- U.S. policy toward, 364
- U.S. strategy for, 379
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 416
- Vance’s trip to Brazil, 426, 427
- Nuclear reprocessing
- Nuclear testing, 161, 172, 235, 254, 255, 256
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 191, 192, 193
- Operation FULCRUM II, 161
- PD/NSC–8, 330, 334, 336
- PD/NSC–13, 270, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 203
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 170, 171, 183, 186
- Press conferences of, 145, 344
- PRM/NSC 12, 259, 260
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- PRM/NSC 27, 66, 69
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Seismic station numbers, 208
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 57, 245
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 31, 95, 97, 100, 295, 390
- Special Session on Disarmament
- Speeches
- At SSOD (proposed), 486, 488, 489, 491, 492, 493
- During campaign (San Diego, Sept. 1976), 325, 339
- During campaign (United Nations, May 1976), 397
- Inaugural (Jan. 1977), 142
- INFCE organizing conference (Oct. 1977), 364, 373
- OAS Permanent Council (Apr. 1977), 410, 419
- Pan American Day (Apr. 1977), 406, 440
- To USDA employees (Feb. 1977), 403
- UNGA (Mar. 1977), 473, 479, 482, 485, 499
- UNGA (Oct. 1977), 171, 486, 492
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 414, 417, 420, 422, 426, 432, 464
- U.S.-Mexican relations, 444
- U.S. nuclear reactor part exports to Argentina, 470
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 245
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 55, 56, 101, 236, 309, 310
- Visits
- Carter, Rosalyn, 415, 416
- Cartledge, Brian, 233
- Carvalho, Hervesio de, 461
- Casteñeda y Álvarez de la Rosa, Jorge, 450, 464
- Castro, Fidel, 441
- Castro, Raul H., 439, 466
- Castro Madera, Carlos, 422, 429, 439, 450, 459, 468
- CAT. See Conventional arms transfers.
- Cavazos, Richard E., 266
- CBU–72, concussion bombs, 263
- Cecchini, Louis, 430
- Central Europe, 139
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- “Arms Sales to the Third World, 1977” (Intelligence Assessment), 300
- ASAT talks
- “Chemical Warfare in Laos” (CIA paper), 104
- Comprehensive test ban, 180, 184, 222
- Conventional arms transfers, 274, 297, 300
- “Deadlock at the NPT Review Conference: Causes and Consequences” (Intelligence Assessment), 394
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 401
- “Latin American Arms Market: Changing Patterns of Supply” (Intelligence Assessment), 297
- Negative security assurances, 385
- Non-Proliferation Treaty, 368, 370, 385
- “The NPT Review Conference: A Preview” (Intelligence Assessment), 385
- Nuclear fuel access, 358
- “The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty: Looking Toward the 1980 Review” (CIA Paper), 368
- Nuclear proliferation, 342
- “The Politics of INFCE” (CIA Paper), 370
- Seismic station numbers, 222
- “Significance of Recent Developments in Argentine Nuclear Policy” (Intelligence Report), 431
- “Soviet Civil Defense Against Chemical and Biological Warfare” (Intelligence Assessment), 85
- Sverdlovsk incident, 109
- U.S.-Argentine relations, 443
- U.S.-Brazilian relations, 443
- Challenge inspections, 82, 182, 184
- Chaplin, Maxwell, 420, 466
- Chapman, Ray E., 486
- Chayes, Abraham, 375
- Chemical and biological warfare, 81
- Chemical explosions, 223
- Chemical warfare, 95, 132
- Chemical weapons (CW)
- Approval of U.S. posture for limitation of, 69
- British draft UNGA resolution, 89
- Canadian/Polish draft UNGA resolution on, 77
- CCD focus on limitations on, 61
- CCD role in discussion of, 63, 66, 89, 94, 98, 102
- Challenge inspections of, 82
- Chinese People’s Republic’s capabilities for use of, 90
- Chinese People’s Republic’s ratification of treaty on, 74, 94, 101
- Congressional attitude toward, 96, 97
- Consultation with Allies on, 87, 89, 94, 106, 107, 126
- Disposition of, 73
- DOD position, 78
- Facilities for, 80, 88, 89, 94, 99
- FRG draft treaty on, 69
- Funding for binary weapons
- Herbicides, 81, 118
- House Resolution against use in Indochina of, 104
- Incapacitants, 71, 81
- Irritants, 76, 99, 118
- Legislation on, 69
- NATO attitude toward, 96
- NATO capabilities for, 123, 132
- NATO disarmament experts discussion of, 65
- NATO study on, proposed, 94
- Negotiations on (see also
Verifications below):
- Agreed key elements proposal, 71, 73
- Briefing of allies on, 76
- CD working group, 98, 104, 105, 118, 136
- Confidence-building measures for, 70, 73, 94
- Convention on, 79, 86
- Destruction of stocks, 94, 136
- Development of joint initiative through, 77
- Drafting group issues, 102
- During SSOD, 79, 83
- Focus for, 90
- Guidance for U.S. Delegation, 79, 83, 88, 98, 108, 126
- JCS position, 100
- Joint U.S.-Soviet statements, 98
- Presentation of Soviet draft convention during, 73
- Progress report on, 126
- Rounds:
- Soviet foreign policy as affected by, 283
- Soviet position, 82
- Soviet slowdown in, 128, 136
- Staffing of Delegations for, 102
- Stalemate in, 80
- U.S. objectives in, 63, 69
- U.S.-Soviet working group, 65, 76, 118
- U.S. support for, 138
- U.S. topics for discussion in, 69, 83
- Use of CW in Asia as topic in, 108, 126, 128
- Nerve gas, 82
- No-first-use policy on, 81
- Non-circumvention of agreements on, 90, 98
- Non-transfer of, 90, 98
- PD/NSC–15, 70, 72, 78, 81, 86, 95
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- Precursors, 76, 82, 90, 98, 118
- PRM/NSC 27, 66, 67, 69
- PRM/NSC 37, 86, 92, 95
- Quadrilateral consultations on, 87, 89, 94, 106, 107, 126
- Research and development of, 75
- Riot-control agents, 74, 76, 81, 82, 84, 99
- Soviet Civil Defense against, 85
- Soviet draft treaty on, 69, 73
- Soviet stockpiles of, 94
- Soviet superiority in, 68, 69
- Special Coordination Committee meetings on
- Study proposal on, 61
- Teratogens, 76
- Toxicity criteria for, 73, 80, 82, 84, 88, 118, 136
- Treaty ratification by UNSC permanent members, 74, 76, 101, 118
- UN Committee on Disarmament’s instructions on, 98
- U.S.-British consultations on, 70, 79, 83, 87, 89
- U.S.-Federal Republic of Germany consultations on, 63, 70, 79, 83
- U.S.-French consultations on, 70, 79, 83, 106, 107, 110
- U.S. military options for, 68
- U.S. overseas stocks of, 139
- U.S. policy toward, 61, 81, 132
- U.S. retaliatory capability, 132
- U.S. stockpiles of
- Use in Asia of
- Use in Cambodia, 104, 106, 107, 108, 122, 126, 128
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73
- Verification
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 101
- Weteye bombs, 123, 124
- World War I casualties from, 69
- Chemical Weapons Backstopping Committee, 100
- Chernenko, Konstantin U., 56, 101, 236, 309
- Chile
- Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCEN), 436
- China, People’s Republic of
- As NPT non-signer, 364
- Carter-Thatcher discussions of, 242
- CD role of, 104
- Chemical weapons capabilities of, 90
- Chemical weapons treaty ratification by, 74, 94, 101
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 282, 283, 303, 304
- Nuclear accident reporting, 488
- Nuclear proliferation, 375
- Nuclear testing by, 146
- OPANAL, 449
- Pakistani nuclear weapons development, 376
- Satellites of, 42, 43, 45, 47
- Soviet Union, relations with, 94
- Special Session on Disarmament, 494, 501
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 406
- U.S. relations with, 146, 163
- U.S. space cooperation with, 60
- Vance visit (1977), 351
- Christopher, Warren M.
- Argentine-U.S. relations, 468
- ASAT talks, 29, 43
- ASAT testing, 34, 35
- Chemical weapons, 68, 77, 79, 88, 96
- Comprehensive test ban, 224, 252
- Conventional arms transfers
- Dobrynin’s discussions with, 131
- FRG nuclear sales to Argentina, 462
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 389, 400, 401, 404, 405, 412
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 355
- NPT Review Conference, 389
- Nuclear proliferation, 321, 335, 340, 377, 381, 382, 383
- Nuclear reprocessing, 351, 353, 354
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68, 381
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Soviet high-yield nuclear testing, 254
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 473, 491, 496
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 113, 129, 130
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 414
- Church, Frank F., 115, 375
- Civil Defense, 85
- Clapp, Priscilla, 282, 295, 299, 305
- Clark, Richard C., 269
- Classification of information, 27
- Classified documents, 93, 451
- Claytor, W. Graham, Jr., 253, 254, 381, 468
- Clift, Denis, 376
- Clinch River breeder reactor (CRBR) project, 322, 323, 330, 337, 364
- CNEA (Argentine Commission on Atomic Energy), 422, 429, 459
- Co-orbital jamming, 8
- Coal mining, 427
- Cochran, Thomas, 337
- Coll, Jorge, 422, 445, 459
- Colombia, 401, 419, 441, 471, 494
- Combs, Richard, 122, 387
- Command-and-control capability, 6
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 245, 468, 470
- Commercial arms sales, 260, 261
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 476
- Committee on Disarmament (CD) (see also
Conference of the Committee on Disarmament)
- Chemical weapons
- Australian proposal for technical seminars, 106
- CD instructions on, 98
- Destruction of stocks of, 94
- Negotiating working group on, 98, 104, 105, 118, 136
- Progress report on negotiations, 126
- Quadrilateral discussions of, 107
- U.S. discussion on, 98, 104, 105, 118, 136
- Use in Asia of, 106, 110
- Work on CW convention in, Soviet position, 102
- Chinese People’s Republic’s role in, 104
- Comprehensive test ban treaty
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban (CTB) (see also
On-site inspections; Peaceful nuclear explosions; SCC meetings on
comprehensive test ban; Seismic stations; Verification)
- Algerian position, 146
- Allied views in UN context on, 144
- Articles of proposed treaty, 212, 231
- As Carter’s campaign promise, 140
- ASAT test ban’s affect on, 40
- Australian position, 144
- Black boxes, 163, 180
- Brazilian participation in, 145, 146, 210
- British position, 143, 171, 179, 215
- British role in, 159, 187
- Carter discussion with DOD officials, proposed, 149
- Carter-Dobrynin discussions of, 142
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 153, 168, 201, 212, 221
- Carter’s press statements on, 140, 144
- CCD role in, 204
- CCD talks on, 153, 164, 214
- CD working group on
- Challenge inspections, 182, 184
- Chemical explosions as verification obstacle, 223
- Chilean position, 146
- Chinese People’s Republic’s adherence to
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 214, 216, 219
- Coordination of language in Special Session on Disarmament on, 494
- Criteria for renewal of, 203
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 491
- Danish position, 144
- DOD position, 148, 178, 192
- DOE position, 196
- Dutch position, 144
- Egyptian position, 146
- Entry into force of treaty on, 165, 166, 205
- Fixed duration treaty
- British position, 197, 213, 215
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 201, 221
- Carter’s approval of, 198, 200
- JCS position, 197, 198, 220, 232
- Resumption of testing after, 198, 200
- Review conference proposals, 194, 215, 227, 228, 231
- SCC meetings on, 197, 198, 200, 207, 210
- Seismic stations for three-year treaty, 197, 198, 207, 209, 213
- Soviet position, 221
- Three vs. five year options, 197, 198, 210, 213
- Three year treaty approach, 208, 209, 210, 217
- Verification and treaty length, 213
- French adherence to
- Icelandic position, 144
- Implementing options for, 146
- Indian participation in
- Indonesian position, 146
- Italian position, 143, 144
- Japanese position, 144
- JCS position
- Mexican position, 144
- NATO perspectives on, 143
- New Zealand position, 144
- Nigerian position, 144
- Non-proliferation value of, 146, 210, 211, 220, 224, 225, 348
- Norwegian position, 144
- Nuclear testing during, 191, 202
- Nuclear weapons design laboratories directors’ positions, 198, 206, 209, 210
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability under, 146, 178, 188, 192, 213
- Peaceful nuclear explosions (PNEs) under
- Periodic treaty review, 193
- Permitted experiments
- Portuguese position, 144
- Preamble to treaty, 252
- Presidential Directive on (proposed), 210
- Quadrilateral discussions of, 157
- Ratification provisions for extension of, 198, 200, 208, 227
- Replacement treaty problem, 227
- Safeguards in, 102, 359
- Safeguards Plan, 200, 205, 207, 210
- SALT linkage with
- Self-regulation of, 193
- Senate ratification of, prospects for, 212
- Senate ratification provision for treaty extensions, 198, 200, 208, 227
- South African position, 146, 211, 224
- Soviet draft treaties, 160, 165, 251
- Soviet expression of interest in, 140, 142, 146
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as affecting, 244, 250
- Spanish position, 146, 211
- Sverdlovsk incident’s effect on, 248
- Swedish position, 144, 160, 184
- Talks seen as unproductive, 241, 250
- Treaty renewal, 203, 228, 231
- Trilateral negotiations
- British position, 171
- British withdrawal from, 236, 237, 240, 242
- CD working group, effect on, 390, 393
- Changing approaches to issues in, 252
- Continuation during NPT Review Conference of, 244
- Duration of treaty, proposals for, 180, 182
- ERDA assessment of, 189
- Failure to complete before NPT Review Conference, 232, 237
- Guidance for, 228
- Lack of progress in, 237, 257
- New Soviet instructions on, 174, 177
- Peaceful nuclear explosions issue as obstacle to agreement in, 165
- Progress in before NPT Review Conference, 240, 248
- Proposed strategy for, 166, 167, 174
- Review of U.S. strategy for, 214, 216
- Scheduling of initial talks, 162
- Sessions
- Soviet acceptance of moratorium on peaceful nuclear explosions, 175, 176, 183, 189, 199, 212
- Speeding up of, 199
- Status of verification issues at, 223
- Timing for, likely, 195
- U.S.-British discussions of, 159
- U.S. instructions for, 163, 170, 180, 181, 185, 219
- U.S. preparations for, 160
- U.S. proposed memorandum for Dobrynin on, 166
- Weakening of Soviet position on peaceful nuclear explosions, 171, 189
- Working groups, 247
- Turkish position, 144, 146
- U.S. advocacy for multilateral adoption of, 151
- U.S.-British discussions of
- U.S.-Chinese People’s Republic discussions of, 151
- U.S. negotiating position finalization, 160
- U.S. Non-Paper on, 243
- U.S.-Soviet exploratory discussions (June 1977), 162
- U.S.-Soviet relations as affected by, 146
- U.S. statements on, 146
- Vance-Brezhnev discussions of, 153
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 243
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 153, 165, 168, 212, 223
- Verification
- As obstacle to agreement on PNEs, 146, 195
- As primary Soviet concern in negotiations, 189
- British role in, 187
- By national technical means, 156, 160, 209, 212
- Capability for, 146, 163
- DOE position, 196
- Group of 77, position on, 390, 391
- International seismic data exchange, 189
- OSTP review, 230
- Peaceful nuclear explosions as problem for, 146
- Prenotification of chemical explosions, 223
- Role in Senate ratification of, 212
- Status of verification issues at trilateral negotiations, 223
- Swedish proposals, 153, 160, 184
- Treaty length and, 213
- U.S.-British discussions of, 244
- U.S.-Soviet discussions of, 153, 165, 182
- Warnke-Petrosyants discussion of, 199
- Withdrawal from treaty on, 176, 177, 184, 189, 190, 206
- Yugoslav position, 144
- Zero-yield testing, 202
- Conference of Non-Aligned Nations (Colombo, 1976), 471
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD) (see also Committee on Disarmament)
- Allied views on, 144
- Ban on new weapons systems (proposed), 153
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban, 160, 163, 164, 195, 204, 214, 247
- Conclusion of, 84
- French role in, 494
- Genetic engineering, 89
- Reconstitution of, 212
- Special Session on Disarmament, 475, 494
- Structural revisions of, possible, 473
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 437
- Confidence-building, 70, 73, 94, 478
- Congdon, Michael, 65, 402, 473, 477
- Congress, Acts of (see also Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Act)
- Environmental Policy Act, 69
- Foreign Assistance Act, 269
- Humphrey-Kennedy Amendment, 468
- International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act (1976), 260, 263, 264
- P.L. 480, 376
- Security Assistance Authorization for FY 1978 (1977), 264
- Symington Amendment, 376
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussion of, 432
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congress, Acts of)
- ASAT program funding by, 35
- Chemical weapons
- Conventional arms transfers
- Full-scope safeguards, 361
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Act as guidance for, 366
- Nuclear proliferation, 366, 383
- Nuclear reprocessing, 364, 381
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 188, 190
- Plutonium exports, 352, 353
- Special Session on Disarmament, 488
- Sverdlovsk incident, 115, 127, 129
- Consalvi Bottaro, Simon Alberto, 416, 430, 432
- Constitution, U.S., 166
- Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (1972), 39
- Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (1975), 39
- Conventional arms transfers (CAT) (see also
Conventional arms transfers to Africa; Conventional arms transfers
to Iran; Conventional arms transfers to Latin America)
- Allied discussion of (proposed), 298
- Ammunition re-supply, 263, 265
- Assessment of policy on, 312, 313
- Carter-Brezhnev discussions of, 309
- Ceiling management in, 286, 287, 312
- Channels for, 261
- Congressional notification of Ford administration-era sales, 260, 262, 263, 265
- Controls over promotion of, 260, 261, 262, 270, 271, 274
- Coproduction limits, 268, 270, 271, 285, 303, 304, 312
- Deferral of requests for, 263
- Dollar volume ceilings on, 258, 268, 270, 271, 277
- Employment of U.S. citizens for overseas projects, 268
- Exemption from controls on, 268, 269, 270, 271
- For new systems, 268
- France as obstacle to limits on, 299
- From Israel, 297
- From the Soviet Union, 283, 288, 297, 300
- FY 1977 amounts, 268, 272, 277, 300
- FY 1978 program, 286, 287, 302
- FY 1979 ceiling, 301, 302
- FY 1980 sales, 312
- Incentives for stimulation of, 268
- Interim restraint measures (IRMs), 304
- International Traffic in Arms regulations, 273
- Legislation on, 264
- London Suppliers Group guidelines as precedent for agreement on, 284, 285
- Management of restraints on, 279, 280
- Multilateral restraints on
- British position, 267, 308
- Efforts for encouragement of, 260
- French position, 267, 298, 299, 308
- FRG position, 267, 308
- JCS position, 301
- Lack of progress in, 312, 313
- LDC position, 481
- Mondale’s talks with allies on, 258
- Presidential directive on, 270, 271, 277, 312
- Soviet attitudes toward, 283
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 267
- New technology developed for export, 268
- OAS discussion of, 296
- Pipeline and pending sales, 260, 262
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 266, 268, 286, 287, 290, 291
- Qualitative and quantitative controls, 312
- Reduction in amount of, 258, 260, 261, 296, 302, 303
- Regional Working Groups, 295
- Significant combat equipment, 261, 270, 271, 273, 275
- Soviet paper on, 315
- Special Coordination Committee meetings on, 281, 294, 295, 303, 306
- Special Session on Disarmament
- State Department strategy for limits on, 286
- Study on consequences of, 280
- Submission for approval to Carter, 258
- Supplier/recipient consultations, 304
- Third party transfers, 268, 285, 312
- To Australia, 268, 269, 270, 271
- To Egypt, 263, 268, 283
- To Iraq, 283, 300
- To Israel, 263, 265, 267, 268, 269, 271, 289
- To Japan, 268, 269, 270, 271
- To Korean Republic, In FY 1977, 268
- To low-income countries, 268
- To Middle East, 283
- To NATO members in FY 1977, 268
- To New Zealand, 268, 269, 270, 271
- To Pakistan, 268
- To Persian Gulf states, 260, 263, 280, 304
- To Peru, 263, 283, 297
- To Saudi Arabia, 268, 300
- To Spain, 268
- To the Third World (CIA paper), 300
- Types of, 260
- U.S. policy on
- U.S.-Soviet talks on
- ACDA position, 290, 295, 307
- Bartholomew-Mendelevich discussions, 311, 314, 315
- Briefing of Chinese People’s Republic on, 282
- Carter-Gromyko discussions, 278
- Dobrynin-Brzezinski discussions, 310
- DOD position, 290, 294, 295, 306
- Guidance for, 304
- Israeli sales, 297
- Latin America, 290, 293, 296, 303, 304, 305, 314
- Mexico City, Dec. 1978, 303, 304, 305
- PD/NSC–36, 291, 292
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 286, 287, 290, 291
- Regional vs. functional emphasis in, 289, 290
- Reports on, 284, 293, 296, 305
- SCC meetings on, 281, 294, 295, 303, 306
- Soviet areas of focus in, 304
- Soviet attitudes and approaches to, 283, 289
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as affecting, 57, 316
- Stalling of, 316
- Three-part framework for, 296
- U.S. embassy Moscow perspectives on, 283, 289
- U.S. Non-Paper on, 285
- U.S.–ROK discussions of, 303
- U.S. strategy on, 260, 281
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions, 260, 267, 278
- Vance-Gromyko discussions, 267, 315
- Western European views on, 308
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 288
- Vance meeting with Senators on, 269
- Vance’s report to Congress on, 316
- Conventional arms transfers to Africa
- Conventional arms transfers to Iran
- Conventional arms transfers to Latin America
- British, 288, 297
- By Federal Republic of Germany, 297
- Changing patterns of supply, 297
- French, 288, 297
- Israeli, 297
- Latin American and Caribbean conventional weapons meetings, 296, 299, 304, 305
- Limitation of, 283
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 266, 290
- Self-restraint in, 296
- Soviet, 283, 288, 297
- Study on consequences of, 280
- U.S. policy, 499
- U.S.-Soviet talks on, 290, 293, 296, 303, 304, 305, 314
- Western European, 297
- Coon, Jane, 341, 381
- Cooper, Frank, 232, 242
- Coprocessing, 344, 353
- Coproduction limits, 268, 270, 271, 285, 303, 304, 312
- Corden, Pierre, 159
- COREDIF, 328
- Cotter, Donald H., 150
- Council of Europe, 476
- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 322, 358
- Coutinho, Dirciu, 461
- Crimmins, John
- Crocker, Gary, 122
- Cuba (see also Cuban Tlatelolco Treaty accession)
- Cuban Tlatelolco Treaty accession
- ACDA memorandum on, 407
- As requirement for entry into force of treaty, 406, 435
- Colombian representations over, 441
- Cuban conditions for, 421, 423, 434
- Cuban refusal of, 441, 450, 465
- Guantanamo’s inclusion and, 402, 434
- Nuclearization of Puerto Rico and, 423
- OPANAL position, 423, 450
- Soviet encouragement of, 415, 423
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 465
- Soviet signing and, 418, 435
- U.S. support of Latin American encouragement of, 415
- Cubillos Sallato, Hernan, 436
- Culbertson, Philip, 35, 59
- Cunningham, George, 381
- Cunningham, Woody, 468
- Cutter, W. Bowman, 5, 17
- Cyprus, 471
- Czechoslovakia, 6, 283, 359, 471
- Dalton, James E., 100
- DANBO nuclear test, 154, 161
- DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 6, 16
- Dashiell, Thomas, 139
- Davies, Thomas D.
- Davis, Dickson, 286
- Davis, Jack, 468
- Davis, Lynn, 68, 104, 135, 286, 486
- Declaration on Disarmament, 477
- Defense, British Ministry of (MOD), 159
- Defense, Soviet Ministry of, 128
- Defense, U.S. Department of (DOD) (see also
Office of the Secretary of Defense)
- ASAT talks, 28, 34, 35, 37, 44
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 489, 490, 492
- DOE cooperation with, 178, 484
- Hostile acts in space, 29, 31
- Japanese reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, 344
- Nuclear fuel, 358, 392
- Nuclear testing, 161, 254, 256
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 188, 192, 202
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 167, 169, 183
- PRM/NSC 16, 146, 148, 192
- Special Session on Disarmament, 489, 490, 492
- Technology transfers to the Soviet Union, 245
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 409, 440
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 6, 16
- Deming, Rust, 369
- Democratic Party, 140
- Denend, Leslie G.
- Denmark, 76, 144, 364, 474, 501
- Desai, Morarji
- Détente, 499
- Detinov, Nikolay N., 168, 201, 221, 487
- Deutsch, John, 112
- Development and disarmament
- Devine, James, 346
- Diaz Bessone, Ramón G., 422
- Diego Garcia, 251
- Diet, Japanese, 353
- Dinneen, Gerald, 43
- Disarmament (see also Special Session on
- CIA Intelligence Assessment, 394
- Declaration on, 494
- Development and, 119, 475, 477, 478, 481, 486, 494
- Experts meetings, 65, 143, 471, 474
- Indian position, 471
- Machinery for, 494
- Nuclear proliferation’s affect on, 477
- Sri Lankan position, 471
- Ten Year Program for, 486, 488
- U.S. eight objectives in, 495
- Yugoslav position, 471, 477
- Dobbins, James F., Jr., 152, 157, 326, 357, 476
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F.
- ASAT, Vienna Summit discussion of, 55, 56
- ASAT talks
- Brzezinski’s discussions with, 310
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons, 64, 101, 117
- Christopher’s discussions with, 131
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 260, 267, 278, 309, 310
- Earle’s discussions with, 131, 134
- Muskie’s discussions with, 138
- Nuclear proliferation, 332
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 183
- Seismic stations, 166
- Soviet high-yield nuclear testing, 253
- Special Session on Disarmament, 487
- Sverdlovsk incident, 117, 129, 130, 131, 134
- Vance’s discussions with, 117, 243, 260, 267, 278
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 55, 56, 101, 236, 309, 310
- Documents not declassified, 93, 451
- Dodson, Christine, 227, 431
- Domestic Council, 322
- Downhole units, 237, 241, 247
- Duff, Robert, 159
- Dugway Army Depot, 124
- Duncan, Charles W.
- ASAT Treaty, 17, 43
- Chemical weapons, 68, 96
- Comprehensive test ban, 149, 210
- Conventional arms transfers, 266
- Nuclear proliferation in the post-INFCE era, 375, 377, 381
- Nuclear testing, 235, 249, 255, 256
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68, 266
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 17, 43, 96, 210
- Special Session on Disarmament, 488, 489
- Earle, Ralph W., II
- East Asia, 304
- Eastern Europe, 501
- Economic System of Latin America and the Caribbean (SELA), 416, 432
- Ecton, Stephen, 351
- Ecuador, 288, 297, 449
- Edmonds, John
- Egypt
- Eighteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution, 166
- Einaudi, Luigi, 296, 423
- Einhorn, Robert, 120, 184, 223, 250, 251, 402, 423
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 233, 482
- Eizenstat, Stuart E., 27, 206, 358, 381, 382
- Eklund, Sigvard A., 373, 449
- Elections
- Electronic countermeasures systems, 263
- Electronic intelligence (ELINT), 4
- Electronic warfare (EW), 6, 8
- Eltz, Regina, 398
- Emergency Action Message, 6
- Energy, U.S. Department of (DOE)
- Alternative nuclear technologies, 364
- Comprehensive test ban, 184, 197, 198, 202, 206, 209, 210
- Cutoff and transfer, 484
- Defense programs of, 230
- DOD cooperation with, 178, 484
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Act as guidance for, 366
- Nuclear testing, 235, 254, 256
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 183
- Seismic stations, 196, 248, 254, 255
- Special Session on Disarmament, 488, 492
- U.S. reactor part exports to Argentina, 470
- Energy conservation, 342
- Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)
- Clinch River reactor funding, 322
- Comprehensive test ban, 147, 160, 180, 189, 196
- Japanese reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, 344
- Nuclear fuel access, 358
- Nuclear proliferation, 317, 343
- Nuclear testing, 150, 154, 155, 156, 158, 172
- Operation CRESSET, 172
- Operation FULCRUM II, 161
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 147, 160
- Seismic stations, 160
- Tokai nuclear plant, 238
- Enhanced radiation (ER) weapons (see also Bombs; Neutron bomb; Nuclear weapons), 480, 481, 482, 494
- Environmental impact statements (EISs), 123
- Environmental modification (ENMOD), 283
- Environmental Policy Act, 69
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 358
- Erb, Guy F., 288, 432
- Erramuspe, Hugo, 466
- Escovar Salom, Ramón, 411, 416
- Eshes, Michael, 305
- Eskdalemuir, 234, 240
- Espil, Jorge A. Aja, 420, 429, 432
- Estrada, Jaime, 436
- Ethiopia
- EURATOM (see also U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1958))
- EURODIF, 328, 342
- Europe
- European Coal and Steel Community, 326
- European Community (EC), 344, 348, 363, 373, 420
- European Economic Community (EEC), 347, 476
- European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium (EURODIF), 328, 342
- Evader MARV re-entry vehicle, 146
- Evans, Benjamin C., 431
- Evans, Rowland, 440
- Executive Order No. 11850, 81, 82
- Export controls, 261
- Export-Import Bank, 478, 488
- “Eyes and ears of peace” proposal, 488, 489
- Facer, Roger, 232
- Fakley, Dennis, 187, 244
- Falk, George, 402
- Falkland Islands, 251, 422
- Far East, 146
- Farley, Philip J., 356, 367, 375, 423
- Federal Energy Administration (FEA), 358
- Federal Register, 261, 262
- Ferguson, Ewen A. J., 157, 476
- Figueirido, Reinaldo, 288, 432, 461
- Finarelli, Michael, 120
- Finarelli, Peggy, 129, 139
- Finch, Lawrence, 79, 98, 199, 223, 244
- Findley, Paul, 375, 419
- Finland, 449, 478, 501
- Fisher, Adrian
- Fleischer, Eric, 170, 351
- Fleischer, Lowell, 282, 284
- Fletcher, James C., 2
- Flood, Susan, 446, 486, 494
- Floweree, Charles C.
- Fonseka, Ignatius Benedict, 389
- Ford, Gerald R.
- Ford Foundation, 334
- Ford/Mitre study, 344
- Foreign Affairs, Soviet Ministry of (MFA), 283
- Foreign Assistance Act, 269
- Foreign Military Sales Program (FMS)
- Foreign Nuclear Policy Council (France), 357
- Four-Power Summit (London, May 1977), 326
- France (see also French nuclear sales to
- As NPT non-signer, 327, 364
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 494
- Conventional arms transfers
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 486
- Elections (1978), 364
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 347, 348, 349, 355, 356
- India, relations with, 357
- London Suppliers Group, 260, 317, 324, 356
- Nuclear power, 349
- Nuclear proliferation
- French policy on, 356, 377
- Fuel cycle evaluation program role for avoidance of, 336, 338, 355
- Full-scope safeguards for prevention of, 347, 348, 357, 377, 388
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379
- Quadripartite discussions of, 326
- U.S. controls for, 430
- U.S.-French discussions of, 324, 347, 348, 395
- U.S.-French talks on, 324, 347, 349, 355, 357, 361
- Nuclear reprocessing
- Nuclear testing by, 146
- OPANAL, 438, 449, 464
- Pakistani relations with, 350
- South African nuclear weapons development, 376
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 474, 476, 494, 501
- Tlatelolco Treaty
- U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1958), 347, 349, 430
- U.S. highly enriched uranium exports to, 463
- U.S. relations with, Soviet attempts at manipulation of, 163
- François-Poncet, Jean, 361, 378
- Frank, Richard, 5
- French Guiana, 442
- French nuclear sales to Pakistan
- Fretwell, John, 250
- Fri, Robert W.
- Fritzel, Roger, 494
- Fromowitz, Samuel, 346
- Frosch, Robert
- Fuel bank, 358, 364
- Fuel cycle evaluation program (FCEP) (see
also International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE)
- Allied contacts on, 326, 331, 333
- British position, 342
- Carter’s decision on reprocessing, 340
- Carter’s policy statement on, 331, 333, 338
- Establishment of ad hoc NSC group on, 330
- For avoidance of nuclear proliferation, 336, 338, 355
- French position, 347, 348, 349, 356
- IAEA’s coordination with, 346
- Japanese position, 341, 344
- London Suppliers Group and, 342
- Multinational centers for regional processing capacity, 323, 348
- Need for, 325
- Outline of proposal for, 346
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- Politics of (CIA paper), 370
- Purpose and functions of, 328
- Reprocessing as question for inclusion within, 338
- Soviet position, 348
- Status reports on, 372, 373
- Study for, 361, 366, 432
- Types of fuel cycles, 336
- U.S.-French talks on, 355
- U.S. policy on, 330
- Fukuda, Takeo
- Full-scope safeguards (see also Nuclear
proliferation), 364
- British model, 411
- Canadian position, 447, 457, 458, 462
- European adoption of, possible, 384, 395
- For Argentina
- For Brazil, 395, 399, 412, 419, 433
- For Egypt, 364
- For heavy water, 454, 457, 460
- For India, 361, 364, 430, 482
- For Iraq, 395
- For Israel, 364, 395
- For Japan, 352
- For prevention of nuclear proliferation, 327, 339, 347, 348
- For South Africa, 364, 395
- For Spain, 364
- For Venezuela, 430
- French position, 347, 348, 357, 377, 388
- FRG position, 384, 447
- Lack in EURATOM of, 333, 348, 360, 363, 367
- London Suppliers Group and, 347
- Progress in establishment of, 364
- Soviet position, 363
- U.S.–FRG discussion of, 384
- U.S. legislation for support of, 361
- U.S. position, 373
- G–7 Summit (May 1977), 326, 342
- Galluci, Robert, 467
- Gandhi, Rajiv, 166
- García Robles, Alfonso, 410, 423, 501
- Garrison, Mark, 168, 423, 487
- Gasberri, George, 122
- Gathwright, Wreathem, 176, 417
- Geisel, Ernesto B.
- Argentine-Brazilian nuclear competition, 417
- Rosalyn Carter meeting with, 415, 416
- Carter meetings with, 433
- Carter’s messages to, 412, 415, 424
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil
- Nuclear fuel imports from the United States, 424
- Pérez’ meeting with, 432
- Transition from Presidency of, 461
- Vance meetings with, 425, 426, 427
- Gelb, Leslie H.
- Gelner, Michael, 122
- General Conference for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (OPANAL)
- Genetic engineering, 89
- Geneva Conference on Middle East (proposal), 20
- Geneva Conference on Special Weapons, 304
- Geneva Protocol (1925), 62, 77, 81, 106, 110
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 146, 283, 471
- Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG) (see
also Germany, Federal Republic of, nuclear sales to Brazil)
- As London Suppliers Group member, 260, 317
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban, 144, 157, 214
- Conventional arms transfers, 267, 297, 298, 300, 308
- EURATOM and IAEA safeguards, 367
- Full-scope safeguards, 384, 447, 457, 462
- Heavy water
- International Atomic Energy Agency board, 359
- Negative security assurances, 488, 492, 498
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318, 319, 333
- Nuclear proliferation
- Argentine-IAEA negotiations, 443
- FRG nuclear sales to Argentina, 462, 466, 467
- FRG reprocessing plants, 325, 328, 334, 342, 372, 377
- Fuel cycle evaluation program role for, 336
- Full-scope safeguards for prevention of, 384, 447, 462
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 376, 377, 379, 384
- Quadripartite discussions of, 326
- U.S. as supplier of uranium to, 325, 371
- U.S.–FRG discussions of, 395
- Pakistani nuclear weapons development, 384
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 474, 476, 494
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 397
- U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1958), 347, 363, 384
- U.S. highly enriched uranium exports to, 333, 463
- U.S. relations with, 401
- Germany, Federal Republic of, nuclear sales to Brazil
- Brazil’s questioning of value of, 361, 364
- Carter-Schmidt discussion of, 412, 417
- French position, 364, 416
- FRG position, 333, 342, 398, 417
- London Suppliers Group expansion and, 335
- New U.S. approach to, 401, 427
- Slowing of program for, 461
- Soviet position, 367, 433
- U.S.-Brazilian consultations, 400, 404
- U.S.-Brazilian relations as affected by, 397, 399, 403, 404, 443
- U.S. position, 357, 369, 397
- U.S.-Soviet discussion of, 332
- Ghana, 494, 501
- Giller, Edward, 190, 197, 223, 228
- Gilligan, John, 479, 488
- Gilmour, Ian, 233
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valery
- Carter meetings with, 157, 361, 416, 499
- Carter’s letters to, 299, 347
- Conventional arms transfers, 297, 298
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 347, 355
- Nuclear proliferation, 342, 347, 361, 378, 416
- Pakistani-French relations, 350
- Special Session on Disarmament, 491, 499
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 433, 438, 449
- Visit to Latin America (Aug. 1978), 442
- Givan, William D., 223
- Glassman, Jon D.
- Glenn, John H., 269, 375
- Gleysteen, William, 281, 303, 345
- Goheen, Robert F., 213
- Goldsmith, Sydney, 181, 345
- Goldstein, Martin, 471, 475
- Gompert, David C., 34, 35, 486
- Gonzalez, Raymond E., 449
- Gonzalez Galves, Sergio, 411, 415, 444, 450
- Goodall, Harry, 98
- Goodby, James E., 239
- Goodman, Dennis, 122
- Goodpaster, Andrew, 467
- Gorman, Thomas, 284
- Goronwy-Roberts, Baron, 62
- Granger, James, 120
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Greece, 76, 144, 263
- Greenberg, Robert A., 5
- Griffin, Jack, 244
- Griffiths, Eldon, 421
- Gromyko, Andrei A.
- ASAT talks, 3, 6, 13, 55, 56
- Carter meetings with
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 267, 278, 309, 315
- Muskie’s discussions with, 138, 254
- No-first-use of nuclear weapons, discussion of, 3
- Nuclear proliferation, 332
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 168, 183, 186
- Special Session on Disarmament, 487, 494
- Speeches at UNGA, 140, 146, 393
- Sverdlovsk incident, 137
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 444
- Vance’s discussions with
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 236, 309
- Visit to Washington (Sept. 1977), 165
- Gros Espiell, Héctor
- Group of 77, 371, 387, 389, 390, 391, 394
- Guadeloupe, 442
- Guantanamo, 402, 406, 423, 434, 455, 466
- Guerreiro, Ramiro Elisio Saraiva, 455
- Guhin, Michael, 448
- Guiringaud, Louis de
- Guyana, 434, 464, 471
- Gwertzman, Bernard, 269
- Habib, Philip, 357
- Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 100, 319
- Hanford project, 392
- Hannifin, Patrick, 167, 281
- Harlow, Giles, 65, 348, 402
- Harriman, Averell, 498, 499
- Harrop, William, 295
- Hart, Gary, 123, 124
- Harte, Michael, 159
- Hartman, Arthur A.
- Hatoyama, Iichiro, 320, 329
- Hawes, John, 63, 65, 473
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 123
- Heaphy, Ilene, 402
- Heavy water
- Argentine-Brazilian agreement for production of, 461
- Canadian exports of, 426, 447
- Export to Argentina of, 420, 429, 439, 445, 448
- FRG export of, 445, 447, 454
- Full-scope safeguards for, 454, 457, 460
- Natural uranium fuel cycle (HWR), 336, 346
- Production of, 318
- Production technology assistance to Argentina
- Swiss exports of, 458
- Heckrotte, Warren, 223, 257
- Heilmeier, George, 15
- Helicopters, 263
- Helman, Gerald
- Helsinki Conference (1975), 138
- Henderson, Nicholas, 242
- Henkin, Charles, 59
- Herbicides, 81, 118
- Hermes, Peter, 318, 321, 384, 401, 462, 467
- Hernandez Acosta, Valentin, 416
- Heyl, Mary Jane, 486
- Hibbert, Reginald, 157, 326
- Hicks, John, 35, 43
- High-altitude interceptors, 6
- High-energy lasers (HELs), 15
- Hineman, Evan, 35, 43
- Hirsch, John, 477
- Hirschfeld, Thomas, 65, 299, 471, 473, 475
- Hiss, Dieter, 417
- Hmong people (see also Laos), 106, 110
- Hodges, Luther, 468
- Hodsoll, Francis S.M., 375, 381, 384
- Hoettle, Charles, 122
- Holbrooke, Richard C.A., 151, 282, 320, 329
- Holloway, James L., III, 190
- Holmes, Allen, 471
- Homme, Robert, 471
- Hopkins, Robert, 266
- Hormats, Robert, 329
- Horn of Africa, 20, 283, 290, 293
- Hornblow, Michael, 146, 269, 413
- Hostile acts. See under satellites.
- House of Representatives, U.S.
- Howard, Robert, 139
- Howitzers, 263
- Hsu Shang-wei, 151
- Huang Chen, 151, 153, 163
- Huberman, Benjamin
- ASAT talks, 59
- ASAT Treaty, 17
- Comprehensive test ban, 205, 207, 228, 252
- Funding for binary weapons, 139
- Nuclear proliferation, 381
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 190, 197
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Seismic stations, 246
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 17, 139, 205, 207, 228, 252
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 129
- Hulings, Joseph, 49, 226
- Human rights, 138, 269, 436, 468
- Hume, Cameron, 494
- Humphrey, George, 63
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 263
- Humphrey-Kennedy Amendment, 468
- Humphreys, Marvin, 369
- Hungary, 471
- Hunt, John, 326
- Hunter, Robert, 157, 194, 326, 355, 356, 435, 476
- Huntington, Samuel P., 479, 486, 488, 489
- Hurd, Douglas, 137, 237, 244
- Hurtado Navarro, Hector, 288, 416, 432
- Hussein, King (Jordan), 269
- Hutcheson, Rich, 322
- Hydrogen as energy source, 427
- Hydrogen cyanide, 82
- Hyland, William G., 3, 5, 64, 153, 168, 267, 318, 332
- IBEX intelligence collection system, 263
- Iceland, 144
- Ifft, Edward, 176
- Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), 89
- Incapacitants, 71, 81
- Inderfurth, Rick, 358
- India
- As NPT non-signer, 327, 364
- Canadian nuclear assistance, 357
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 300
- French relations with, 357
- Non-acceptance of full-scope safeguards by, 395
- Nuclear proliferation
- Comprehensive test ban’s value against, 211, 224, 364
- Full-scope safeguards, acceptance of, 361, 364, 430, 482
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 378
- Motives for, 327
- Pakistan arms race with, 347, 466
- Spent nuclear fuel storage, 364
- Suspension of nuclear fuel shipments, 342
- U.S.-Indian talks on, 329, 372, 381
- Nuclear testing, 145, 153, 317, 325, 366
- Nuclear weapons development by, 378
- Pakistani relations with, 347
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 166, 190
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 481, 492, 494, 501
- Tarapur reactor, 357, 383, 384, 395, 430
- Test ban proposals of, 146
- Indian Ocean talks, 57, 283, 289, 310, 316
- Indochina, 104
- Indonesia, 146, 283, 359, 364
- Inouye, Daniel K., 269
- Insecticides, 94
- Insertable Nuclear Components (INC) concept, 155, 156, 161, 173
- Intelligence collection systems, 263
- Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), 68
- Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission (IANEC), 419, 450
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Interagency Group on Nuclear Proliferation, 330, 336, 343
- Interagency Review Groups, 245
- Interagency Working Group (IAWG) on ASAT talks, 17, 29, 34, 43
- Interim restraint measures (IRMs), 304
- Internal seismic installations (ISIs). See Seismic stations.
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- As central organization instrument for non-proliferation, 327
- As institution for implementing U.S. non-proliferation goals, 317
- Board of Governors meeting (Feb. 1978), 429
- Developing countries’ representation on board of, 359
- Fuel cycle evaluation program’s coordination with, 346
- General Conference of, 369
- Model agreement on nuclear technology, 339
- Nuclear fuel, 236
- Plutonium storage study by, 377
- Safeguards system
- Strengthening of, 323
- Verification of international agreements by, 102, 482, 483, 484
- International Committee of the Red Cross, 106
- International Energy Agency (IEA), 358
- International Fuel Cycle Evaluation Program, 325
- International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE) Conferences
- Argentine representation at, 420, 422
- Carter’s speech to, 364, 373
- CIA paper on, 370
- Negotiations after the conclusion of, 374, 376, 377, 378
- Non-proliferation in the era following
- Policy Review Committee meeting on, 381, 382
- Smith’s exploration with industrialized countries, 375, 377, 378, 383
- Smith’s paper on, 381, 383
- State Department status report on, 376
- U.S.-Argentine discussions of, 466
- U.S.–FRG discussions of, 384
- U.S. strategy for, 379
- Vance’s message to François-Poncet on, 378
- Plenary session for review of progress, 370
- Results of, 372, 373, 381
- Summary of, 380
- U.S. meeting with UN representatives on, 359
- U.S.-Mexican discussions of, 450
- International plutonium storage (IPS), 377, 382, 384, 395
- International Research Institute proposal, 501
- International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act (1976), 260, 263, 264
- International Seismic Data Exchange (ISDE), 189, 226
- International Telecommunications Convention, 6
- International Traffic in Arms regulations, 273
- Iran (see also Conventional arms transfers to Iran)
- Iraq
- Iribarren Borges, Ignacio, 288, 416, 432
- Irritants, 76, 99, 118
- Isakov, V. F., 487
- Israel
- As NPT non-signer, 327
- Comprehensive test ban, 145, 211, 224
- Conventional arms transfers by, 297
- Conventional arms transfers to, 263, 265, 267, 268, 269, 271, 289
- Egyptian negotiations with, 20
- Full-scope safeguards for, 364, 395
- Iraqi UN resolution on Middle East armaments, 499, 501
- Negative security assurances, 488, 489
- Nuclear agreements with, 325
- Nuclear proliferation, 211, 224, 323, 328
- Nuclear weapons development by, 378, 386, 389, 394
- Issraelyan, Victor L., 99, 102, 113, 128, 136
- Italy
- Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 375
- Jacomet, Andre, 371
- Jaipal, Rikhi, 501
- Jamaica, 464
- Jamming, 8
- Japan (see also Tokai nuclear plant)
- As London Suppliers Group member, 260, 317
- Chemical weapons, 66, 69, 70, 106
- Comprehensive test ban, 144, 214
- Conventional arms transfers
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 491
- Elections (1977), 344
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 341, 344
- Full-scope safeguards, 352
- Negative security assurances, 488, 492, 498
- NPT ratification by, 320
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 475, 477, 491, 494
- U.S. defense of, 146
- U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1958), 344
- U.S. highly enriched uranium exports to, 463
- U.S. relations with, 329
- Japan-U.S. Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (1968), 341
- Javits, Jacob, 115, 269
- Jay, Peter, 194, 284
- Jayne, E. Randy, 5, 17, 29, 68, 96, 112
- Jenkins, Frank, 59
- Jenkins, Kempton, 269
- Jenkins, Roy, 319
- Jillson, Anne, 430
- John Paul I, Pope, 443
- Johnson, David, PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Johnson, Gerald W., 30, 183, 190, 199, 223, 237
- Johnson, Ralph, 305
- Johnson, Richard E., 433
- Johnson, Warren D., 148
- Johnson Island, 6, 7
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
- ASAT arms control as seen by, 7, 9
- ASAT talks, 4
- ASAT testing ban, 34, 35
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- Carter discussions with DOD officials, proposed, 149
- CD working group on, 390
- Fixed duration treaty, 197, 198, 220, 232
- JCS memorandum on, 203
- Non-proliferation value of, 211, 220
- On-site inspections, 180, 184
- PRM/NSC 16, 148, 149
- Questions for developing of position on, 178
- Three year approach, 210
- Treaty renewal, 228
- Trilateral negotiations, 167, 184
- Conventional arms transfers, 287, 290, 301, 302
- Hostile acts in space, 29, 31
- JCSM–57–29, 100
- JCSM–119–78, 193
- JCSM–188–78, 203
- Negative security assurances, 492, 498
- NPT Review Conference, 388
- Nuclear fuel supply, 392
- Nuclear testing, 148, 254
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 178, 192, 193, 197, 198, 203
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- PD/NSC–38, 203
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 169, 183
- Seismic stations, 248
- Special Session on Disarmament, 486, 490, 492
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 440
- Jones, David C.
- ASAT, 29, 56
- Chemical weapons, 96, 101, 103, 132
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 280, 303, 306, 309, 312
- Nuclear proliferation, 211, 381, 382
- Nuclear testing, 230, 235, 255
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 193, 197, 198, 203
- PD/NSC–13, 271
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 485, 493, 500
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 440
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 236, 309
- Jones, George, 305, 446, 448, 467
- Jordan, 263, 265, 283
- Jordan, Hamilton
- Jova, Joseph J., 402
- Joyce, John, 494
- Kahan, Jerome
- ASAT Treaty, 17
- Chemical weapons, 96, 104, 106
- Comprehensive test ban, 210
- Conventional arms transfers, 284, 295, 299
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 197
- Soviet high-yield nuclear testing, 254
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 210, 228
- Special Session on Disarmament, 486, 488, 489
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 113, 120, 129
- Kahan, Louis, 176
- Kalicki, John, 321, 324, 398
- Kalkar breeder reactor (FRG), 371
- Kama-Pechora river project, 145
- Katz, Abraham, 468
- Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr.
- ASAT talks
- Chemical weapons, 68, 96, 104, 126
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 281, 286, 290, 294, 295, 303
- Japanese reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, 344
- Nuclear proliferation, 381
- Nuclear testing, 158, 172, 254
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68, 381
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 488, 489
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 120, 129, 135
- U.S.-Argentine relations, 468
- Kelley, Robert, 369, 430, 448
- Kennedy, John F., 180, 266
- Kenya, 295
- Kerr, Donald
- Khlestov, Oleg
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 146, 180, 181, 184
- Kimmit, Robert, 269, 314
- King, John, 402, 471
- Kissinger, Henry A., 499
- Klingaman, Susan, 87, 445
- KNIGHTHEAD nuclear test, 154, 155, 161, 173
- Knoche, Enno Henry, 266
- Kokolas, John, 83
- Komplektov, Viktor G.
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 303, 304
- Korea, Republic of
- Korniyenko, Georgiy M.
- ASAT, 3, 55, 56
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons, 64, 101
- Comprehensive test ban, 153, 168, 201, 212, 221, 236
- Conventional arms transfers, 267
- Nuclear proliferation, 332
- Seismic stations, 237
- Special Session on Disarmament, 487
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 113, 114, 116
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 55, 56, 101, 236
- Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques, 355
- Kozlov, M.M., 487
- Kramer, Frank, 468
- Krassulin, B.P., 80
- Kreisky, Bruno, 365
- Kreps, Juanita M., 2, 27
- Kriebel, Wesley, 471
- Krimer, William D.
- Kroll, Carlos A., 466
- Krueger (NASA), 33, 39, 41, 47, 51, 54
- Kuwait, 283
- Kahan, Jerome
- La Reina reactor (Chile), 436
- Laboulaye, Francois Lefebvre de, 157, 284, 326, 355, 357, 361, 476
- LaHague, 336, 338
- Lake, Anthony, 266, 288, 321, 432, 433
- Lamb, Denis, 321, 324, 412
- Lambsdorff, Otto, 447, 467
- Lance, Bert
- Lane, H.B., 414
- Laos (see also Hmong people)
- Laser isotope separation, 336
- Lasers
- Latin America (see also Conventional arms transfers to Latin America; General Conference for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America; Nuclear materials and equipment; Nuclear proliferation)
- Latin America and Caribbean Conventional Arms Restraint Group, 296, 299, 304, 305
- Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), 416, 432
- Law of the Sea, 289
- Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 147
- Ledogar, Stephan, 129
- Legionnaire’s Disease, 114
- Leonard, James F., 94, 487, 488, 489, 499
- Less-developed countries (LDCs), 327, 335, 359, 481
- Lesseur Lauria, Carmelo, 288, 432
- Letters of Acceptance, 272, 279
- Letters of Offer, 260, 272, 279
- Liberia, 471, 494
- Libya, 283, 300, 471
- Liévano Aguirre, Indalecio, 441
- Light water reactors (LWRS), 342, 345, 346, 353, 360
- Likhatchev, Viktor, 71, 73, 80, 84
- Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)
- Linsenmayer, Neil, 303
- Lipshutz, Robert, 271
- Liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs), 334, 337
- Lissfelt, Mark, 446
- Lo Aguirre reactor (Chile), 436
- Locke, Allen W., 350, 466, 467
- Lockheed Corporation, 273, 275
- London Economic Summit (London, May 1977), 412
- London Suppliers Group
- As institution for implementing U.S. non-proliferation goals, 317
- French role in, 260, 317, 324, 356
- Fuel cycle evaluation program and, 342
- Full-scope safeguards, 347
- Guidelines of, 284, 285, 364, 454, 457
- Meetings of, 348
- Membership of, 260, 317, 335, 359
- NPT’s Article IV and, 225
- Sensitive nuclear exports, 318, 323
- Trigger list of, 327
- U.S. policy on enrichment technology transfers, 369
- Lopez Michelson, Alfonso, 304, 441
- López Portillo, Jose
- Lorton, Robert, 106
- Louet, Phillipe, 369
- Love, John, 317
- Lovelace, Alan, 5, 17
- Low-income countries, 268
- Lowenstein, James, 321, 324
- Lucey, Patrick J., 423
- Luers, William H., 266, 281, 282, 284, 398
- Luns, Joseph M.A.H., 319
- Luxembourg, 144, 347
- Lyons, James A., Jr., 303
- McClure, James A., 375
- McCrory, Ray, 59, 104, 113, 120, 129, 254
- MacDonald, Merle, 98, 106, 108, 122, 126
- MacFarlane, Lewis, 159
- McGaffigan, Edward, 318, 321, 346, 387, 402
- McGiffert, David E.
- McGovern, George S., 269
- Machin, José Maria, 416
- McIntyre, James T.
- Macklen, Victor, 159
- Mclean, Martin, 113, 122
- McMahon, John, 5
- MacMillan, Harold, 233
- McNeill, John, 62
- McNutt, Louise, 471
- Macuk, David, 77, 402, 471, 475, 494
- McWilliams, Edmund, 106, 122
- Makarov, V.G., 201, 221, 487
- Malaysia, 359, 471
- Malev, Leonid P., 171
- Man-portable air-defense systems, 281, 290
- Manasov, Narlen, 421
- Manley, Michael, 304
- Mansfield, Mike, 353
- Mantel, Robert, 284, 285
- Marcum, John
- Chemical weapons, 104
- Comprehensive test ban
- Nuclear testing by the Soviet Union, 239, 253
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 192, 197
- Seismic stations, 246, 250, 251
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 205, 207, 210, 228, 252
- Special Session on Disarmament, 489, 494
- Visit to Moscow (June 1979), 237
- Mark, Hans, 5
- Marsh, William, 299
- Martin, Robert, 113, 122
- Martinez Fabini, Jorge, 429, 459, 466
- Martinique, 442
- Massera, Emilio Eduardo, 422
- Matheson, Michael, 98, 122, 446, 448
- Matheson, Scott M., 124
- Mathews, Jessica Tuchman. See Tuchman, Jessica.
- Matthews, Gary, 49, 285, 299
- Matthias, Charles, 499
- Mauritius, 471
- Maynes, Charles William, 415, 475
- Mayorskiy, Boris, 30, 39, 47, 48
- Mazeau, Margot, 65, 83, 88, 446
- MB–10s, 341, 381, 382, 396
- “Measures Agreement to Reduce the Outbreak of Nuclear War,” 6
- Mehta, J.S., 213
- Melanson, Edward, 47, 59, 77
- Mendelevich, Lev I., 289, 293, 311, 314, 315
- Menold, William, 122
- Merrill, John, 299
- Metzner, Clifton G., Jr., 466
- Mexico
- Comprehensive test ban, 144, 214
- Conventional arms transfers, 296, 299, 303, 304,
- Withdrawal of arms request, 288
- International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Conferences, 450
- NPT Review Conference, 387, 389, 393, 394
- Nuclear fuel imports, 449
- Nuclear proliferation, 359, 375, 401, 444, 494
- Regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 494
- Tlatelolco Treaty
- U.S. nuclear aid to, 419
- Meyers, Marilyn, 369
- Michaud, Michael, 5
- Michaud, Neil, 122, 240, 250, 251
- Michel, James, 129, 293, 446
- Mid-East War (1973), 6
- Middle East (see also Israel)
- Mikoyan, Sergo, 418
- Mikulak, Robert
- Military Assistance Program (MAP), 260, 268
- Military Expenditure Limitations (MEL), 494
- Military Expenditure Reporting (MER), 494
- Miller, Thomas, 494
- Miniature homing vehicles (MHVs), 6, 28, 40
- Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) bombs, 146
- Missiles
- Cruise, 161, 177, 206, 484
- Galosh, 6
- HARPOON, 146
- HAWK, 263
- Interceptors, 6, 41, 47, 54, 58, 60
- LANCE, 161
- M–X, 146, 161, 206, 483, 490
- Maverick, 260
- Minuteman, 6, 19
- Minuteman III, 484
- Pershing, 146
- Sidewinder, 263
- SL–11, 34
- SL–12, (Proton), 28
- SL–17, 146
- SL–18, 146
- SL–19, 146
- Soviet ICBM test notifications, 58
- SS–9, 28, 34
- SS–20, 236, 481
- Standard 2, (SM–2), 146, 154, 155, 161
- Test site in Zaire for, 357
- Thor, 6
- Titan II, 6
- TOW, 263
- Trident, 206, 484, 490
- MK–12A re-entry vehicle, 146
- Moberly, Patrick, 244, 251, 369
- Mohr, Charles, 325
- Mondale, Walter F.
- Argentine-U.S. relations, 442
- ASAT talks, 46
- Comprehensive test ban, 164, 219, 242
- Conventional arms transfers, 258, 271
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 397, 398, 400, 404
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, U.S.-French talks on, 355
- Meetings
- NAC statement (Jan. 1977), 319
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 320
- Nuclear proliferation, 320, 329, 416
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- PD/NSC–13, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141, 146
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Soviet high-yield nuclear testing, 255
- Special Session on Disarmament, 495, 498, 499
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 417, 443
- Visits
- Montes, Oscar Antonio, 357, 420, 429, 434, 439
- Morocco, 471
- Morokhov, Igor
- Morrisey, Arthur
- Moscow Summit (July 1974), 61, 63
- Moss, Marvin, 345
- Mujezinovic, M., 477
- Munitions Control Office, 260, 263
- Munitions List, 273
- Murphy, Frank, 159
- Muskie, Edmund, 138, 253, 254, 255, 391, 393
- Mutual and Balance Force Reductions (MBFR), 138, 236, 484
- Namibia, 242
- Napper, Larry C., 387
- Narain, Raj, 372
- National Aeronautic and Space Agency (NASA)
- National Intelligence Estimate:: NIE 11–3–71, 11
- National liberation movements, 289
- National Security Council (NSC)
- Ad hoc Group on fuel cycle evaluation program, 330
- Ad Hoc Group on Nuclear Proliferation, 325, 358, 375, 463, 470
- ASAT arms control policy discussions by, 7, 9, 10
- ASAT talks, 39, 41, 47, 48, 51, 54
- Biological weapons policy, 81
- Chemical warfare policy studies, 61, 81
- Comprehensive test ban, 180
- Conventional arms transfers, 260, 287, 290, 304
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 397
- Interagency Group on Nuclear Proliferation, 330, 336, 343, 344
- Meetings, 397
- Nuclear fuel, 358, 392
- Nuclear proliferation, 327, 356
- Special Session on Disarmament, 479, 481, 483, 492
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 419
- National Security Decision Memoranda
- NSDM–35, “United States Policy on Chemical Warfare Program and Bacteriological/Biological Research Program,” 81
- NSDM–333, “Enhanced Survivablility of Critical US Military and Intelligence Space Systems,” 6, 8
- NSDM–341, “FY 1977–79, Nuclear Weapons Stockpile,” 154
- NSDM–345, “U.S. Anti-Satellite Capabilities,” 1, 6
- National Security Study Memoranda, NSSM 157, “Review of United States Position on Chemical Weapons Prohibitions,” 61
- National Seismic Stations (NSS). See Seismic stations.
- National Technical Means (NTM) of verification, 13, 31, 153, 160, 209, 212
- Natural gas stimulation, 183
- Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 333
- NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, 6
- Navy, U.S. Department of, 161
- Negative security assurances
- Neidle, Alan F., 77, 79, 104, 176, 187, 199, 223
- Nepal, 359, 471
- Nerve gas, 82
- Netherlands
- Neutron bomb (see also Enhanced radiation (ER) weapons), 20, 28, 161, 196, 206
- New weapons systems ban (proposed), 153, 161
- New York Times, 133, 213, 269, 316
- New Zealand
- Newman, Paul, 499
- Newsom, Eric, 162
- Newsome, David, 253, 488, 489
- Nicaragua, 288, 450, 464
- Niederste-Ostholt, Gisela, 417
- Niger, 342
- Nigeria
- Nimeiri, Gaafar, 263
- Noble, Steven V., 460
- Nogueira Batista, Paulo, 403, 433
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 475
- Non-proliferation Alternatives Assessment Program, 395
- Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) (1968), (see also NPT Review Conference (Venice, 1980))
- Argentine position, 327, 439, 443
- Article I, 318
- Article II, 318
- Article III, 348
- Article IV
- Article VI, 211, 225, 251, 385, 386
- As central legal argument against proliferation, 327
- As creating space for negotiating disarmament, 477
- Chile as signatory to, 436
- CIA paper on, 368
- Comprehensive test ban seen as strengthening, 211, 224, 225
- Cuban position, 421
- FRG position, 318, 319, 333
- Impact on sensitive nuclear exports of, 318, 319, 320, 323, 372
- Increase in number of adherents to, 372
- Italian position, 371
- Japanese ratification of, 320
- Non-signers of, 327, 364
- Nuclear fuel, 236
- Permanent consultative committee for overseeing of, 119
- Portuguese ratification of, 364
- Principal foci of, 146
- Prioritization for signers of, 488
- Review Conference (Geneva, 1975), 394, 477, 478
- Review Conference (Geneva, 1985), 394
- South African accession to, 364
- U.S. commitments under, 498
- U.S.-Soviet discussion of, 348
- Withdrawal from, 211
- Nooter, Robert H., 489
- North Africa, 304
- North Atlantic Council (NAC), 162, 319, 342, 481, 489, 492
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Chemical weapons, 63, 65, 94, 96, 123, 125, 132
- Comprehensive test ban, 143
- Conventional arms transfers, 265, 275, 276
- CSCE preparations in, 476
- Disarmament Experts meetings, 65, 143, 471, 474
- Negative security assurances, 486, 488
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 107
- Special Session on Disarmament, 473, 474, 488
- U.S. ASAT capabilities, 46
- U.S. conventional arms transfers to members of, 268, 269, 270, 271
- U.S. nuclear umbrella, 146
- Norton, Richard, 122
- Norway
- Nosenzo, Louis, 318, 324, 341, 346, 348, 429, 446
- Novak, Robert, 440
- NPT Review Conference (Venice, 1980)
- Article VI as contentious in, 388
- CIA papers on, 368, 370, 385, 394
- Contingency guidance requested for, 389
- Continuation of CTB talks and, 244
- CTB working group in CD as discussed in, 386, 387, 388, 389, 391, 393
- Disagreement with U.S. positions expected at, 373, 377, 379
- Failure to complete CTB before, 232, 237
- Israeli nuclear weapons development as issue in, 386
- Latin American preparations for, 450
- Need for CTB before, 211, 224, 225
- NPT as supported at, 391, 393
- Nuclear power, 393
- Nuclear testing moratorium, 386
- Pakistan as issue in, 375, 385
- Progress in CTB before, 240, 248
- Reports on, 386
- Results of, 391, 393
- SALT Treaty ratification as advocated in, 391
- SCC meetings on, 386, 388, 389
- South African nuclear weapons development as issue in, 385, 386
- Trilateral talks at, 387
- U.S. diplomatic actions in advance of, 375
- Nuclear accident reporting, 481, 486, 488
- Nuclear experts meeting (Paris, June 1977), 347
- Nuclear Free Zones (see also Tlatelolco Treaty)
- Nuclear fuel (see also Nuclear
- As restricted to IAEA-approved countries, 236
- Assurance of access to, 358, 394
- Australian exports of, 383
- Brazilian imports from the United States of, 424
- Cutoff and transfer agreements
- ACDA position, 489, 491, 492
- As other states’ initiatives, 496
- As U.S. initiative, 478, 481, 492
- British position, 482, 483, 486
- Carter’s decision on, 492, 493, 496, 500
- DOD position, 489, 490, 492
- DOE position, 484
- Guidance for, 494, 498, 499
- Interagency study on, 482, 483, 485
- Special Coordination Committee discussion of, 488
- Verification for, 491
- European transfers of, 396, 424
- Exports to Europe of, 362
- For nuclear-powered Naval vessels, 484, 492
- Fuel bank for, 358, 364
- Mexican imports of, 449
- NRDC request for denial of sales to FRG of, 333
- Options for augmenting supply of, 392
- Parity pricing for, 358
- Retransfers of, 339
- Sales of, 319, 371
- Sensitive transfers of, 318, 319, 348, 364
- Storage of foreign spent fuel, 343, 364, 365
- Suspension of shipment to India of, 342
- Transfer of weapons-grade material into, 478, 482, 483, 484, 485
- U.S. as supplier of, 325, 379, 458
- Nuclear materials and equipment. See Germany, Federal Republic of, nuclear sales to Brazil; Latin America.
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act (NNPA) (1977), 211, 364, 366, 373, 377, 385
- Nuclear power
- As status symbol, 342
- Divisions in U.S. attitudes toward, 395
- French program for, 349
- Latin America, 416
- NPT Review Conference understandings on, 393
- Reprocessing as unnecessary for, 432
- Shifting U.S. policies on, 325, 379
- Unpopularity of, 342
- U.S. technical cooperation on problems of, 373, 394, 410, 481, 488, 494
- Yugoslav/Pakistani UN resolution for peaceful uses of, 359
- Nuclear Power Issues and Choices (report), 329
- Nuclear proliferation (see also French
nuclear sales to Pakistan; Full-scope safeguards; Latin America;
Nuclear reprocessing)
- Additional conditions for new nuclear cooperation agreements, 339
- Argentine-IAEA negotiations, 439, 443
- Belgian position, 377
- Brazilian policy under Figueiredo administration, 461
- British position, 377
- Carter’s policy statement on, 331, 333, 338
- Comprehensive test ban as value against, 144, 146, 210, 211, 220, 348
- Disarmament as affected by, 477
- Efforts against, 327
- Facilitating factors for, 327
- French policy on, 356, 377
- FRG nuclear sales to Argentina, 462, 466, 467
- Full-scope safeguards for prevention of, 327, 328, 339, 347, 348
- G–7 summit discussion of, 342, 344
- Guidance for U.S. statements in Special Session on Disarmament on, 494
- HEU as dangerous for, 330, 396
- In the post-INFCE era
- Policy Review Committee meeting on, 381, 382
- Smith’s exploration with industrialized countries, 375, 377, 378, 383
- Smith’s paper on, 381, 383
- State Department status report on, 376
- U.S.-Argentine discussions of, 466
- U.S.–FRG discussions of, 384
- U.S. strategy for, 379
- Vance’s message to François-Poncet on, 378
- Interagency Group on, 330, 336, 343, 344
- International restraints for slowing of, 323
- MB–10 policy, 341, 381, 382, 396
- Mondale-Fukuda talks on, 320
- Motives for acquiring nuclear weapons, 327
- NSC Intelligence Report on, 327
- Nuclear experts meeting (Paris, June 1977), 347
- Nuclear fuel sales, 319, 327, 329, 364, 385
- Nuclear testing for stockpile reliability, effect on, 188
- Outlook for, 327
- Pakistani-U.S. talks on, 372
- PD/NSC–8, 330, 334, 336, 343
- Peaceful nuclear explosions and, 145
- Policy Review Committee meetings on, 317, 328, 334, 381, 382
- PRM/NSC 15, 317, 325, 328
- Proliferation chains, 327
- Quadripartite discussions of, 326
- Regional equilibrium for prevention of, 426, 429
- Renegotiation of agreements on, 323, 349, 362, 365, 395
- Restraints on, 326
- Gerard Smith as negotiator on
- Soviet position, 363
- Storage for foreign spent fuel, 343, 364, 365
- Suspension of fuel shipments to India, 342
- U.S.-Argentine discussions of, 357, 381, 420, 466, 467
- U.S.-British discussions of, 395
- U.S. controls for, 430
- U.S.-European differences on, 365
- U.S.-French talks on, 324, 347, 355, 357, 361
- U.S.–FRG discussions of, 395
- U.S.-Indian talks on, 329, 372, 381
- U.S.-Japanese discussions of, 344, 345, 352, 353, 354, 395
- U.S. policy toward
- U.S.-Soviet discussions of, 348, 360
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 288, 411, 416, 432
- Vance-Brezhnev discussions of, 332
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 332
- Vance’s message to Azeredo da Silveira, 398
- Vance’s message to de Guiringaud on, 321
- Vertical, 400
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 333, 338
- Nuclear reprocessing (see also Nuclear
fuel; Nuclear proliferation)
- Alternative types of, 346, 364
- As unnecessary for nuclear power, 432
- By Argentina, 417, 426, 439, 443
- By Australia, 369
- By Belgium, 325, 334, 372, 384
- By Brazil, 321, 361, 364, 412
- By France
- By FRG, 325, 328, 334, 342, 372, 377
- By fuel cycle evaluation program, 328, 338
- By Italy, 334, 342
- By Japan
- By Pakistan, 263, 320, 324, 349, 357, 361
- By South Africa, 325
- By Soviet Union, 342
- By the United Kingdom, 341, 342, 377, 384
- Carter’s decision on, 340
- For energy production, 395, 396
- MB–10s, 341, 381, 382, 396
- Policy Review Committee meeting on, 338, 381
- Presidential flexibility over controls on, 339, 340
- Progress on restraints on transfers of facilities for, 364
- Regional equilibrium in, 426, 429
- Safeguards for, 325, 328
- U.S. budget increases for, 396
- U.S. deferring of, 331, 332, 333
- U.S. policy for, 317, 338, 339, 340
- U.S. right of veto over EURATOM for, 372, 379, 381, 382, 384, 395
- Nuclear Suppliers Group. See London Suppliers Group.
- Nuclear Test Monitoring Working Group, 246
- Nuclear Test Moratorium (1958), 206, 233, 386
- Nuclear testing (see also Comprehensive
test ban; Nuclear tests; Nuclear weapons)
- ACDA position, 172
- Asymmetry in, 145, 203
- Augmented Nuclear Test Program (ATP), 230, 235, 249, 256
- British position, 146, 226, 233
- Budgeting for, 150, 230, 235
- By France, 146
- By India, 145, 153, 317, 325, 366
- By South Africa, 211
- By Soviet Union, 238, 239, 248, 253, 254, 255
- Calibration shots, 210
- Carter-Callaghan discussions of, 191, 192
- Detection thresholds, 189, 202
- Digging of deep hole for, 254
- During comprehensive test ban, 191, 202
- Enhanced program for, 230, 235, 249, 256
- For FY 1977’s second half, 154, 161
- For FY 1978, 172, 173
- For stockpile reliability, 146, 178, 188
- Geological and geophysical data needed for accurate yield estimates, 243
- High-yield, 253, 254, 255
- Hundred-pound limit on, 208, 210
- In accordance with TTBT, 173
- JCS position, 148
- Kiloton level testing, 198, 205, 206, 207
- Low-level, 205
- Low-yield, 146, 147, 200, 212
- Moratoria on
- Of neutron bomb functions, 161
- Of SM–2, warheads, 155, 161
- Operation CRESSET, 172, 173
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155, 161
- Operation GUARDIAN, 256
- Operation QUICKSILVER II, 235
- Permitted by Limited Test Ban Treaty, 140
- Quotas for, 188
- Resumption after treaty expiration of, 226
- SCC meetings on, 253, 254
- Soviet démarche on, 243
- Underground, 140
- U.S. démarche on, 243
- Yield assessment issues, 254, 255
- Nuclear tests
- Nuclear weapons (see also Bombs; Enhanced
radiation (ER) weapons; Nuclear testing)
- Argentine development of, 415, 431
- As status symbol, 401, 416
- Banning in space of, 39
- Brazilian development of, 443
- Chilean development of, 415
- Definition of, 327
- Detonation in space of, 6, 39
- Independent European deterrent, possibility of, 143
- Indian development of, 378
- Israeli development of, 378, 386, 389, 394
- Neutron bomb, 20, 28, 161, 196, 206
- No-first-use discussions, 3
- Non-use against non-nuclear states, 478
- Pakistani development of
- Physics of, 249, 256
- Politicization of third-world programs for, 394
- Production halt, 482
- Research and development of, 146, 359
- Stockpile plan, 483
- Stockpile reliability of
- After five years, 213
- Augmented Test Program’s contribution to, 249, 256
- British position, 192
- Carter-Callaghan discussions of, 191, 192
- DOD concerns with, 188, 192, 202
- JCS position, 178, 192, 193, 197, 198, 203
- OSTP review of, 230
- SCC meetings, 197
- SCC reports on, 146, 190
- Surveillance for, 206
- Testing for, 146, 178, 188
- Under comprehensive test ban, 146, 178, 188, 192, 213
- Nye, Joseph S.
- Oakley, Phyllis, 429
- Oakley, Robert, 351
- Oberdorfer, Don, 393
- Obninsk, 237
- Obukhov, A.A., 487
- Oduber Quíros, Daniel, 304
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- ASAT arms control as seen by, 9
- Chemical weapons, 68, 95, 97
- Conventional arms transfers, 287
- Ethiopian grant military aid program, elimination of, 260
- Nuclear fuel access, 358
- Nuclear fuel supply, 392
- Nuclear proliferation, 317
- Nuclear testing, 161, 235, 256
- Seismic stations, 248, 254, 255
- Special Session on Disarmament, 488
- Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
- Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
- Ogarkov, Nikolai V.
- Oil, 372
- Oksenberg, Michael, 151
- OLADE (Latin American Energy Organization), 416, 432
- On-site inspections (OSI) (see also
Comprehensive test ban)
- ACDA position, 180, 196
- Aerial photography, 247
- As major Soviet issue in CTB negotiations, 189
- British position, 184
- Expenses incurred during, 237
- For chemical weapons agreements, 84, 107, 118
- Immunity for inspectors, 237
- Lessening of U.S.-Soviet disagreement on, 223
- Limited technical value of, 184
- Mandatory vs. voluntary, 166, 175, 179
- Political value of, 163
- Position-fixing, 223
- Quotas for, 180, 181, 182
- SCC discussions of, 180
- Technical characteristics of equipment for, 247
- U.S. proposal for, 184
- Withdrawal from CTB Treaty for refusal of, 184
- O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 115
- Onkelinx, André J. B., 474
- Operation CRESSET, 172, 173
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155, 161
- Operation GUARDIAN, 256
- Operation QUICKSILVER II, 235
- Oplinger, Jerry
- Oralloy, 188
- Orbital Bombardment Systems, 6
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), 138
- Organization of American States (OAS), 296, 419, 449, 468
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 329
- Ormsby, Robert, 273
- Ortiz de Rozas, Carlos, 359, 501
- Outer Space Treaty (1967), 6, 39, 43
- Overmeyer, Alan, 122
- Owada, Hisashi, 320, 329
- Owen, David, 157, 342, 365, 476
- Owen, Henry D.
- P.L. 480, 376
- Pace, Robert, 138
- Pahlavi, Shah Reza, 303, 364, 372
- Pakistan (see also French nuclear sales to
- Comprehensive test ban, 145, 146, 211, 224
- Conventional arms transfers, 268
- Elections (1977), 321, 357
- European nuclear fuel transfers to, 396
- French relations with, 350
- Indian relations with, 347
- Non-acceptance of full-scope safeguards by, 395
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318, 320, 327
- Nuclear power, 359
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing by, 263, 320, 324, 349, 350, 357, 361
- Nuclear weapons development by
- Refugees in Afghanistan from, 110
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 501
- U.S. military and economic aid to, 263, 395
- Palestine, 269
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 269
- Palliser, Michael, 232, 242, 326
- Palmer, Mark
- Panama, 288, 406, 421, 434, 444, 471
- Panama Canal
- Parity pricing for nuclear fuel, 358
- Pastor, Carlos W., 453
- Pastor, Robert A.
- Pauls, Rolf F., 143, 162
- Paye, Jean-Claude, 355
- Peaceful biological research, 119
- Peaceful nuclear explosions (PNEs) (see
also Comprehensive test ban; Peaceful Nuclear Explosions
(PNE) Treaty (1976))
- Argentine position, 211, 224, 439, 443
- As violation of Limited Test Ban Treaty, 145, 183
- Brazilian position, 211, 224, 404
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 170, 171
- Freezing of device design, 165
- Indian uses of, 166, 190
- Panama Canal’s replacement using, 153, 183
- Problems with, 157
- Registration and measurement of explosive characteristics, 146
- Tlatelolco Treaty’s language on, 423
- Under comprehensive test ban
- U.S. program for, 145
- U.S. report for Soviets on experience with, 183, 186
- U.S.-Soviet cooperative program for, 146
- U.S.-Soviet exploratory talks on, 162
- Verification, 102, 146, 163, 167, 195, 210
- Warehousing of devices for, 146
- Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE) Treaty (1976), 102, 141, 146, 153, 210, 243
- Peck, Robert, 122
- Pell, Claiborne dB., 269
- Percy, Charles H., 269, 375
- Pérez Guerrero, Manuel, 288, 411, 432
- Pérez Rodriguez, Carlos Andres
- Perry, Stephanie, 471
- Perry, William, 15, 40, 123, 124
- Persian Gulf, 260, 263, 280, 304
- Peru
- Petrosyants, Andronik M., 199, 212, 223, 227, 237, 247
- Phelps, Homer, 62, 63, 79, 159, 162
- Philippines, 275, 359, 375, 471
- Phosgene, 82
- Pickering, Thomas, 377, 447, 448, 459, 460, 461, 467
- Pierrelatte gaseous diffusion plant, 365
- Pinheiro, João Batista, 398, 400, 401
- Pisarev, I., 47, 48
- Pitcairn Island, 251
- Placer, Alejandro, 466
- Platt, Alan, 296
- Plutonium
- Applications for export of, 330
- Argentine production of, 381, 443
- As weapons-usable material, 336, 396
- Coprocessing, 344, 353
- Economical use of, 188
- Exports of, 352, 353
- IAEA study on storage of, 377
- In spent fuel, 325, 327
- International control of, 373
- International storage of, 377, 382, 384
- Multinational spent-fuel storage, 323, 328
- National stockpiles of, 395
- Nitrate, 336
- Nuclear laboratories officials’ meeting with Carter, 206
- Pakistani reprocessing plant as non-producer of, 350
- Reprocessing
- Soviet production of, estimated, 392
- U.S. exports of, 354
- U.S. push for agreement on controls on, 376
- Poland, 77, 89, 138, 449, 471
- Polaris Improvement Program (UK), 146
- Policy Review Committee
- Afghanistan, 253
- Approaches to ASAT arms control, 9
- Call for creation of, 2
- Chemical weapons, 68
- Conventional arms transfers, 259, 266, 268, 286, 287, 290, 291
- Criteria for meetings of, 27
- Decision paper by, 6, 9, 11
- Meetings
- Nuclear proliferation, 317, 328, 334, 381, 382
- Nuclear reprocessing, 338
- PRM/NSC 12, 268
- PRM/NSC 15, 317, 328
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Political parties
- Porcupine effect, 327
- Portugal, 144, 333, 364
- Powell, Jody, 201
- Powell, Joseph, 101, 236, 309
- Power and Principle (Brzezinski), 329
- Precursor chemicals, 76, 82, 90, 98, 118
- Presidential Directives
- On ASAT operational testing, 23, 24, 25, 36
- On comprehensive test ban (proposed), 210
- On conventional arms transfers, 270, 271, 277, 312
- PD/NSC–8, 330, 334, 336, 343
- PD/NSC–13, 270, 271, 277, 312
- PD/NSC–15, 70, 72, 78, 81, 86, 95
- PD/NSC–26, 483
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–33, 24, 36
- PD/NSC–36, 291, 292
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 203, 207, 208, 227
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38, 40
- PD/NSC–59, 138
- Presidential Review Committee, 190, 197
- Presidential Review Memoranda
- Press, Frank
- ASAT capabilities, 2, 24
- ASAT report from Office of Science and Technology Policy, 8
- ASAT talks, 11, 17, 29, 43, 46
- ASAT weapons test ban, 34, 35
- Comprehensive test ban
- Nuclear proliferation, 381, 382
- Nuclear testing, 230, 235, 255, 256
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 190, 197
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Seismic stations, 196, 248
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 485, 489, 493, 500
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112
- Project Plowshare, 157
- Public opinion, 117, 499
- Pueblo Army Depot, 124
- Puerto Rico, 361, 402, 406, 407, 408, 413, 423
- Pulmonary anthrax, 111, 113, 120, 126, 129, 131, 137
- Purex, 392
- Pustay, John
- Putnam, Robert, 486, 488, 489, 494, 497, 499
- Pym, Francis, 232
- RA–3 reactor (Argentina), 459, 463
- RA–6 reactor (Argentina), 459
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 267
- Radar, 263
- Radar ocean reconnaissance, 4
- Radioactivity levels, 145
- Ramee, Mark, 152
- Ramey Air Force Base, 406
- Raphel, Arnold, 240
- Rathjens, George, 375
- Re-entry vehicles, 146
- Reactors (see also Breeder reactors; Tokai
nuclear plant)
- Angra I (Brazil), 424, 461
- Atucha II (Argentina), 448, 466, 470
- Becker nozzle process for, 412
- Cienfuegos (Cuba), 465
- Hanford, 392
- Heavy water (HWRs), 336, 346
- High-temperature, 412
- La Reina (Chile), 436
- Light water (LWRS), 342, 345, 346, 353, 360
- Lo Aguirre (Chile), 436
- Purex, 392
- RA–3 (Argentina), 459, 463
- RA–6 (Argentina), 459
- Research (Bolivian), 466
- Research (Uruguay), 466
- RP–0 (Peru), 459, 466
- Savannah River, 392, 484
- Tarapur (India), 357, 383, 384, 395, 430
- Thorium, 323, 342, 346, 412
- Valindaba (South Africa), 364
- Windscale, 336, 338
- Reams, Peter, 446
- REBLOCHON nuclear test, 154
- Red Cross, International Committee of the, 106
- Reddy, Leo, 63, 321
- Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program, 364
- Reeve, Anthony, 107, 159, 244
- Refugees, 110
- Regional equilibrium, 426, 429
- Reinhardt, John E., 497
- Reis, Robert, 494
- Rentschler, Jim, 104
- Research and development (R&D)
- Rhodes, John, 115
- Rhodesia, 233
- Ridgway, Rozanne L., 33
- Riot-control agents, 74, 76, 81, 82, 84, 99
- Rochline, Robert, 152
- Rockwell International, 263
- Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), 123, 124
- Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael, 421
- Roel García, Santiago, 414, 444, 450
- Rogers, Bernard W., 220
- Romania, 119, 362, 375, 379, 471, 477
- Romberg, Alan, 282
- Rometsch, Rudolf, 360, 363
- Rondon, Fernando, 429
- Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, 406
- Rosenberg, Robert A., 5, 10, 17, 29, 34, 35, 43
- Rowden, Marcus A., 330
- Rowe, John, 293, 299
- Rowny, Edward L., 168, 487
- RP–0 reactor (Peru), 459, 466
- Ruhfus, Juergen, 417
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 6, 61
- Ruser, Claus W., 433, 466
- Rush-Bagot Amendment, 413
- Rust, Dean, 348
- Sa, Calmon da, 427, 433
- Sadovsky, Mikhail A., 237
- Salisbury, William R., 348, 367
- Salmon, Charles, 448
- Salmon, William, 467
- Sanches, Manuel, 106, 107, 122, 126
- Sanders, Cameron, 122
- Sanders, Edward, 139, 286, 295
- Sarbanes, Paul S., 269
- Sardenberg, Ronaldo Mota, 433
- Satellites (see also Anti-Satellite (ASAT)
- Attacks by, 48
- Co-orbital jamming, 8
- Hostile acts on
- Illegal, 42, 43, 44, 46, 53
- Interference with
- International verification agency for (proposal), 501
- Launching systems for, 28
- Monitoring of attacks on, 31
- Of the Chinese People’s Republic, 42, 43, 45, 47
- Protection of, 42, 43, 44
- Reconnaissance, 6
- Shared with third countries, 42, 43, 44
- Skylab, 28
- Space shuttle
- Sputnik I, 15
- Tactical use of, 6
- Trajectory changing of, 51
- Unlawful, 33
- U.S. dependence on, 6
- Saudi Arabia
- Savannah River reactors, 392, 484
- Sawhill, John, 381
- Sayre, Robert M., 455
- SCANTLING nuclear test, 154
- SCC meetings on comprehensive test ban
- CD working group, 386, 388, 390
- Changing approaches to issues in negotiations, 252
- Entry into force of CTB, 205
- Fixed duration treaty, 197, 198, 200, 207, 210
- Guidance for talks on, 228
- Low-level testing, 205
- Mandatory vs. voluntary inspections, 174, 179
- On-site inspections, 180
- Permitted experiments, 190, 197, 207
- Preliminary review of issues in, 141, 146
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- Review conference proposals, 227
- Seismic stations, 190, 205, 210, 246, 248
- U.S. negotiating position on, 160
- Verification capabilities, 163
- Work program for discussion of, 164
- Scheinman, Lawrence, 423
- Scheinman, Louis, 345
- Schirmer, Kitty, 354, 381
- Schlesinger, James A.
- Clinch River reactor funding, 322
- Comprehensive test ban
- Carter meeting with nuclear laboratory officials on, 206
- DOE position, 197
- Fixed duration treaty, 198
- JCS position, 220
- Non-proliferation value of, 211
- Nuclear testing during, 191
- On-site inspection quotas, 180
- Permitted experiments under, 202
- Review conference proposals, 227, 231
- SCC discussion of, 205, 207
- Three year approach, 217
- Trilateral negotiations, Instructions for, 170, 219
- Heavy water production technology exports, 452
- Japanese processing of spent nuclear fuel, 344
- Nuclear fuel access, 358
- Nuclear proliferation, 317, 329, 334, 336
- Nuclear testing
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 190, 196
- PD/NSC–8, 334, 336
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 205, 207, 228
- Special Session on Disarmament, 478, 484, 485, 493, 500
- Storage for spent nuclear fuel, 364
- Schmidt, Helmut
- Carter meetings with, 412, 417, 499
- Chemical weapons, 87, 139
- Conventional arms transfers, 299
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil
- Heavy water technology exports to Argentina, 447
- Mondale meetings with, 397, 398, 400
- Nuclear proliferation, 333, 342, 371
- Special Session on Disarmament, 491, 492, 499
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 417, 425
- Schrage, Barbara, 226
- Schroeder, Patricia, 123, 124
- Schueler, Manfred, 417
- Schultze, Charles L., 259, 271
- Scowcroft, Brent, 61
- Seabrook, 342
- Seager, Drake, 159
- Sebastian, Peter, 62, 152, 318
- Security Assistance Authorization for FY 1978 (1977), 264
- Seignious, George M., II
- ASAT, 46, 53, 56
- Chemical weapons, 101
- Comprehensive test ban, 231, 236
- Conventional arms transfers, 307, 309, 312
- Heavy water production technology exports, 452
- Nuclear proliferation, In the post-INFCE era, 382
- Nuclear testing, Augmented program for, 235
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 228
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 236, 307, 309
- Seismic stations (see also Comprehensive
test ban)
- Ad hoc working group on, 247, 255
- Analysis of contribution of, 164
- And Senate ratification of comprehensive test ban, 212
- Components of, 252
- Development of, 199
- DOE position, 196, 248, 254, 255
- For three-year treaty, 197, 198, 207, 209, 213
- Funding for, 230
- In Alaska, 241, 245
- In Australia, 226, 232
- In Canada, 226
- In New Zealand, 232
- In the Falkland Islands, 251
- In United Kingdom and dependent territories
- Joint cooperative development proposal on, 245, 247
- Limitations of, 202
- Loan to Soviets of, 245
- Numbers of
- Ownership of, 180
- Readiness for installation of, 206
- SCC discussions of, 190, 205, 210, 246, 248
- Soviet position, 176, 189, 212, 241
- Tamper-proof, 162
- U.S. negotiating position on, 170
- U.S. prototypes, 245, 252
- U.S.-Soviet discussions of, 165, 182
- Seismic Verification Agreement (proposed), 226, 237, 240
- SELA (Economic System of Latin America and the Caribbean), 416, 432
- Seletsky, Aleksander S., 421
- Semenov, Vladimir S., 177, 212, 487
- Senate, U.S.
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfer, 269
- Foreign Relations Committee
- IAEA safeguards, 384
- Ratification hearings on Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 158
- Resolution 405, 127
- SALT ratification
- Soviet nuclear testing, 238
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 127, 129, 131
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 364, 434, 437, 440, 464
- Warnke testimony before, 202
- Senior Review Group (SRG), 61
- Sennewald, Robert, 293
- Sensitive weapons, 268
- Sergeant, William, 430
- Sewell, Duane, 228, 235, 254
- Seymour, Jack, 471
- Shaba, 357
- Shahi, Agha, 350, 357, 376
- Shakow, Alexander, 486, 488, 494
- Shankle, Arthur, 341
- Shchukin, A.N., 30
- Shelepin, Alexander N., 449
- Sherman, William C., 320, 329, 345
- Shinn, William, 58
- Shoesmith, Thomas P., 320, 329
- Shulman, Marshall D.
- Shumate, John, 62
- Siberia, 117
- Siegel, Jeffrey, 429
- Sievering, Nelson F., 338
- Sievering, Nicholas, 348
- Significant combat equipment, 261, 270, 271, 273, 275
- Silveira, Antônio Francisco Azeredo da
- Simokaitis, Frank, 59
- Simonsen, Mario H., 433
- Singapore, 263, 359
- Singh, Charan, 372
- Skaff, Joseph, 59
- Skylab, 28
- Slipchenko, Victor R., 223
- Sloane, Robert, 430, 448
- Slocombe, Walter B.
- ASAT arms control policy discussions, 10
- ASAT talks
- Chemical weapons, 64, 92, 139
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 281
- Nuclear proliferation, 381
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 193
- PRM/NSC 23, 5
- Soviet high-yield nuclear testing, 254
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament, 487
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112, 113, 120, 129, 135
- Sloss, Leon, 1, 61, 63, 145, 147, 266, 474
- Smirnov, Leonid V., 3, 64, 153, 267, 332
- Smith, Emery, 423
- Smith, Gerard C. “Gerry”
- EURATOM and IAEA safeguards, 367
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 356, 373, 374, 380, 450
- Heavy water technology exports, 447, 457, 459, 460, 467
- Messages to Carter, 224, 225, 365
- Nuclear fuel exports, 362, 424, 439
- Nuclear Non-proliferation Act’s signing, 366
- Nuclear power, 393
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing, 352, 353, 354, 439
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 417, 419, 422, 425, 429
- Smith, Jack, 122
- Smith, William Y.
- Sokolov, O., 3, 64
- Solana Morales, Fernando, 414
- Solar energy, 427
- Solomon, Anthony M., 266
- Somalia, 20, 283, 304
- Sommer, Peter, 232
- Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 450
- South Africa, Republic of
- South Asia, 290, 304
- South Yemen, 303
- Southeast Asia. See Cambodia; Laos.
- Southern Africa (see also South Africa, Republic of), 233, 267, 304
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- Arms control negotiations as affected by, 57, 60, 216, 244, 250, 316
- Cuban rejection of Tlatelolco Treaty and, 465
- NATO discussion of, 107
- SALT II Treaty ratification as affected by, 251
- Soviet response to U.S. measures against, 468
- U.S. public opinion on, 117
- U.S. technology transfers to Soviets restricted because of, 245, 246
- Soviet Union (see also Conventional arms
transfers (CAT), U.S.-Soviet talks on; Sverdlovsk incident)
- Argentina, relations with, 468
- As London Suppliers Group member, 260, 317
- As superpower, 60
- ASAT systems, 4, 9, 28, 34, 35, 40
- ASAT talks
- ASAT Treaty, 60
- ASAT weapons testing, 33, 58
- Biological weapons, 85, 111
- Biological Weapons Convention (1971), 62, 81, 114, 121, 129
- Chemical weapons, 82
- Bilateral consultations on limitation of, 61
- Draft treaty on, 69, 73
- Foreign policy as affected by, 283
- Joint initiative on, 77
- Joint U.S.-Soviet statements, 98
- Prohibition of, 63
- Slowdown, 128, 136
- Soviet Civil Defense against, 85
- Soviet foreign policy as affected by negotiations on, 283
- Soviet position, 82
- Soviet superiority in, 68, 69
- Stockpiles of, 94
- U.S.-Soviet working group, 65, 76, 118
- Use in Asia of, 104, 132
- Verification, 71, 102, 118
- Work on CW convention in CD, 102
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 94
- Civil Defense, 85
- Comprehensive test ban
- CD working group on, 126
- Chinese People’s republic adherence to, 176, 177, 192
- Fixed duration treaty, 221
- French adherence to, 176, 177, 192
- Peaceful nuclear explosions under
- Soviet draft treaties, 160, 165, 251
- Soviet expression of interest in, 140, 142, 146
- Trilateral negotiations, 174, 177
- U.S.-Soviet exploratory discussions (June 1977), 162
- Verification, 165, 182, 189
- Conventional arms transfers (see also Conventional arms transfers (CAT), U.S.-Soviet talks on)
- Cuba, relations with, 418
- Czechoslovakia invasion (1968), 6
- Enhanced radiation (ER) weapons, 494
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 348
- Full-scope safeguards, 339, 347, 363
- GDR recognition by, 146
- Heavy water technology exports to Argentina, 448, 468
- ICBM test notifications by, 58
- Israeli-Egyptian negotiations, 20
- Limited Test Ban Treaty violations by, 148
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 348, 387
- NPT Review Conference, 386, 387, 389
- Nuclear proliferation, 339, 347, 367, 375, 433
- Nuclear reprocessing plants, 342
- Nuclear testing, 238, 239, 248, 253, 254, 255
- Nuclear weapons transit rights, 446, 449
- OPANAL, 402, 449
- Pakistani nuclear weapons development, 376
- Panama Canal, 421
- Peaceful nuclear explosions
- Seismic stations, 176, 189, 212, 241, 245
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 474, 475, 494, 501
- Tlatelolco Treaty Protocol II, 428
- Tlatelolco Treaty Protocol II adherence
- U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation, 363
- U.S. relations with
- Space, 6, 27, 33, 39, 57
- Space-based testing, 23, 24, 25
- Space hostilities, 29, 31
- Space objects, 39, 41, 48, 54
- Space systems, 6
- Space Transportation System, 27
- Spain, 146, 211, 268, 325, 364, 471
- Sparkman, John J., 153, 269, 440
- Special Coordination Committee (SCC) (see
also SCC meetings on comprehensive test ban)
- ASAT talks
- Chemical weapons
- Conventional arms transfers, 281, 294, 295, 303, 306
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 485, 488
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Meetings
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- Negative security assurances, 486, 488, 489
- NPT Review Conference, 386, 388, 390
- Nuclear testing, 253, 254
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 146, 190, 197
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 170, 186
- Seismic stations, 190, 205, 210, 246, 248
- Special Session on Disarmament, 485, 486, 488, 489
- Sverdlovsk incident, 109, 112, 129, 135
- Working group on national seismic stations, 246
- Special nuclear materials (SNM), 393
- Special Operations Field Office (SOFO), 333
- Special Session on Disarmament (SSOD) (see
also United Nations General Assembly)
- Agenda for, 475
- Argentine role in, 475
- ASAT weapons ban, 478
- Australian role in, 471, 477, 501
- Austrian role in, 471, 475, 501
- Brazilian role in, 471, 475, 501
- British role in, 476, 477, 488, 494, 501
- Canadian role in, 471, 483, 491, 494, 501
- Carter meeting with delegates to, 499
- Carter-Waldheim discussions of, 472
- Carter’s speech at (possible), 486, 488, 489, 491, 492, 493
- CCD as affected by, 475, 494
- Chemical weapons negotiations during, 79, 83
- Chinese People’s Republic’s role in, 494, 501
- Comprehensive test ban, 211, 212
- Conventional arms transfers
- Coordination of language on comprehensive test ban in, 494
- Cutoff and transfer agreements
- ACDA position, 489, 491, 492
- As other states’ initiatives, 496
- As U.S. initiative, 478, 481, 492
- British position, 482, 483, 486
- Carter’s decisions on, 492, 493, 496, 500
- DOD position, 489, 490, 492
- DOE position, 484
- Guidance for, 494, 498, 499
- Interagency study on, 482, 483, 485
- Special Coordination Committee discussion of, 485, 488
- Verification for, 491
- Danish role in, 501
- Declaration on disarmament, 494
- Development and disarmament
- Disarmament experts meeting, 471, 474
- Dutch role in, 501
- Egyptian role in, 471, 475, 501
- Enhanced radiation (ER) weapons, 480, 481
- Final documents for, 477, 501
- Finnish role in, 478, 501
- Four-power discussion of, 476
- French role in, 476, 494, 501
- FRG role in, 476, 494
- Ghanaian role in, 494, 501
- Guidance for delegates to, 471, 475, 494, 498, 499
- Indian role in, 471, 481, 492, 494, 501
- Iranian role in, 475
- Italian role in, 471, 494, 501
- Japanese role in, 471, 475, 477, 491, 494
- Mexican role in, 471, 494
- Mondale’s address to, 495, 498, 499
- NATO discussion of, 473, 474
- Negative security assurances, 486, 488, 492, 493, 498
- New Zealand role in, 501
- NGO’s role minimized in, 475
- Norwegian role in, 477, 478, 501
- Nuclear accident reporting, 481, 486, 488
- Nuclear free zones as initiatives at, 478
- Nuclear proliferation, 494
- Pakistani role in, 471, 501
- Preparatory committees (PrepComs), 471, 475, 479, 481
- Preparatory conferences (PrepCons), 471, 474
- Program of Action for, 296, 299, 304, 477, 494
- Reports on, 492, 501
- Resolution calling for, 471
- Romanian role in, 471, 477
- SALT II as affected by, 475, 494
- SCC meetings on, 485, 486, 488, 489
- Soviet role in, 471, 474, 475, 494, 501
- Soviet-U.S. discussions of, 475, 494
- Sri Lankan role in, 471
- Swedish role in, 475, 478, 494, 501
- Tlatelolco Treaty ratifications during, 438, 439
- U.S. Backstopping Committee for, 479, 481, 486
- U.S. change of tactics toward holding of, 471, 473
- U.S. consultation and coordination with major actors, 475, 494
- U.S. initiatives for, 478, 488, 494
- U.S. position, 480
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 487
- Venezuelan role in, 471, 492, 494
- Verification of chemical weapons ban, 87
- Yugoslavian role in, 471, 474, 475, 477, 481, 492
- Spent fuel
- Speth, Gus, 381, 382
- Squire, Robert, 159
- Sri Lanka, 359, 387, 471
- Staden, Berndt von, 284, 417, 445, 447
- Standing Consultative Commission (SCC), 13, 131, 199
- Stansberry, Kent, 59
- Stapleton Airport, 124
- Starkey, James, 468
- State sovereignty, 60
- Stearman, William, 65, 471, 473
- Stebbins, Charles
- Stefanas, Anne, 448, 467
- Steiner, Charles, 446
- Steiner, Steven E.
- Stennis, John, 269
- Steven, Robert, 120, 240, 453
- Stevens, Sayre
- Stocker, Carol Kay, 369, 448
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 146, 333, 371, 400, 417, 462, 467
- Stone, Richard B., 269
- Strand, Robert, 87, 98
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 406
- Strategic Arms Control Treaty (SALT I), 163, 251
- Strategic Arms Control Treaty (SALT II)
- ASAT ban as support for, 5, 12, 40, 43
- Comprehensive test ban linkage with
- Continuing commitment to, 478
- Cruise missile testing, 177
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 492
- Definition of heavy bombers, 177
- Finalization of treaty, 229
- Interagency Working Group on, 488
- Lack of progress in negotiations for, 20
- Senatorial ratification of
- Signing of, 60, 236
- Soviet nuclear testing as affecting ratification of, 238
- Special Session on Disarmament, 475, 494
- U.S. public opinion on, 499
- Vance-Thatcher discussions of, 233
- Strategic Arms Control Treaty (SALT III), 236, 391
- Streator, Edward, 232
- Strickland, Harold L., 5
- Stuart, Ian, 375
- Suchan, George, 448, 467
- Sudan, 263, 275, 283, 471
- Sugar, 427
- Sukhodrev, Viktor M.
- Sunoda, Sunao, 320, 329
- “Supreme national interest,” 206
- Survivability, 27
- Svart, Ankar, 162
- Sverdlovsk incident
- ACDA White Paper on, 133, 135
- Comprehensive test ban as affected by, 248
- Congressional interest in, 115, 127, 129
- Hodding Carter’s statement on, 127
- Initial reports on, 109
- Muskie-Dobrynin discussion of, 138
- SCC meetings on, 109, 112, 129, 135
- Soviet non-compliance with Biological Weapons Convention, 121, 129
- U.S.-British consultations, 137
- U.S. consultation with allies on, 134
- U.S. démarches on
- U.S. proposals for investigation of, 120
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 117
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Symington Amendment, 350, 376
- Taborda, Jesus, 430
- Taft, Dan, 381
- Taiwan, 146, 327, 329, 381
- Tanks, 263
- Tarapur reactor (India), 357, 383, 384, 395, 430
- Tarasov, Boris, 199, 223
- Tarnoff, Peter
- Chemical weapons use in Asia, 110
- Conventional arms transfers, 290, 293, 299
- Full-scope safeguards for heavy water, 457
- Heavy water production technology exports to Argentina, 454, 457
- Nuclear proliferation, 321, 376
- Pakistani development of nuclear weapons, 376
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 408, 413, 441
- U.S. nuclear reactor part exports to Argentina, 470
- Taylor, John, 113
- Technology transfers, 119, 245, 246
- Television broadcasts, 33
- Tello Macías, Carlos, 414
- Teltsch, Kathleen, 397
- Tengler, John A., 139
- Teratogens, 76
- Terekhov, Andrei, 47, 48
- Terfloth, Klaus, 157, 476
- Terrorism, 124, 183, 285
- Thailand, 110
- Thatcher, Margaret
- Carter meetings with, 242, 244, 245
- Chinese People’s Republic, 242
- Comprehensive test ban, 233, 234, 236, 242, 244, 245, 246
- Election victory, 229, 308
- Namibia, 242
- Seismic stations, 234, 242
- Vance’s discussions with, 233, 234
- Visit to Tokyo (1979), 240, 250
- Visit to Washington (Dec. 1979), 242, 244, 245, 248
- Thayer, Harry E.T., 151, 282
- Theater force modernization, 146
- Third World, 300, 312, 394, 417
- Thomas, Andrew, 296
- Thomas, Charles, 138
- Thompson, David, 475
- Thompson, Herbert B., 402, 414
- Thompson, Richard, 122
- Thorium
- Thorne, Robert D., 341
- Thornton, Dick, 244
- Thornton, Thomas P., 266, 381, 468
- Thorsson, Inga, 385, 501
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974), 141, 146, 153, 158, 173, 243
- Thurmond, Strom, 269
- Thyden, James, 162, 445
- Thyden, John, 285
- Tice, Donald, 321
- Tighe, Eugene F., 148
- Timbie, James
- Timerbaev, Roland M.
- Tindemans, Leo C., 319
- Tlatelolco Treaty (see also Argentine
Tlatelolco Treaty accession; Brazilian Tlatelolco Treaty accession;
Cuban Tlatelolco Treaty accession; Nuclear Free Zones)
- Article 25, 434
- Article 30, 413
- Carter-Schmidt discussions of, 417
- Chilean accession to, 419, 434, 435, 436, 449
- CTB as reinforcement for, 211
- Guyana’s accession to, 434, 464
- Jamaican accession to, 464
- Merger of Ayacucho Declaration with, 304
- Mexican encouragement of holdout states for entry into, 419, 435, 444, 450
- Nicaraguan accession to, 464
- Peaceful nuclear explosions as covered by, 423
- Prospects for ratification of, 434
- Protocol I
- As interpreted in OPANAL, 409, 411
- British adherence to, 364, 406
- Dutch adherence to, 364, 402, 406
- French adherence to
- U.S. adherence to
- ACDA memorandum on, 407
- Basis for, 478
- Decision memorandum on, 406
- DOD position, 409, 440
- Exclusions for Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 402
- JCS position, 440
- OPANAL position, 464
- Reservations included in ratification, 413
- Senatorial ratification of, 364, 434, 437, 440, 464
- Signing of, 414, 423, 464
- State Department memorandum on, 408
- Protocol II
- Ratification during SSOD of, 438, 439
- Tenth anniversary of opening for signature of, 402
- Transit rights
- U.S.-Mexican discussion of, 414, 444
- U.S. support for, 464, 499
- Todman, Terence A.
- Togo, Fumihiko, 320, 329
- Tokai nuclear plant (Japan)
- Tooele Army Depot, 123, 124
- Toon, Malcolm
- ASAT talks, 3, 56
- Brezhnev meetings with, 177
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons, 64, 101
- Comprehensive test ban, 153, 168, 201, 212, 221, 236
- Conventional arms transfers, 267, 283, 285, 289, 309
- Nuclear proliferation, 332
- Special Session on Disarmament, 487
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 56, 101, 236, 309
- Toronto Star, 452
- Torres, Julio, 252
- Torrijos Herrera, Omar E., 304
- Toumanyan, Alec, 355
- Toussaint, Donald, 471
- Toxicity, 73, 80, 82, 84, 88, 118, 136
- Traid, Eduardo Alberto, 420
- Train, Russell, 337
- Treaty of Tlatelolco. See Tlatelolco Treaty.
- Treverton, Gregory F., 417
- Tricastin nuclear enrichment plant (France), 365
- Tritium, 188, 206, 468, 484
- Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 342, 420, 491, 492, 501
- Tsien Ta-yung, 151
- Tuchman, Jessica
- Chemical weapons, 63, 68, 95
- Conventional arms transfers, 281, 286, 290, 293, 294, 295, 303
- Encouragement of adherence to Geneva Protocol and Biological Weapons Convention, 62
- FRG nuclear sales to Brazil, 401
- Heavy water exports, 447
- Nuclear fuel assurances, 358
- Nuclear reprocessing, 354
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 68
- SCC meetings, 95, 294, 295, 303
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 402, 435
- Tunisia, 263, 471
- Turk, Lynn, 460
- Turkey, 144, 146, 233, 304, 471, 474
- Turner, Stansfield M.
- ASAT, 2, 11, 17, 24, 29, 34, 46
- Comprehensive test ban
- Conventional arms transfers, 274, 280, 281, 292
- Nuclear proliferation, 381, 382
- Nuclear testing, 156, 158, 172, 173, 253, 255
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 197
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- PD/NSC–13, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- Policy Review Committee, 2, 381
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Seismic stations, 222, 246
- Special Session on Disarmament, 479, 485, 488, 493, 500
- Sverdlovsk incident, 112
- Turrentine, Arch, 76, 77, 79, 80, 494
- Twaddell, William, 3, 168, 400, 414
- Ueki, Shigeaki, 427
- United Kingdom (UK)
- As London Suppliers Group member, 260, 317
- Biological Weapons Convention (1971), 81, 119
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- British position, 143, 171, 179, 215
- British role in negotiations for, 159, 187
- British withdrawal from trilateral negotiations, 236, 237, 240, 242
- Chinese People’s Republic adherence to, 159
- Fixed duration treaty, 197, 213, 215
- Indian participation in, 194
- Permitted experiments, 215, 226
- Quadrilateral discussions of, 157
- UN resolutions on, 144
- U.S.-British discussions of, 159, 160, 165, 187, 226, 232, 244, 250
- Verification, 187, 244
- Conventional arms transfers, 263, 267, 288, 297, 298, 308
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 482, 483, 486
- Elections (1979), 229
- Full-scope safeguards, 311
- Intelligence conference with the United States (1978), 89
- Negative security assurances, 486, 492, 498
- NPT Review Conference, 389
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear reprocessing, 341, 342, 377, 384
- Nuclear testing moratorium, 146, 233
- Nuclear tests, 226
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 192
- On-site inspections, 184
- OPANAL, 449
- Polaris Improvement Program, 146
- Seismic stations
- Special Session on Disarmament
- Sverdlovsk incident, 137
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 364, 406, 446
- United Nations (UN), 153, 472
- United Nations Charter, 43, 44, 47, 54, 293
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 476
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) (see
also Special Session on Disarmament)
- Aggression as defined by, 293
- Chemical weapons, 61, 77, 89, 110
- Comprehensive test ban, 140, 144, 145, 146
- Conventional arms transfers, 278
- Declaration of Friendly Relations, 293
- Disarmament Committee, 98, 475, 494
- First Committee, 473, 475, 494
- Iraqi resolution on Middle East armaments, 499, 501
- Outer Space Committee, 60
- Resolutions
- Seventh Special Session, 499
- Special Political Committee, 494
- 31st Session, 471
- 32nd Session, 475
- United Nations Human Rights Commission (HRC), 110
- United Nations Secretariat, 475
- United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
- Uranium
- As a product of coprocessing, 344
- As weapons-usable material, 336
- Available resources of, 337, 341, 342, 370
- Depleted, 459
- Ease of access to, 342
- Exports to South Africa of, 325
- Fear of cartel in sale of, 371
- For Venezuela, 430
- Hexafluoride, 336
- Highly-enriched (HEU)
- Low-enriched (LEU), 364, 384, 429
- Nitrate, 336
- Origins of ore for, 355
- Oxide, 336
- Resource exploration for, 358
- U–233, 323, 336
- U–235, 325, 336, 478
- U.S. exports of, 325, 333, 371, 383, 463
- Uruguay, 260, 466
- U.S.–EURATOM Agreement for Cooperation (1958)
- Ustinov, Dmitriy F., 56, 101, 236, 309
- Utgoff, Victor, 17, 29, 34, 35, 43, 59, 139
- Vaerno, Oscar, 119
- Vajpayee, Atal B., 211
- Vaky, Viron P., 288, 411, 430, 432, 443, 453
- Valindaba enrichment plant, 364
- Van der Stoel, Max, 319
- Van Doren, Charles
- Vance, Cyrus R.
- ASAT talks
- Approval of goals for, 11, 18
- Démarche to Dobrynin, 49, 50
- Lasers, 50
- Protected vs. illegal satellites, 42, 53
- Special Coordination Committee meetings on, 17
- Testing ban, 31
- Third round, 46, 50, 53
- U.S. proposals for, 13
- Vance-Dobrynin talks on, 12, 13, 49, 50
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 3, 6, 13, 55, 56
- Belize, 242
- Brezhnev’s discussions with, 153, 332
- Carrington’s discussions with, 242, 244, 245, 248
- Carter-Geisel talks, 433
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Carter-Perez talks, 432
- Chemical weapons
- Comprehensive test ban
- British-U.S. discussions of, 232
- Carter-Dobrynin discussions of, 142
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 201, 221
- Carter-Thatcher discussions of, 242
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 214, 216
- Non-proliferation value of, 211, 220, 224
- On-site inspections, 179, 180
- Peaceful nuclear explosions as accommodated in, 145, 147, 153, 168
- Quadripartite discussions of, 157
- Resumption of testing after fixed-duration treaty, 198
- Review conference proposals, 227, 231
- SCC discussion of, 164, 205, 207, 210, 228
- Thatcher-Vance discussions of, 233, 234
- Three year approach, 210
- Trilateral negotiations, 166, 176, 214, 216, 219
- Vance-Brezhnev discussions of, 153
- Vance-Dobrynin discussions of, 243
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 153, 165, 168, 212, 223
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 236
- Conventional arms transfers
- Amounts of, In FY 1977, 272, 277
- Congressional notification of, 263, 265
- Coproduction limits, 268, 312
- Dollar volume ceilings, 268
- For new systems, 268
- FY 1978 program, 286
- FY 1979 ceiling, 301
- Legislation on, 264
- Management of restraints on, 279, 280
- Meeting with Senators on, 269
- Middle East nations reduction in purchases, U.S. request for, 258
- Multilateral restraints on, 267
- New technology developed for export, 268
- Of sensitive weapons, 268
- Sales of C–130s, 273, 275, 276
- To Latin America, 266
- U.S. policy assessment on, 312, 313
- U.S.-Soviet talks on, 260, 267, 278, 307, 315
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 288
- Vienna Summit discussion of, 307, 309
- Dobrynin’s discussions with, 117, 243, 260, 267, 278
- Fuel cycle evaluation program, 355, 372
- Gromyko’s discussions with
- Heavy water production technology exports, 452, 456
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Meetings
- Messages
- Middle East, 233
- Negative security assurances, 493
- No-first-use of nuclear weapons discussion, 3
- Non-proliferation Treaty, 318
- NPT Review Conference, 389
- Nuclear proliferation
- Argentine-U.S. discussions of, 466
- Carter-Fukuda talks on, 329
- Carter-Giscard talks on, 361
- Carter’s policy statement on, 331, 333
- G–7 summit discussion of, 342
- In the post-INFCE era, 375, 377, 378, 381, 382
- Message to Azeredo da Silveira, 398
- Message to de Guiringaud on, 321
- Gerard Smith as negotiator on, 344
- U.S.-Brazilian consultations, 400
- U.S.-French discussions of, 357
- U.S.-Japanese bilateral nuclear suppliers consultations, 341
- U.S. policy toward, 364, 371
- U.S. strategy for, 379
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks on, 416
- Vance-Brezhnev discussions of, 332
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 332
- Nuclear reprocessing, 349, 351, 443
- Nuclear testing, 156, 158, 172, 173, 235
- Nuclear weapons stockpile reliability, 190, 192, 197
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- PD/NSC–13, 270, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70, 78
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- Peaceful nuclear explosions
- Policy Review Committee meetings, 381
- PRM/NSC 12, 259, 260
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141, 146
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Report to Congress on, 316
- Seismic stations, 222, 229, 240, 246, 248
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony of, 12, 58, 316
- Special Coordination Committee meetings
- Special Session on Disarmament
- Carter meeting with delegates to, 499
- Carter speech proposal for, 491
- Carter’s decisions for, 493
- Cutoff and transfer agreements, 482, 484, 485, 491, 496, 500
- Four-power discussion of, 476
- U.S. Backstopping Committee for, 479, 481
- U.S. initiatives for, 478
- U.S. position, 480
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 487
- Sverdlovsk incident
- Thatcher’s discussions with, 233, 234
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974), 153
- Tlatelolco Treaty
- Vienna Summit (June 1979), 55, 56, 101, 236, 309
- Visits
- Vandenberg Air Force Base, 6
- Vasev, Vladillen M., 58, 130, 131, 134, 239
- Vavilov, A. M., 56, 101, 236, 309
- Velloso, João Paulo dos Reis, 433
- Venezuela
- Ayacucho Declaration, 288
- Brazilian nuclear agreement with, 461
- Conventional arms transfers, 288, 296, 297, 305
- Full-scope safeguards for, 430
- Nuclear proliferation
- Regional nuclear cooperation, 419
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 492, 494
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 419
- Uranium imports by, 430
- U.S. nuclear aid to, 419
- U.S.-Venezuelan talks, 288, 411, 416, 426, 432
- Verification (see also
Under chemical weapons; Under comprehensive test ban)
- By IAEA, 482, 483, 484
- By national technical means, 13, 31, 153, 160, 209, 212
- For cutoff and transfer agreements, 491
- International agency for satellites (proposal), 501
- Lack of provision in Biological Weapons Convention for, 68
- Of ASAT capabilities, 4, 6
- Of ASAT laser development, 30, 59
- Of EURATOM by IAEA, 348
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 102, 146, 163, 167, 195, 210
- Vertical proliferation, 400
- Vest, George S.
- Vick, M. Christine, 106
- Videla, Jorge Rafael
- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969), 433, 434
- Vienna Summit (1961), 180
- Vienna Summit (June 1979)
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 104, 106, 107, 132, 303, 309
- Vine, Richard D., 460
- Virgin Islands, 402, 406, 423
- Von Brandt, Max, 436
- Von Den Steinem, Erwin, 467
- Von Welck, Stephan, 384
- Vorster, Balthazar J., 211, 224
- Voutov, Peter, 119
- Vukovic, Miljenko, 477
- Wade-Gery, Robert, 248
- Walden, George, 242
- Waldheim, Kurt, 94, 169, 449, 472
- Waldman, Roger, 326
- Warheads
- Warner, Michael, 244
- Warnke, Paul C.
- ASAT capabilities, 2, 24
- ASAT talks, 3, 11, 13, 29
- ASAT testing ban, 37
- Carter-Gromyko talks, 201, 221
- Chemical weapons, 64, 74
- Comprehensive test ban
- Carter-Gromyko discussions of, 201, 221
- Consultations with Allied and Non-Aligned states, 214, 216
- Fixed duration treaty, 198, 210, 213
- JCS position, 220
- NAC briefing on, 162
- Non-proliferation value of, 211
- On-site inspections, 179, 180, 182, 184
- Review conference proposals, 227
- SCC discussions of, 164, 207, 210
- Senate testimony on, 202
- Trilateral negotiations
- Vance-Gromyko discussions of, 153, 168, 212
- Warnke-Petrosyants discussion of, 199
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament, 204
- Conventional arms transfers, 267, 268, 280, 292
- EURATOM and IAEA safeguards, 367
- Interagency Committee on Public Diplomacy and Disarmament, 497
- Negative security assurances, 493
- Nuclear proliferation, 328, 332, 348, 360, 363
- Nuclear testing, 154, 156
- Operation FULCRUM II, 155
- PD/NSC–8, 330
- PD/NSC–13, 271
- PD/NSC–15, 70
- PD/NSC–28, 81
- PD/NSC–37, 27
- PD/NSC–38, 200, 208
- PD/NSC–39, 32
- PD/NSC–45, 38
- Peaceful nuclear explosions, 168, 183
- PRM/NSC 12, 259
- PRM/NSC 15, 317
- PRM/NSC 16, 141
- PRM/NSC 27, 67
- PRM/NSC 37, 86
- Seismic stations, 222
- Special Coordination Committee meetings, 164, 207, 210, 290
- Special Session on Disarmament, 478, 479
- Tlatelolco Treaty, 406, 407, 428
- Warsaw Pact, 60
- Washington Post, 419
- Watanabe, Koji, 329
- Watson, Lorna, 296, 305, 423, 430, 446
- Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 112, 113, 114, 116
- Weapons and Space Systems Intelligence Committee, 111
- Weapons-usable materials, 336
- Weber, Heinz, 157, 476
- Weber, Karl, 96
- Weekley, Robert K., 79, 83, 96, 135
- Weil, Frank, 266
- Weiler, Lawrence, 477, 486, 488, 489
- Weitnauer, Albert, 460
- Welch, Jasper, 59, 104, 112, 129, 139, 246, 252
- Well, Günter von, 157, 326, 476
- West Asia, 303, 304
- Western Africa, 290
- Western Europe, 297, 308
- Westinghouse, 263
- Weston, John, 240, 250
- Weteye bombs, 123, 124
- White, John, 381
- Whiting, John, 471
- Whitman, John, 467
- Wickel, James, 320, 329
- Willens, Harold, 499
- Williams, Ross N., 16
- Williamson, David, 29, 34, 43
- Williamson, Richard, 411, 448, 468
- Wilson, George, 57
- Wilson, Harry, 108
- Wilson, Peter, 113, 120, 122
- Windscale, 336, 338
- Woesner, William, 445
- Woolfley, Dufour, 87
- World Disarmament Conference (WDC), 475, 494
- World Energy Conference, 328
- World War I chemical weapons casualties, 69
- World War II, 96
- Wright, James C., Jr., 115
- Yamazaki, Ryuchiro, 320
- Yamazaki, Toshio, 320, 329
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 486, 488, 489, 494
- Yemen, 303
- York, Herbert F.
- Yoshino, Bunroku, 320
- Young, Andrew, 493, 498, 499, 500
- Yugoslavia
- Comprehensive test ban, 144, 214
- Development’s link to disarmament, 477
- NPT Review Conference, 387, 389, 393, 394
- NPT withdrawal by, 211
- Nuclear power, 359
- Nuclear proliferation, 323, 342, 359, 375, 379, 494
- Peaceful biological research, 119
- Special Session on Disarmament, 471, 474, 475, 477, 481, 492