375. Memorandum of Conversations1


  • Ambassador Gerard Smith, S/AS
  • Ambassador Henry Owen, White House
  • Mr. Robert Bowie
  • Mr. Abraham Chayes
  • Dr. Albert Carnesale
  • Mr. Phillip Farley
  • Dr. George Rathjens, S/AS
  • Mr. F.S.M. Hodsoll, S/AS


  • Post-INFCE Nonproliferation Regime and 1980 Summit

The following ideas were expressed:

1. Smith should explore this Fall with key industrialized countries (Japan, UK, France, FRG, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Canada, and possibly Australia) views on the framework for a Post-INFCE Nonproliferation Regime (including multinational arrangements).

2. It is understood that there will be organized this Fall a nongovernmental meeting on post-INFCE institions; this would include key developing, as well as developed, countries. Ian Smart (UK) could be a principal organizer of this effort.

3. The purpose of these efforts would be to provide a basis for (i) developing recommendations for the President on post-INFCE U.S. policy, and (ii) talks next year leading hopefully to a consensus among the Summit 7 plus Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden on the basic elements of post-INFCE civil nuclear arrangements. We would attempt to achieve this consensus in time so that appropriate initiatives could be undertaken in June 1980 at the Venice Summit; Summit discussions and actions should avoid a developing country perception of the “Big Boys” ganging up on them.

4. In parallel with the talks referred to in 3 above, we should arrange to begin a dialogue with key developing countries who have participated actively in the INFCE TCC (Egypt, India, Philippines, Argentina, Korea, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, and Yugoslavia). The purpose would be to develop a degree of understanding, if not consensus, prior [Page 954] to the 1980 NPT Review Conference. A number of these countries should be worked in as a part of the Smith exploratory trip (perhaps India, Korea, Argentina, and Romania, which are active members of the TCC).

5. As agreed with Dr. Brzezinski, to provide USG authority for the Fall explorations, Smith should meet with Secretaries Vance, Brown and Duncan and Dr. Brzezinski shortly after Labor Day. For this purpose, a memorandum would be prepared outlining (i) the nature of the non-proliferation policy problem and (ii) the general thrust of ideas which we believe should be explored with other countries. The memorandum would indicate that it is too soon to consider actual policy changes, but that the explorations would provide a basis for formulating realistic proposals for the President’s consideration. It would also suggest a communication signaling the Smith explorations and the President’s interest in reaching resolution of outstanding civil nuclear issues.

6. Prior to the Fall explorations, the interagency group requested by the NSC should develop back-up analytical papers on key elements of the post-INFCE regime (e.g., plutonium management, research, etc.). On the basis of these papers, country specific papers will be prepared (including analysis of carrots and sticks to achieve our objective).

7. Also prior to the Fall explorations, Smith should consult with key Congressional leaders (Church, Jackson, Glenn, Percy, and McClure on the Senate side; and Zablocki, Bingham and Findley on the House side).

8. The USSR and PRC probably will not be major factors in a post-INFCE regime including multinational arrangements. Nonetheless, their participation should be sought.

9. Consideration should be given to raising the Pakistan issue at the 1980 Summit.

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Global Issues, Oplinger/Bloomfield File, Box 52, Proliferation: Smith (Gerard) Initiative: 5/78–9/79. Secret. Drafted by Francis Hodsoll (S/AS) on August 30. The conversations took place in Smith’s office at the Department of State.