Principal Issues in Relations with the Soviet Union; Major Appraisals and Estimates of the Soviet Union; Reports on Developments of Significance Within the Soviet Union of Concern to Relations with the United States1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. iv, Part 2, pp. 1522 ff.

[581] No. 581
The Ambassador-Designate in the Soviet Union (Bohlen) to the Department of State

Microfilm telegram files, “Moscow FY 53”: Telegram

[582] No. 582
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

Microfilm telegram files, “Moscow FY 53”: Telegram

[583] No. 583
Address by President Eisenhower, April 16, 1953

Source: President Eisenhower delivered this address before the American Society of Newspaper Editors. It was broadcast nationwide over combined radio and television networks. The text printed here is derived from Department of State publication 5042. The text is also printed in Department of State Bulletin, Apr. 27, 1953, p. 599 and Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953, p. 179.

Regarding the background of this address, see Document 594.

[584] No. 584
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bohlen) to the Department of State

Microfilm telegram files, “Moscow FY 53”: Telegram

[586] No. 586
Special Estimate

INRNIE files

[587] No. 587
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bohlen) to the Department of State

Microfilm telegram files, “Moscow FY 53”: Telegram

[588] No. 588
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bohlen) to the Department of State

611.00/4–2553: Telegram

[589] No. 589
President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Churchill


[590] No. 590
Special Estimate

INRNIE files

[591] No. 591
Prime Minister Churchill to President Eisenhower

Presidential Correspondence, lot 66 D 204, “ChurchillEisenhower Correspondence”

[592] No. 592
President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Churchill

Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file

[593] No. 593
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

611.61/5–653: Telegram

[594] No. 594
Paper Prepared by Walt Whitman Rostow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Eisenhower Library, C. D. Jackson papers

[599] No. 599
National Intelligence Estimate

INRNIE files

[601] No. 601
Special Estimate

INRNIE files

[606] No. 606
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in Europe

700.00(S)/7–1653: Circular telegram

[607] No. 607
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Bohlen) to the Department of State

761.00/8–1053: Telegram