United States policy regarding questions relating to the establishment of an international trusteeship system under the United Nations Charter; President Truman’s declaration of November 6 proposing a strategic area trusteeship with the United States as administering authority for the Pacific islands formerly under mandate to Japan

[Pertinent documentation in Department’s files 890.0146 and 740.00119 Council and in the files of the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC) relating to interdepartmental consideration of some of the issues treated in this section has been omitted under the provisions of Department of State Regulation 1352, ante, p. IV.]

[333] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Australia (Minter)

890.0146/8–2946: Telegram

[335] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)

740.00119 Council/9–346: Telegram

[337] Memorandum by the Ad Hoc Committee Appointed at the 42nd SWNCC Meeting

SWNCC Files: Series 59

[339] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Belgium (Kirk)

501.BB/9–846: Telegram

[340] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State

800.014/9–1346: Telegram

[343] The Department of State to the British Embassy


[344] The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Inverchapel)


[346] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[349] The Ambassador in Australia (Butler) to the Secretary of State

890.0146/10–1146: Telegram

[352] The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

501.BB/10–1546: Telegram