
The Acting Secretary of State to the New Zealand Minister (Berendsen)93


Sir: [Here follow introductory amenities, and statement that the United States Government had carefully examined the draft terms of trusteeship prepared by New Zealand and was transmitting in an enclosure “certain comments” for revisions and additions. It was noted that many of these “have already been accepted by the Government of the United Kingdom for inclusion in the terms of trusteeship for Tanganyika”.]

On August 12, 1946, Mr. John Reid of your Legation was informed by Mr. Hickerson of this Department that Article IX of the draft trusteeship agreement relative to the maintenance of international peace and security is agreeable to the United States Government. This statement is hereby confirmed. Furthermore, this Government agrees to the provisions of paragraph 1(c) of the aide-mémoire which you left at the Department of State on July 23, 1946, stating that the question of base rights should be taken up subsequent to the conclusion of the trusteeship agreement.

[Here follows exposition of this Government’s position on the question of “states directly concerned”, at the outset of which appreciation was expressed that New Zealand was prepared to regard the United States as a “state directly concerned” in Western Samoa.]

Dean Acheson
  1. Handed to Mr. John S. Reid of the New Zealand Legation by Mr. Hiss on August 21. Memorandum of conversation regarding exchange of views between Messrs. Hiss and Reid on this occasion not printed (890.0146/7–2346). On August 23 at the request of the New Zealand Legation there was an article-by-article review of the agreement made by representatives of the Department and Legation (memorandum of conversation not printed, 890.0146/8–2346).