Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, General; the United Nations, Volume I

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, General; the United Nations, Volume I
- Ralph R. Goodwin
- Neal H. Petersen
- Marvin W. Kranz
- William Slany
General Editor:
- S. Everett Gleason
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introduction
- List of abbreviations and symbols
- Organization and arrangements for the conduct of United States relations with
the United Nations (Documents 1–30)
- General United States policy toward the United Nations: (Documents 31–69)
- I. The United States and the United Nations: general expressions of the
United States position (Document 31)
- II. Acceptance by the United States of the compulsory jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice (Documents 32–34)
- III. Questions relating to the establishment of the temporary headquarters
and permanent seat of the United Nations in the United States; the proposed
general convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations (Documents 35–69)
- I. The United States and the United Nations: general expressions of the
United States position (Document 31)
- The United States at the United Nations: the United States position regarding
certain problems of United Nations organization and procedure: (Documents 70–284)
- I. United States policy regarding elections to certain organs,
commissions, and committees of the United Nations (Documents 70–135)
- II. United States policy regarding questions relating to the voting
procedure of the Security Council of the United Nations under Article 27 of
the Charter of the United Nations and the Four Power Statement of June 7,
1945 (Documents 136–178)
- III. Policy of the United States favoring early admission of states
eligible for membership in the United Nations (Documents 179–250)
- IV. Policy of the United States regarding the apportionment of expenses of
the regular (administrative) budget of the United Nations among members of
the Organization (Documents 251–275)
- V. Attitude of the United States toward questions concerning the
establishment of relationships between organs of the United Nations and
nongovernmental organizations and the specialized agencies (Documents 276–284)
- I. United States policy regarding elections to certain organs,
commissions, and committees of the United Nations (Documents 70–135)
- United States participation in the activities of the intergovernmental
agencies related to the United Nations (the specialized agencies) (Document 285)
- Resolutions proposed by the United States to the General Assembly of the
United Nations to encourage the progressive development of international law and
its codification (Documents 286–298)
- United States policy regarding questions relating to the establishment of an
international trusteeship system under the United Nations Charter; President
Truman’s declaration of November 6 proposing a strategic area trusteeship with
the United States as administering authority for the Pacific islands formerly
under mandate to Japan (Documents 299–394)
- United States policy at the United Nations with respect to the regulation of
armaments and collective security: the international control of atomic energy;
regulation of conventional armaments; efforts toward agreements placing armed
forces at the disposal of the Security Council; Soviet resolutions regarding the
presence of the armed forces of the United Nations members on non-ex-enemy
(Documents 395–577)
- United States national security policy: the extension of military assistance
to foreign nations; estimates of threats to the national security; coordination
of political and military policy; United States policy with respect to the
acquisition of military bases and air transit rights (Documents 578–599)
- Foreign policy aspects of United States development of atomic energy
(Documents 600–636)
- Basic foreign commercial policy of the United States to restore foreign trade
to private channels (Documents 637–638)
- United States interest in international economic collaboration for the
expansion of world trade and employment
(Documents 639–704)
- United States policy to modernize and extend the commercial treaty structure
of the United States by the negotiation of new treaties of friendship, commerce,
and navigation (Documents 705–706)
- United States policy of seeking tax treaties for the avoidance of double
taxation with respect to income taxes and estate and inheritance taxes (Document 707)
- Genesis of a foreign commodity policy for the United States; proposals by the
United States for an international system to deal with commodity problems (Documents 708–709)
- Developments relating to the foreign oil policy of the United States
(Documents 710–715)
- The United States and the activation of the Bretton Woods institutions (Documents 716–719)
- Formulation of a foreign financial program: policy to help war-devastated and
liberated countries meet their dollar requirements pending the beginning of loan
operations by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Documents 720–744)
- The United States balance of payments in the immediate postwar period; loans,
credits, grants, lend-lease aid, or other financial assistance to foreign
countries (Document 745)
- United States concern as to the world food shortage; establishment of a basis
for common action by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada (Documents 746–750)
- Policy of the United States with respect to the termination of international
relief activites through the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration (UNRRA) (Document 751)
- The United States and the question of international assistance to refugees and
displaced persons; the genesis of the International Refugee Organization (Document 752)
- United States policy with respect to international civil aviation questions:
the Bermuda Conference and related developments
(Documents 753–784)
- The convocation of an International Whaling Conference at Washington, November
20–December 2, 1946; the establishment of an International Whaling
Commission (Document 785)
- United States policy with respect to Antarctica
(Documents 786–796)
- Index