The First Secretary of the British Embassy (Middleton) to the Chief of the Division of Dependent Area Affairs (Gerig)
Washington, July 31,
Dear Mr. Gerig: With reference to your recent discussions with the the Colonial Office in London regarding the draft terms of trusteeship for Tanganyika and Togoland and the Cameroons under British Mandate, I am enclosing three copies of a provisional revise of the draft terms of trusteeship for Tanganyika.88
- 2.
- I have been asked to point out that the revised draft is to be regarded only as the United Kingdom record, on the official level, of the understandings reached during your recent discussions. I am sure that you will understand that the revisions which have tentatively been agreed are entirely without commitment on the part of His Majesty’s Government and are subject to reference to Ministers, and to consultation with the Governors of the territories concerned. We for our part recognize that your acceptance of modifications in the original State Department proposals are subject to reference to higher authority in Washington.
- 3.
- I have also been asked to pass along the following two small
explanatory comments on the revised text:—
- “(a) Article 12A. The United States text added the words ‘freedom of migration and movement’. Mr. Gerig agreed to drop ‘migration’. [Page 613] The United Kingdom representatives said that they would think whether there was some more effective way of describing ‘freedom of movement’, but they have not yet been able to devise a suitable synonym.
- “(b) Article 13. The United States text included a reference to special reports. Provisionally, no reference to this has been made in the revised text, but the point is still being considered.”
Yours sincerely,
G. H. Middleton