800.014/9–1346: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 13—2:07 p.m.]
8165. From Villard. Sir George Gater, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Colonies, who also was in Brussels last week, told me at luncheon yesterday that British Govt had not yet had time to consider on higher level revised trusteeship drafts discussed with Gerig last June.
This morning Secretary of State for Colonies called meeting his staff to go over matter. In subsequent conversation at Colonial Office Poynton informed me that approval had been given to most of our suggestion modifications, principal exception being revision for political surveys which British cannot accept. Early FonOff approval is expected after which final revised draft will be forwarded Washington and elsewhere.
Poynton also stated that while agreement of states defined by British as directly concerned would be sought, it would be unnecessary to submit changes for parliamentary approval. Colonial Office is in touch with Belgians and feels informal and separate discussions in NY prior to Assembly would be useful in interest of uniformity. Position of French regarded as uncertain.
Repeated Brussels 142.