Organization and work of “The Inquiry”

[46] The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Inquiry files

[47] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 182/11

[50] Dr. Isaiah Bowman to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Inquiry files

[53] Dr. Isaiah Bowman to Colonel E. M. House

Inquiry files

[56] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Treasurer of the Inquiry ( Miller )

Inquiry files

[57] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 182/13

[58] Dr. S. E. Mezes to Professor C. H. Haskins

Inquiry files

[59] Professor C. H. Haskins to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Inquiry files

[60] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State


[61] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/11

[62] President Wilson to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/12

[63] Memorandum by the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/12

[64] The Special Representative ( House ) to the Secretary of State

033.1140/246: Telegram

[65] The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Paris Peace Conf. 184/12

[66] The Secretary of State to the Special Representative ( House )

763.72119 P 43/924a: Telegram

[67] The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes


[68] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/13

[69] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/14

[70] The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes

Paris Peace Conf. 184/14

[71] Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State

Paris Peace Conf. 184/15