Inquiry files

The Executive Officer of the Inquiry ( Bowman ) to Professor C. H. Haskins 20

Dear Mr. Haskins: The Executive Committee of the Inquiry announces the composition of the Research Committee, as follows:

  • C. H. Haskins, Chairman
  • A. A. Young
  • J. T. Shotwell
  • I. Bowman

Plans have been approved for a liaison between the general Inquiry and the division of international law in order that each may derive benefit from research in related fields. Dr. Shotwell, who has charge of the Diplomatic History in the division of international law, will act as liaison officer between the Research and Law Committees. In addition he will carry out a program of editorial work for the Inquiry as a whole.

The Research Committee will meet on August 9th, and at that time frame definite plans of work for the November first program, basing decisions, so far as practicable, on the judgment of the general conference of division chiefs held on August 2d.

With individual conferences on plans of mutual interest and with the free exchange of views between collaborators and members of the Research Committee, it is certain that the work of the Inquiry will [Page 104] go forward with all possible dispatch and in a manner satisfactory to each investigator.

Any further suggestions as to plans will be gladly received before the meeting of the Research Committee on August 9th.

Very truly yours,

Isaiah Bowman
  1. Identical letters were sent to Messrs. Day, Seymour, Mezes, Miller, Young, Willis, Fenneman, Simkhoviteh, Tyler, Munro, Beer, and Lord, of the Inquiry.