Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: Before Colonel House left for Europe we discussed together the work already accomplished and the year’s program for Latin America with which you are familiar.
Colonel House asked me to say to you that the work already done for Latin America, and such further work as could be done on the balance of the $20,000 fund (which amounts to about $6000), would [Page 111] bring in the minimum of essential material for the peace conference, and that the proposed year’s program went into many matters which in his judgment were valuable, and might well be called to your attention as possibly useful to your Department, but as going beyond the needs of the Inquiry or the peace conference.
He thought, however, that a part of the program involving an expenditure of $5000 or less monthly from November 1st, and for a period of two or three months, would bring in all the material contemplated in the original program submitted to you on May 4th;27 and supplement the minimum results mentioned above, and would undoubtedly be useful at the peace conference if certain questions regarding Latin America should come up, as they may.
If you think well of such an additional two or three months’ program, we should of course be glad to administer the work at the Inquiry, details being arranged in conference between your Mr. Stabler and Mr. Bowman, our Executive Officer.
Believe me [etc.]
- Not printed.↩