Inquiry files
Dr. S. E. Mezes to Professor C. H. Haskins 25
Dear Dean Haskins: Colonel House asked me to let you know that he has gone to Europe for a visit of uncertain duration. Please treat this information as confidential until his arrival on the other side is noted in the press.
Before leaving he decided on a chart of organization of the Inquiry, a copy of which I am enclosing;26 division heads remain unchanged. His idea was to organize the force of the Inquiry in the way in which it could most effectively work when the conference is in session and he thought it would be well for the organization to go into effect at once in order that we might practice our parts ahead of time.
He believed that the administrative plan with heads rather than with committees would prove more effective, though no doubt special committees for consultation and editorial revision or vise will be [Page 110] constituted from time to time as the exigencies of situations may require.
He especially charged me with the pleasant duty of thanking the members of the Research Committee for their invaluable aid in rendering the work of the last few months effective.
This is just an outline of his message which I shall be glad to expand into fuller detail should any points remain unclear.
Cordially yours,