Inquiry files
The Research Committee of the Inquiry to the Division Chiefs
Cooperation With Other Government Organizations
Kindly inform the men working under your direction that we are now in touch with the following government organizations, and that the Inquiry would be glad to receive requests for information or suggestions as to work that might be done. It is understood that all such requests or suggestions should pass through the hands of the Executive Officer.
- Military Intelligence Division, General Staff
- Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce
- U. S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
- U. S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
- Bureau of Soils, Department of Agriculture
- Office of Farm Management, Department of Agriculture
- Bureau of Plant Industries, Department of Agriculture
- Division of Foreign Tariffs, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce
- Division of Latin American Affairs, State Department
- Foreign Trade Advisor, State Department
- Bureau of Research, War Trade Board
- Division of Planning and Statistics, War Industries Board and U. S. Shipping Board
- U. S. Tariff Commission
- National Research Council
- Anthropology Committee
- Medical Research Committee
In the case of the Military Intelligence Division, Colonel Dunn has even offered to cable any or all of the military attachés for especially urgent information. The existing liaison between the M. I. D. and the Inquiry enables us to tap practically any source of information in the country.