Paris Peace Conf. 184/14

The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes

My Dear Doctor Mezes: I have your letter of the 9th, which was delayed in reaching me as it was marked “Confidential”, while “Personal and Urgent” results in immediate delivery to me.

I quite agree with you that Doctor Bowman should be included in your group and leave it to you to give him such title as seems appropriate. I would not, however, approve that you forego your confidential clerk. By all means take both.

I am investigating as to whether there will be available in the army in Paris photostat machines, as it would save considerable trouble if they have them there rather than take one from this side. As soon as I know I will inform you.

As to stenographers and translators, Secretary Baker assures me that we can obtain all we need on the other side so we are not [Page 118] planning to take them from here—only those that can be designated confidential clerks.

I will keep you advised as to progress of arrangements so that you can make your plans accordingly.

Sincerely yours,

[File copy not signed]