101. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

517. Based on paragraph 2e. of Depcirtel 5082 Department has been considering courses action which countries bordering Caribbean can take demonstrate their determination work collectively resist attempts direct or indirect aggression by Castro regime. Current planning runs along following lines:

A. Courses of Action

Establishment system air-sea surveillance around Cuba and along coast Caribbean countries. Surveillance would serve inhibit Castro regime from sending clandestine shipments of arms and men to other countries of area and would strengthen capabilities those countries intercept such shipments. We would assume primary responsibility for Cuban patrol while other countries would cover own coasts with such assistance from us as may be necessary. Our conducting Cuban patrol [Page 233] would not rule out contributions by other Caribbean countries (e.g. naval units or support facilities for such units).
Intensification efforts counter Castro-communist subversion including control of travel to and from Cuba, shipment subversive propaganda from Cuba and transfer funds from Cuban sources for subversive purposes. Governments could also agree on system for exchanging information on Castro-communist subversive activities.
Issuance by governments of Caribbean area, including United States, of joint declaration that extension by Castro regime of its Marxist-Leninist system by force or threat of force to any part of Caribbean area or creation or use of a Soviet supported offensive military capability endangering security of any country in area, will call for taking of any necessary measures to protect security of countries concerned. This declaration would be accompanied by announcement that discussions will be held at military level to plan for defensive measures for meeting these contingencies.

B. Timing and Forum

Paragraph 2e. of Depcirtel 508 if approved at informal MFM would constitute additional hemispheric acknowledgment that Caribbean countries are particularly vulnerable Castro-communist subversion and consequently justified taking special defensive measures. This would serve minimize criticism Rio Treaty being bypassed or that inter-American system being fractionized.
Based this paragraph we would seek have President Caribbean country (e.g. President Betancourt) invite Ministers Defense and Interior Caribbean countries meet during second or third week of October to consider special measures which should be taken. Courses action outlined A. could constitute program to be approved. Inclusion Interior Ministers would emphasize that problem of dealing with Castro-communist threat is not purely external but one in which internal measures are equally important.


Department aware foregoing plan presents certain problems, particularly (1) whether Haiti and Mexico would want to join in action contemplated and (2) probability agreement patrol activities will give rise to requests for further military assistance. Would appreciate your evaluation receptivity of local government to plan and additional problems you can foresee in its execution. Foregoing is exclusively for information of addressees and should not be discussed with local officials until specifically authorized by Department.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 710.5/9-2562. Confidential. Drafted by Bowdler, cleared by Martin and Legal Adviser Abram Chayes, and approved by Allen. Sent to Bogot#, Caracas, Guatemala City, Managua, Mexico City, Panama City, Port-au-Prince, San Salvador, San Jose, Santo Domingo, and Tegucigalpa and repeated to USUN, POLADCINCARIB, POLADCINCLANT, Asuncion, Buenos Aires, La Paz, Lima, Montevideo, Quito, Rio de Janeiro, and Santiago.
  2. Document 151.