List of Persons

  • Abbes, “Johnny” Garcia, Chief of the Dominican Secret Police under Trujillo
  • Abbuhl, Forest E., officer in charge Haitian Affairs, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from January 22, 1961
  • Achilles, Theodore C., Member, Task Force on Latin America; Counselor of the Department of State to February 15, 1961; Director, Department of State Operations Center
  • Alemann, Dr. Roberto T., Argentine Minister of Economy, April 1961-April 1962; Ambassador to the United States after June 1962
  • Alessandri Rodriguez, Jorge, President of Chile
  • Allen, Ward P., Director, Office of Inter-American Regional Political Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs from June 24, 1962
  • Alsogaray, Alvaro, Argentine Minister of Economy, May 1962-October 1963
  • Amiama Tio, Luis, member, Dominican Council of State
  • Atila Luna, General Miguel, Chief of Staff, Dominican Air Force
  • Baez, Porfirio Herrera, Dominican Foreign Minister in Balaguer government
  • Balaguer, Joaquin, President of the Dominican Republic to January 1, 1962; President of the Council of State to January 16, 1962
  • Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs, January 30-December 3, 1961; Under Secretary of State from December 4, 1961
  • Barall, Milton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
  • Barbot, Clement, Former head of the Haitian Ton Ton Macoutes and opponent of the Duvalier government
  • Battle, Lucius D., Executive Secretary of the Department of State, March 16, 1961-May 2, 1962
  • Belaúnde Terry, Fernando, President of Peru from July 28, 1963
  • Belcher, Taylor G., Director, Office of West Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs from August 20, 1961
  • Bell, David E., Administrator, Agency for International Development, from December 21, 1961
  • Bell, John O., Deputy Coordinator for Foreign Assistance, Department of State, to November 4, 1961; Ambassador to Guatemala from November 10, 1961
  • Beltran Espantoso, Pedro, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of Commerce of Peru to July 18, 1962
  • Berle, Adolf A., Chairman, Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, November-December 1960; Chairman, Task Force on Latin America, January 2-July 7, 1961
  • Betancourt, Romulo, President of Venezuela
  • Bonilla Atiles, Dr. Jose, Dominican Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under the Council of State
  • Bonnelly, Rafael F., President of the Dominican Council of State, January 18, 1962-February 27, 1963
  • Bosch, Juan, President of the Dominican Republic, February 27, 1962-September 25, 1963
  • Bowdler, William G., Office of Regional Political Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
  • Bowles, Chester B., Under Secretary of State, January 25-December 3, 1961; President’s Special Adviser on Africa, Asia, and Latin America, December 4, 1961-June 9, 1963
  • Bracken, Katherine W., Director, Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs to November 11, 1961
  • Briz(z)ola, Leonel, Governor of Rio Grande do Sul Province, Brazil; brother-in-law of President Goulart
  • Brubeck, William H., Executive Secretary of the Department of State, May 14, 1962-July 20, 1963
  • Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Bundy, William P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., USN, Chief of Naval Operations to August 1, 1961
  • Burnham, Forbes, leader of the People’s National Congress of British Guiana
  • Cabell, General Charles P., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence to November 1961
  • Cabot, John M., Ambassador to Brazil to August 17, 1961
  • Califano, Joseph A., Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
  • Camilion, Oscar, Argentine Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs to March 1962
  • Carcano, Miguel Angel, Argentine Foreign Minister to March 1962
  • Carril, Bonifacio del, Argentine Ambassador to the United States to March 1962; Foreign Minister to October 1963
  • Carillo Flores, Antonio, Mexican Ambassador to the United States
  • Cassini, Igor, reporter, Hearst Newspapers; unregistered agent of the Dominican Government
  • Castro Ruz, Fidel, Premier of Cuba
  • Chayes, Abram J., Legal Adviser, Department of State from February 6, 1961
  • Chiari, Roberto F., President of Panama
  • Cleveland, J. Harlan, Assistant Secretary of State for International Oganization Affairs from February 21, 1961
  • Coerr, Wymberly De R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs to June 1962; Ambassador to Uruguay from July 27, 1962
  • Collins, V. Lansing, Director, Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from January 20, 1963
  • Cottrell, Sterling J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from April 14, 1963
  • Crimmins, John H., Director, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, April 7, 1962-January 16, 1963
  • Crockett, Kennedy M., Deputy Director, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from November 11, 1962
  • D’Aquiar, Peter, leader of the United Front political party of British Guiana
  • Dantas, Francisco Clementino San Tiago, Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations; later Minister of Finance
  • Dearborn, Henry V., Consul General, Ciudad Trujillo to May 27, 1961; Counselor, Embassy in Bogota from September 1961
  • Dillon, C. Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury
  • Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence to November 1961
  • Dungan, Ralph A., Special Assistant to President Kennedy
  • Duvalier, Francois, President of Haiti
  • Echavarria, General Rafael Rodriguez, Commander, Dominican Air Force; leader of coup against the Council of State, January 16, 1962
  • Enemark, General W.A., USA, Regional Director, Western Hemisphere Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Falcón Briceno, Marcos, Foreign Minister of Venezuela
  • Farland, Joseph S., Ambassador to Panama until August 1963
  • Fiallo, Viriato A., Presidential candidate of the UCN in the Dominican election of 1962
  • Fignole, Daniel, political opponent of the Duvalier government in Haiti
  • Fisher, John W., Director, Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs from June 10, 1962
  • Fitzgerald, Dennis A., Deputy Director for Operations, International Cooperation Administration
  • Fleming, Robert J., Jr., U.S. Governor of the Panama Canal Zone
  • Framini, Andres, Argentine Peronist labor leader; elected governor of Buenos Aires Province, March 1962 (election annulled by Guido government in April 1962)
  • Fraser, Hugh, British Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1960-1962
  • Freeman, Fulton, U.S. Ambassador to Colombia from June 15, 1961
  • Freites Barrera, Andres, Dominican Ambassador to the United States under the Council of State; Foreign Minister under the Bosch government
  • Frigerio, Rogelio, adviser to Argentine President Frondizi
  • Frondizi, Arturo, President of Argentina to March 29, 1962
  • Fulbright, J. William, Senator (D-Arkansas); Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
  • Gilpatric, Roswell L., Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 24, 1961
  • Goodwin, Richard N., Assistant Special Counsel to President Kennedy until November 1961; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs November 1961-January 1963; Secretary General, International Peace Corps Secretariat, from January 1963
  • Gordon, A. Lincoln, member, Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, November-December 1960; Ambassador to Brazil from October 19, 1961
  • Goulart, Jaoa, President of Brazil from September 7, 1961
  • Grey, Sir Ralph, Governor of British Guiana
  • Guevara de la Serna, Major Ernesto “Che,” Cuban Minister of Industry
  • Guido, Jose Maria, Provisional President of Argentina, March 1962-October 1963
  • Hamilton, Fowler, Administrator of the Agency for International Development, September 30-December 20, 1961
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large, February 13-December 3, 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, December 4, 1961-April 3, 1963; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 4, 1963
  • Hartwick, Tobias, officer in charge US-OAS Delegation Matters, Office of Regional Political Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
  • Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul, President-elect of Peru June 1962; prevented from taking office; candidate for President June 1963
  • Hemba, Alton W., Deputy Director, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, until March 1962
  • Henderson, Douglas, Deputy Chief of Mission, Lima, Peru to July 25, 1962; Charge d’Affaires, July 26-November 29, 1962
  • Hill, John Calvin, Consul General, Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic, May 28, 1961-January 5, 1962; Charge d’Affaires ad interim, January 6-March 9, 1962
  • Hilsman, Roger, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, February 19, 1961-April 25, 1963; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs from May 9, 1963
  • Home, Alexander Frederick Douglas, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs until October 1963; thereafter Prime Minister
  • Hoyt, Henry A., Minister Counselor and Counselor General, Embassy in Argentina, from January 1961; Charge d’Affaires ad interim, October 1961-February 1962
  • Hughes, Thomas L., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research to April 27, 1963; Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research from April 28, 1963
  • Hurwitch, Robert A., Deputy Director, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, February-June 1962; Special Assistant for Cuban Affairs, June 1962-August 1963
  • Illia, Arturo, President of Argentina from October 1963
  • Imbert Barrera, Antonio, member, Dominican Council of State
  • Jagan, Cheddi, Prime Minister of British Guiana from September 5, 1961
  • Jagan, Janet, Minister of the Interior of British Guiana from June 17, 1963
  • Jamison, Edward A., Director, Office of Inter-American Regional Political Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, until June 10, 1962
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 2, 1961
  • Jones, J. Wesley, Ambassador to Peru from February 1963
  • Jumelle, Gaston, political opponent of President Duvalier of Haiti
  • Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Deputy Attorney General of the United States
  • Kaysen, Carl, Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1961
  • Kennedy, John F., President of the United States
  • Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General of the United States
  • Khrushchev, Nikita S., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union
  • Kitchen, Jeffrey C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs from May 1961
  • Krulak, Major General Victor H., Special Assistant, Director of the Joint Staff for Counter-Insurgency and Special Activities; Chairman, Committee on Cuban Subversion from February 27, 1963
  • Kubitscheck, Juscelino, former President of Brazil
  • Kyle, Joseph B., Office of the Deputy Coordinator for Foreign Assistance, Agency for International Development
  • Lancaster, Bruce M., officer in charge Argentine Affairs, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from June 1962
  • Lane, Samuel O., Deputy Director, Office of West Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs to January 1962
  • Leddy, John M., member, Task Force on Latin America; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
  • Legere, Colonel Lawrence J., Assistant to the President’s Military Representative
  • Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., USA, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff to September 30, 1962
  • Linder, Harold, U.S. Governor, Inter-American Development Bank; President, Export-Import Bank of the United States
  • Lindley Lopez, General Nicolas, Leader of Peruvian military junta, March-July 1963
  • Lleras Camargo, Alberto, President of Colombia until 1962
  • Llosa, Admiral Luis Edgardo, Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Peruvian military junta
  • Loeb, James I., Jr., Ambassador to Peru, May 23, 1961-July 26, 1962
  • Lopez Mateos, Adolfo, President of Mexico
  • MacLeod, Iain N., British Secretary of State for Colonies until October 9, 1961
  • Magloire, Paul E., President of Haiti, 1950-1956
  • Mann, Thomas C., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs to April 20, 1961;. Ambassador to Mexico from May 8, 1961
  • Margolies, Daniel F., Deputy Director, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs from January 1963
  • Mariani, Clemente, Brazilian Minister of Finance
  • Martin, Edwin M., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs until May 17, 1962; Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from May 18, 1962
  • Martin, John Bartlow, special envoy to the Dominican Republic, September 1961; Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, March 1962-September 1963
  • Maulding, Reginald, British Secretary of State for Colonies, October 9, 1961-July 16, 1962
  • May, Herbert K., Chief, Latin America Division, Department of the Treasury to May 15, 1962; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from May 16, 1962
  • Mazzili, Ranieri, interim President of Brazil, August 26, 1961-September 7, 1961
  • McClintock, Robert M., Ambassador to Argentina from February 1962
  • McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence from November 29, 1961
  • McGhee, George C., Counselor, Department of State, February 16-December 3, 1961; Director, Policy Planning Staff, February 13-November 29, 1961; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, November 29, 1961-March 27, 1963; Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany from May 18, 1963
  • McGovern, George, Director, Food for Peace, 1961
  • McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense
  • Melby, Everett K., Consul in Georgetown, British Guiana until January 1, 1962; Consul General until September 2, 1963
  • Miolan, Angel, Party Chief, Partido Revolucionairo Dominicano
  • Mora, Jose A., Uruguayan, Secretary General of the Organization of American States
  • Morales-Carrion, Arturo, member, Task Force on Latin America; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from February 14, 1961
  • Moreira Salles, Walther, special emissary from Brazilian President Quadros to the United States, March 1961; Finance Minister from September 7, 1961
  • Morrison, DeLesseps S., Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
  • Morse, Wayne L., Senator (D-Oregon), Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on American Republics Affairs
  • Moscoso, Teodoro, member, Task Force on Latin America; Ambassador to Venezuela, May-November 1961; Assistant Administrator for Latin America, Agency for International Development, U.S. Coordinator for the Alliance for Progress
  • Moskowitz, Sam, officer in charge Colombian Affairs, Office of West Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, October 1961-February 1963
  • Muniz, Carlos Manuel, Argentine Foreign Minister, October 1962-October 1963
  • Murphy, Robert D., adviser to President Kennedy on matters concerning the Dominican Republic
  • Murrow, Edward R., Director, United States Information Agency
  • Musich, Arnaldo, adviser to Argentine President Frondizi
  • Neves, Tancredo, Prime Minister of Brazil, September 1961-January 1963
  • Newbegin, Robert, Ambassador to Haiti to December 1961
  • O’Connor, James F., officer in charge Argentine Affairs, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, until July 1961
  • Odrié, Manuel, former President of Peru; candidate for the Peruvian Presidency, June 1962, June 1963
  • Oduber, Daniel, Foreign Minister of Costa Rica
  • O’Meara, General Andrew P., Commander in Chief, Caribbean
  • Perez Godoy, General Ricardo, leader of the Peruvian coup of July 18, 1962; leader of the Peruvian military junta to March 1963
  • Peron, Juan Domingo, former President of Argentina exiled to Spain
  • Perrete, Carlos Humberto, Vice President of Argentina from October 1963
  • Pico, Rafael, temporary administrator of U.S. financial assistance to the Dominican Republic in early 1962
  • Poole, Richard A., officer in charge Peruvian Affairs, Office of West Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from June 1962
  • Prado y Ugarteche, Manuel, President of Peru until July 18, 1962
  • Quadros, Janio, President of Brazil, January 31-August 25, 1961
  • Read, Benjamin H., Executive Secretary of the Department of State from August 4, 1963
  • Reid Cabral, Donald, Second Vice President of the Dominican Council of State, Foreign Minister under the Triumvirate
  • Rostow, Walt W., President’s Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs until November 29, 1961; thereafter Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman, Policy Planning Council
  • Rubin, Seymour J., General Counsel, International Cooperation Administration
  • Rubirosa, Porfirio, son-in-law of Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo
  • Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., Ambassador to Argentina until February 1962
  • Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State
  • Santos, Emilio de los, member of the Dominican Triumvirate
  • Sayre, Robert M., Executive Secretary of the Task Force on Latin America, officer in charge Mexican Affairs, Office of Caribbean and Mexican Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, September 1961-April 1962; thereafter Special Assistant to the President
  • Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Special Assistant to the President
  • Schwalb Lopez Aldana, Fernando, Foreign Minister of Peru under the Belaunde government
  • Shriver, Sargent, Director of the Peace Corps
  • Sloan, Frank K., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Smith, Bromley K., Acting Executive Secretary of the National Security Council until August 1961; thereafter Executive Secretary
  • Solis, Galileo, Foreign Minister of Panama
  • Sparks, Edward J., Ambassador to Venezuela until April 15, 1961; Ambassador to Uruguay from May 24, 1961
  • Spencer, George O., officer in charge Inter-American Security and Military Assistance, Office of Inter-American Regional Political Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
  • Stephansky, Ben Solomon, Ambassador to Bolivia, June 29, 1961-October 15, 1963
  • Stevenson, Adlai E., U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
  • Stewart, C. Allen, Counselor, Embassy at Caracas to February 1962; thereafter, Ambassador to Venezuela
  • Swank, Emory C., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
  • Tapia, Ramone, member of the Dominican Triumvirate
  • Tavares, Manuel, member of the Dominican Triumvirate
  • Taylor, General Maxwell D., USA, President’s Military Representative, June 1961-September 1962; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1, 1962
  • Thurston, Raymond L., Ambassador to Haiti, January 1962-May 1963
  • Trujillo, Arismendi, brother of Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo
  • Trujillo, Hector Bienvenido, brother of Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo
  • Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas Martinez, Jr. (‘Ramfis”), son of Generalissimo Trujillo
  • Trujillo y Molina, General Rafael Leonidas, Generalissimo and Commander in Chief, Dominican armed forces
  • Turnage, William V., Director, Office of Inter-American Regional Economic Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, from June 11, 1961
  • Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 1962; thereafter Assistant Secretary
  • Ulloa, Manuel, special envoy of Peruvian President Belaunde to Washington, November 1963
  • Vance, Cyrus R., General Counsel of the Department of Defense, January 29, 1961-June 30, 1962; Secretary of the Army from July 5, 1962
  • Wellman, Harvey R., Director, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, April 1961-August 1963
  • Wessin y Wessin, Colonel Elias, leader of Dominican coup of September 25, 1963
  • Wheeler, General Earle G., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
  • Wheeler, Richard S., Deputy Director, Office of International Conferences, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
  • Whiteman, Marjorie M., Assistant Legal Adviser for Inter-American Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser
  • Whittaker, Arthur P., historian; member, Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems
  • Williams, Haydn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Williams, Newell F., Director, USAID mission to the Dominican Republic, spring 1962-September 28, 1963
  • Wilson, Jackson W., officer in charge Brazilian Affairs, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, until October 1962
  • Woodward, Robert F., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, July 17, 1961-May 17, 1962