- Abbuhl, Forest E., 750n, 754, 761n, 766n, 775n, 802n
- Acheson, Dean, 125
- Achilles, Theodore C., 5, 93, 171n, 259, 629n, 637, 641n, 680n, 754, 852
- Adenauer, Konrad, 478
- Africa, 559, 628
- Agency for International Development (AID):
- Alliance for Progress, 73, 74, 86, 89, 95, 97–98, 163, 394, 458–459
- Argentina, 394
- Brazil, 455–456, 458–459, 507–512
- British Guiana, 540–541, 583, 595–596, 604
- Dominican Republic, 695, 706–708, 710, 729–730, 734
- Haiti, 768, 776, 777
- Presidents of Central America and Panama Summit, 144
- South American Assessment Team, 207–209, 218, 220–221
- Aguiere, Francisco, 701
- Air Force, U.S., 209n, 441n, 514n, 758n, 880n
- Alemann, Roberto T., 356–357, 398, 403, 406, 420–422
- Alende, Oscar, 413n
- Alessandri, Rodriguez, 275, 276
- Alexander, Robert, 1, 749
- Allen, Ward P., 230n, 232n, 314n, 316n, 321n, 330n, 338n, 339n, 342n, 353n, 503n, 779n, 890n
- Alliance for Progress, 25, 88, 890
- Achievements during first year, 116–117
- Agency for International Development (see under Agency for International Development)
- Argentina, 362n, 373–375, 418, 434
- Brazil, 434, 467, 477, 497, 502
- British Guiana, 569, 604
- Commerce Committee for, 138–142
- Dillon’s appraisal, 61–63
- Dominican Republic, 706, 710–712, 723–724, 728
- Educational improvements, 84–85
- Alliance for Progress—Continued
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, 163–164, 178, 314–315
- Goodwin’s appraisal, 64–65, 146–148
- Historical genesis of, 98–100
- Ideological/political nature of, 100–103
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 8, 24, 26–28, 42, 62, 110–111, 113–115, 153–163, 168–169
- Interdepartmental Committee of Under Secretaries on Foreign Economic Policy, 70–74, 137–142
- Investment problems, U.S., 164–167
- Kennedy’s public speeches, 1–2, 4–5, 9–10
- Mann’s appraisal, 66–70
- Montevideo Conference, 27–28, 44–61
- OAS-Kennedy meeting, 120–121
- Panama, 819, 850
- Political stability in Latin America, 79–93
- Presidents of Central America and Panama Summit, 135–137, 144
- Schlesinger’s appraisal, 107–110
- Stevenson trip to Latin America, 26–27, 30–32
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, U.S., 1–8, 23–25, 38–43, 749
- Ten-year plan for the Americas, 19–23
- U.S. military relations, 90–91
- White House meeting, 94–97
- Working group on problems of, 75–78
- Alsogaray, Alvaro, 395–399, 405
- Alvarez, Tabare, 715
- Alvarez Sanchez, Braulio, 682
- American and Foreign Power Company (AMFORP), 166
- Amiama Tio, Luis, 689, 692, 714, 716, 728
- Angel, Xuleta, 253
- Aramburu, Carlos Alconada, 414
- Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio, 367n, 402–403
- Arango, A. Guillermo, 814, 828–830, 831, 842–844, 845
- Archer, Renato, 285
- Arciniegas, German, 11
- Argentina (see also
Cuban question in Latin America), 14, 31, 48, 49, 57, 108, 378
- Brazil, relations with, 381, 382, 451–452
- Guido government (post coup d’etat):
- Montevideo Conference, 51–52
- Peru, relations with, 382, 865, 875
- Political situation (see also Guido government (post coup d’etat) subheading above), 79, 80, 87
- United States, relations with, 95
- U.S. economic assistance, 46, 165, 374, 362n, 393
- U.S. military relations, 204
- Arias, Bueso, 331
- Arias, Gilberto, 818
- Arinos de Melo Franco, Afonso, 259–261
- Army, U.S., 209n, 441n, 514n, 758n, 880n
- Arosemena Monroy, Carlos Julio, 298–299
- Atomic energy, 853
- Balaguer, Joaquin (see also Dominican Republic), 620, 625, 692
- Ball, George W., 62, 66, 74, 97, 132, 133, 232–233, 263, 265, 270, 278, 299, 305n, 365, 536, 540–541, 694n, 742n, 780, 815n, 821n, 831
- Ball, Jack, 518
- Barall, Milton, 356n, 439, 456
- Barbosa, Mario, 464
- Barnes, Donald, 395, 402n, 403, 664, 701n
- Barnes, Tracy, 181
- Barnes, William, 262n
- Battle, Lucius D., 177n, 214, 221, 379–381, 517–518
- Belaúnde Terry, Fernando (see also Peru), 861–864, 886–887, 889
- Belcher, Taylor G., 277n, 286n, 353n, 857n, 858n, 859n, 868n, 869n, 879, 890n
- Belize, 136
- Bell, David E., 133, 239n, 604, 740n, 746
- Bell, John O., 97, 176
- Bellini, Herrera, 682
- Beltran Espantoso, Pedro, 49, 60, 852–854
- Benton, Bill, 636
- Berckemeyer, Fernando, 852, 854, 882–886, 890
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 1, 5, 23–25, 38–43, 126–127, 171n, 254, 255n, 629n, 749, 751n, 752–754
- Bernardes, Carlos Alfredo, 285, 335–337, 439, 498
- Berrill, Kenneth, 597
- Betancourt, Romulo (see also Venezuela), 60, 130, 149, 255n, 271–274, 352, 373, 379–381, 626, 632, 657, 689–691, 865
- Bissell, Dick, 94, 181
- Black, Eugene R., 466
- Blanco, Eugenio, 414
- Bogota Act of 1960, 2, 5–6, 7, 40, 44, 54, 68–70, 99, 117
- Bolivia, 14, 15, 57, 41, 77, 116, 204, 873
- Bond, Niles Woodbridge, 437–438, 445–446, 448–450
- Bonelly, Rafael, 688, 692, 693, 695, 713–717
- Bonilla Atiles, Jose A., 699–702
- Boonstra, Clarence A., 202, 424n
- Bosch, Juan (see also Dominican Republic), 130, 131, 657, 715, 716, 727, 739, 797–798
- Bossio Colla, Gen. Juan, 868, 869, 871
- Bowden, Lewis W., 286n
- Bowdler, William G., 171n, 194n, 232n, 255n, 262n, 263n, 267n, 268n, 292, 321n, 323n, 330n, 350–351, 352n, 353n
- Bowles, Chester B., 177n, 271, 274, 629n, 683n, 689, 691, 752n, 761n
- Bracken, Katherine W., 228n, 267n, 269n, 277n, 286n, 811n, 814, 817n, 818, 831
- Braddock, Danile M., 259, 641n, 754
- Bramble, Harlan, 711
- Brazil (see also under Cuban
question in Latin America), 31, 32, 48, 49, 57
- Agency for International Development, 455–456, 458–459, 507–512
- Argentina, relations with, 381, 382, 451–452
- Coffee production, 466
- Foreign policy, 503–505
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 160–161
- Montevideo Conference, 51–52
- Operation Pan America, 7
- Peru, relations with, 865
- Political situation, 81, 90, 126–127, 327,
- Communism, 438, 443, 447n, 449, 451–453, 469, 475, 501–503, 510–511
- Dillon-Quadros meeting, 431–432
- Foreign policy, 447–448
- Inter-Departmental Survey Team, 474–476
- Labor organizations, 461–463
- Quadros resignation, 444
- Riots, 566–567
- Rusk-Dantas meeting, 334–336, 498–499
- SNIE 93-2–61, 453–454
- Stabilization and development efforts, 494–498
- William’s appraisal, 450–452
- United States, relations with:
- Cuban question in Latin America, 437–438
- Dantas-Kennedy meeting, 500–503
- Dillon-Quadros meeting, 430–432
- Furtado-Kennedy meeting, 439–441
- Gordon-Goulart meeting, 448–450
- Goulart-Kennedy meeting, 460–463
- Image of U.S., 505–507
- Inter-American system, 471–472
- Inter-Departmental Survey Team, 472–473, 476–478
- King-Campos meeting, 486–488
- Mariani-Kennedy meeting, 435–436
- McCone’s appraisal, 468–469
- National Intelligence Estimate 93-61, 441–444
- National Security Council, 481–485
- OAS-Kennedy meeting, 119–124
- Operations Coordinating Board, 423–424
- U.S. position, 424–425, 479–480, 488–490
- U.S. economic assistance:
- Berle-Quadros meeting, 426–427
- Bond’s appraisal, 445–446
- Dillon-Quadros meeting, 429–430
- Export-Import Bank/Agency for International Development, 458–459
- Gordon-Goulart meeting, 449–450
- Gordon’s appraisal, 494–498
- Goulart-Kennedy meeting, 464–467
- Inter-Departmental Survey Team, 476
- International Telephone & Telegraph, expropriation of, 456–457
- Mining contracts, 166
- Moreira Salles-Kennedy meeting, 427–428
- Operations Coordinating Board, 424
- Pharmaceutical companies, 167
- SNIE 93-63, 490–493
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, U.S., 40
- U.S. position, 425–426, 446–447
- U.S. military relations, 204, 224, 477
- Utility companies, 166
- Bream, Charles G., 534n
- Breisky, A. E., 381
- Briggs, Ellis O., 30
- British Guiana:
- Agency for International Development, 540–541, 583, 595–596, 604
- Political situation, 513
- U.K.-U.S. relations:
- Cuban question in Latin America, 544–545
- Fraser-U.S. officials meeting, 558–564
- Gore-Kennedy meeting, 579
- Home-Rusk communications, 546–548
- Hood-Bundy meeting, 580
- Kennedy-Fraser meeting, 554
- Kennedy-Macmillan communications, 569–571, 573–574, 581
- Macmillan-Kennedy meeting, 607–609
- Rusk-Bruce communications, 526–528, 530, 605–606
- Rusk-Home meeting, 553
- Schlesinger’s appraisal, 549–551
- White House meeting, 604
- United Nations, 552–553
- United States, relations with, 523–524, 531, 563
- Bundy’s appraisal, 577
- Consulate General’s appraisal, American, 584–594, 610–611
- Deterioration of relations, 612–613
- Hilsman’s appraisal, 534–536
- Jagan-Kennedy communications, 595–603
- Kennedy-Jagan meeting, 533–534, 536–538
- National Security Council, 517–518
- NSAM No. 135, 551–552
- Rusk’s appraisal, 575–577
- Schlesinger’s appraisal, 572–573, 578
- SNIE 87.2-62, 564–569
- Stevenson’s appraisal, 545–546
- U.S. position, 524–525, 528–529, 532–534, 542–544, 548, 555–558
- U.S. economic assistance, 538–540, 542, 562, 582–583, 595–601
- British Honduras, 131
- Brizzola, Leonel, 123, 451, 456–457, 474
- Brown, George, 606
- Brubeck, William H., 143, 217, 305n, 312n, 389n, 402n, 472n, 481n, 546n, 553n, 555n, 571, 578n, 595n, 764, 773n, 775n, 844n
- Bruce, David, 518, 519, 523, 526–528, 530–532, 605–606, 607
- Bundy, McGeorge, 10n, 100n, 143, 171, 214, 221, 237, 247, 305n, 312n, 359n, 389n, 393n, 402n, 414n, 507n, 573n, 595n, 604, 607, 625, 665n, 746, 756n, 766n, 773n, 775n, 780, 788n, 815n, 844n
- Bundy, William, 100n
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 673
- Burdett, William C., 519n, 526n, 530n, 532, 533n, 538, 540, 552n, 558, 569n, 579n, 580, 582, 604
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 642
- Burnham, Forbes, 515, 537, 549, 550, 560, 565, 566, 572, 573, 607–609
- Burrows, Charles R., 178, 331, 810
- Burton, Ralph J., 500n, 503–505
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 192n
- Cabot, John M., 426–427, 429, 432
- Cabral, Donald R., 710
- Cabral Bermudez, Jose Maria, 692
- Caccia, Harold, 607
- Caceres Troncoso, Ramon, 711, 715
- Caicedo Castilla, 269n, 270n, 274, 277, 280, 281–282, 691
- Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 239
- Camilion, Oscar, 266, 292–294, 359
- Caminero, Fernandez, 715
- Campbell, Jock, 597, 601, 610
- Campos, Roberto de Oliveira, 334, 456, 457, 464, 468, 471, 486–488, 498, 502–503
- Canada, 246, 563, 865
- Cantave, Leon, 803
- Carcano, Miguel Angel, 266n, 279, 294, 301, 359
- Caribbean countries (see also individual countries; Latin America):
- Carril, Bonifacio del, 292, 356
- Carrillo Flores, Antonio, 312, 318
- Carter, Albert E., 400n, 468n
- Carvalho Silos, Geraldo de, 259
- Casasnovas, 742, 743
- Cassini, Igor, 625–628
- Castillo, Ramon, 657n
- Castro, Francisco, 395
- Castro Ruz, Fidel (see also Cuban question in Latin America), 131, 184, 234–235, 449, 469, 610, 728
- Cates, John M., 298n, 305n, 338n
- Central America (see also individual countries; Latin America):
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 22, 209n, 441n, 468, 514n, 758n, 802n, 880n
- Chase, Gordon, 350–351
- Chayes, Abram, 232n, 323n, 733
- Chenery, Hollis B., 75, 91, 97
- Chiari, Ricardo, 814–815
- Chiari, Roberto F. (see also Panama), 136, 810–812, 817–820, 827–828, 831–842, 844–846
- Chile, 14, 31, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 116, 117, 204, 317, 382 [Page 899]
- China, People’s Republic of, 2, 3, 334–335, 361–362, 856
- Cleveland, Harlan, 26, 447n, 552–553, 573n
- Clifton, Gen. C. V., 170, 780
- Coerr, Wymberly, 5, 91, 171n, 177, 254n, 255n, 263, 265n, 356n, 433–434, 435, 629n, 637, 640, 642, 660n, 661n, 664, 674n, 678n, 680n, 752n, 754, 852
- Coffin, Frank M., 94, 97
- Collado, Emilio, 138
- Collins, Lansing, 129, 337n, 339n, 340, 344n, 353n, 772, 773n, 845, 846, 849n
- Collopy, Walter, 298n
- Colm, Gerhard, 28
- Colombia (see also Cuban question in Latin America), 31, 81, 117, 204, 381, 848, 865, 890
- Commerce Department, U.S., 73
- Committee for International Development (CID), 155, 157, 158
- Communism (see also
Cuban question in Latin America), 1, 30, 33, 41, 82, 130, 178, 210, 302
- Brazil, 334–336, 438, 443, 445, 447n, 449, 451–453, 469, 475, 501–503, 510–511
- British Guiana, 513, 518, 529, 565, 575, 608
- Caribbean countries, 171–173, 323
- Central America, 331–334
- Dominican Republic, 622, 646, 647, 655, 695–698, 702, 721, 732–733
- Frondizi-Kennedy communications, 288–290
- Haiti, 755, 767
- Peru, 866, 871, 891
- Schlesinger’s appraisal, 13–14
- South American Assessment Team, 204, 205
- Congo (French), 628
- Congress, U.S.:
- Connett, William B., Jr., 479
- Conrads, Robert A., 48
- Cooley, Harold, 710
- Coombs, Philip, 38, 91, 96
- Coppock, Joseph D., 74
- Costanzo, Henry J., 395, 479
- Costa Rica, 136, 179
- Cottam, Howard R., 91
- Cottrell, Sterling J., 144, 162n, 238, 239n, 337n, 339n, 343–344, 417n, 740n, 742n, 744n, 779n, 802n, 804n
- Council of the Organization of American States (COAS). See Organization of American States.
- Courtenaye, Richard H., 534n
- Cox, Robert, 49
- Crane, Ray H., 500n
- Crimmins, John H., 262n, 265n, 267n, 268n, 277n, 661n, 664, 674n, 678n, 680n, 694n, 703n, 729n, 766n, 773n
- Crockett, Kennedy M., 353n, 779n, 804n
- Cuban question in Latin America (see
- Argentina, 282–284, 287, 288–290
- Brazil, 246, 247, 264, 280–281, 285–286, 328, 427, 447n, 469
- British Guiana, 520, 533–534, 544–545, 563
- Caribbean countries, 171–173, 232–233, 323–324, 328, 331
- Central America, 228–229, 301, 328, 341, 850
- Colombia:
- Declaration of Central America, 341
- Dominican Republic, 629–633, 651, 658
- Ecuador, 307
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics:
- Guatemala, 286, 300
- Haiti, 295, 297, 750, 755
- Honduras, 331–334
- Mexico:
- Missile crisis, 110
- Montevideo Conference, 52–54, 58, 59–61
- Organization of American States, 245,
261, 265,
- Brazilian concerns/positions, 271–274, 291–292
- Colombian concerns/positions, 254, 256, 257, 263–266
- Cottrell’s appraisal, 343–344
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, 294–309, 314–317, 321–331
- Kennedy-Betancourt meeting, 271–274
- Peruvian concerns/positions, 262–263
- Venezuelan concerns/positions, 352–354
- Peru, 88, 262–264, 286, 326–327, 852–853, 855, 885, 889
- Political situation, 81, 82
- Punta del Este Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 294–309
- Soviet Union, 234–235, 320
- Task Force of National Security Council, 181, 629–633
- United Nations, 258–261
- Uruguay, 246, 247, 265, 295, 297
- U.S. concerns, 186, 251
- British Guiana, 517, 518
- Central American fears, 228–229
- Dantas-Rusk meeting, 334–336, 498–499
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 187–190
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 183–184
- Montevideo Conference, 55–56
- Morales-Kennedy meeting, 331–334
- SNIE 80-62, 210–212
- Subversives and subversive trainees, movement of, 242–247
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, U.S., 1–8, 23–25, 38–43, 749
- U.S. position, 33–37, 250, 262–263, 277–278, 280–281, 286–288, 337–342, 355
- White House meeting, 238–239
- Venezuela, 254, 271–274, 326, 328, 334, 352–354
- Curtis, Edward G., 859n
- Cutler, Walter L., 62, 371n
- Czechoslovakia, 335
- D’Aguiar, Peter, 537, 560, 561, 573, 590, 602, 607–609
- Dantas, Francisco Clementino San Tiago (see also Brazil), 281, 285–286, 300, 381, 464, 467–468, 491, 493
- Davila, Celeo, 331
- Dearborn, Henry V., 274, 614–615, 619–623, 629n, 641–642, 691
- Decker, Gen. George H., 197
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 209n
- De Gaulle, Charles, 121, 478
- Del Rosario, 742, 796
- Denbow, Claude, 602
- DeSeabra, A. J., 334, 498
- Development Loan Fund (DLF), 596, 856
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 46–47, 48, 98, 110, 119, 435, 780
- Dirkson, Everett, 640
- Diza, Mario, 730
- Dodd, Tom, 519, 524
- Dominican Republic, 126, 131, 297
- Cuban question in Latin America, 629–633, 651, 658
- Haiti, relations with, 700, 782, 784–785, 794–798
- Peru, relations with, 865, 875
- Political situation, 698, 722
- Betancourt-Kennedy meeting, 689–691
- CIA’s appraisal, 732–734
- Communism, 622, 646, 647, 655, 695–698, 702, 721, 732–733
- Dearborn’s appraisal, 614–615
- Economic issues, 616–617
- Elections, 700–702, 714–717
- Government overthrown, 739, 742–748
- Hill’s appraisal, 696–697
- Lleras-Kennedy meeting, 691–692
- Military civilian junta, 693–695
- Opposition to Trujillo, 617–618, 621–622, 671–672
- Political parties, 649, 656–659, 669, 696, 700, 703, 706, 715–719, 727, 729–731, 742
- Rusk’s appraisal, 616–618, 661–663
- SNIE 82.2-6, 156–659
- Trujillo assassinated, 758, 760
- Trujillo family properties, 668–669, 724–725, 731
- Union Civica Nacional (UCN), 648, 656–658, 669, 689, 696, 700
- Punta del Este Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 695
- United States, relations with:
- Balaguer-Dearborn meeting, 641–642
- Balaguer-Kennedy communications, 683–688
- Ball-Balaguer meeting, 666–670, 687–689
- Bonilla Atiles-Kennedy meeting, 701–702
- Bosch-Kennedy meeting, 723–725
- Bosch trip to U.S., 721–722
- Contingency planning after Trujillo assassination, 636–641
- Dearborn’s appraisal, 620, 622–623
- Goodwin’s appraisal, 671–673
- Hill’s appraisal, 696–698
- Hilsman’s appraisal, 665–666
- Martin’s (John) appraisal, 719–720, 726–729, 733–738
- Murphy’s appraisal, 625–628
- NSAM No. 153, 704–709
- Rusk-Balaguer meeting, 634–635
- Rusk-Bonilla Atiles meeting, 699–700
- Rusk’s appraisal, 662–663
- Sugar sales, 619, 710–714
- Trujillo brothers’ return, 676–681
- U.S. position, 654–655, 660, 674–675, 703, 729–731
- White House meeting, 642–644
- Woodward-Kennedy meeting, 614–616
- U.S. economic assistance, 660, 662, 697, 702, 722, 724
- U.S. military relations, 681–682, 695, 725, 734
- U.S. position, 623–624, 647–654, 740–741
- Venezuela, relations with, 644, 663, 689–691
- White House meeting, 664
- Donahue, Ruth, 137n
- Donato del Carril, Emilio, 359
- Downing, H. L., 202
- Draper, Gen. William H., Jr., 109, 472n, 478
- Duke, Angier B., 129, 723, 796
- Dulles, Allen, 10n, 638, 639, 642
- Dungan, Ralph A., 94, 97, 117, 129, 143, 237, 238, 239n, 247, 331, 337n, 389n, 393n, 398, 403, 406, 468, 558, 563, 582n, 604, 704, 723, 729n, 746, 773n, 779n, 780, 821n, 846, 849n, 869n, 879
- Duvalier, Francois (see also Haiti), 126, 179, 771
- Echandi Jimenez, Mario, 196
- Ecuador, 51, 57, 95, 116, 204, 307, 317, 885
- Political situation, 127, 874–875
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1, 98
- El Salvador, 90
- Elting, Howard, 91
- Enemark, Gen. W. A., 214n, 239n, 779n
- Erhard, Ludwig, 478
- European Common Market, 31, 121, 125, 382, 465, 466, 495
- Ewell, Col. Julian J., 373, 766n, 824n
- Export-Import Bank, 32, 40, 62, 73, 394, 446n, 458–459, 473, 596
- Fabrega, Octavio, 834, 836, 837, 840n
- Facio, Gonzalo, 129
- Falcón Briceno, Marcos, 271, 272, 299, 689, 872–875
- Farland, Joseph S., 811n, 816, 818, 831, 840n, 841, 844–846, 849n
- FellmanVelarde, Jose, 300
- Fernandez, Vargas, 299
- Ferris, N. L., 203
- Fiallo, Viriato, 657, 715–717
- Fisher, John W., 337n, 339n, 779n, 842
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 179
- Fleming, Robert J., Jr., 840n
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics:
- Foster, Rockwood H., 513, 533n, 540
- Fowler, Henry, 73, 100n
- France, 121, 478, 789, 865
- Franco, Francisco, 365n
- Fraser, Hugh, 518, 548, 550, 552–554, 558–564
- Freeman, Fulton, 276
- Freites Barrera, Andres, 715, 794–795
- French Guiana, 533
- Frigerio, Rogelio, 367
- Frondizi, Arturo (see also Argentina), 14, 81, 259n, 272, 276, 365, 374, 414, 434, 451
- Fulbright, J. William, 605, 640
- Furnas, Howard E., 573n
- Furtado, Celso, 439–441, 455, 491, 492
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 468
- Gates, John, 49
- Gaud, William, 97
- Gendreau, Charles A., 402n
- German Otero, Andres, 271, 689
- Germany, 121, 478, 865
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 192, 780, 812–813
- Goodwin, Richard N., 6, 9, 38, 61, 91, 94, 107n, 171n, 194n, 265, 274, 276, 280n, 292, 356n, 357, 362n, 429–432, 439, 464, 468, 517n, 536, 629n, 642, 646n, 654n, 660n, 664, 683n, 689, 691, 694n, 749, 766n, 810, 816, 858n, 859n, 863
- Gordon, H., 162
- Gordon, A. Lincoln, 280n, 284, 334, 381, 464, 471, 481n, 498, 500n, 507n, 749
- Gore, David Ormsby, 579, 607
- Goulart, Joao (see also Brazil), 120n, 123, 127, 160–161, 260, 444–445, 473–476
- Grace, Peter, 138, 142
- Greece, 478
- Greenhill, Denis A., 558
- Grey, Sir Ralph, 116, 126, 513, 518, 530, 593
- Guatemala, 131, 328, 852
- Guevara de la Serna, Ernesto (Che), 49–53, 60, 61, 92, 375–379, 427
- Guiana. See British Guiana.
- Guido, Jose Maria (see also Argentina), 369–373, 375–379, 399–400, 407, 409, 411–412, 702n
- Guinea, 628
- Gutierrez, 274, 691
- Guyana. See British Guiana.
- Habib, Philip C., 534n
- Haedo, 57–58
- Hailsham, Lord, 607
- Haiti, 57, 126,
- Cuban question in Latin America, 295, 297, 750, 755
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 700, 782, 784–785, 794–798
- Duvalier’s removal from power:
- CIA’s appraisal, 788–790
- Dominican Republic’s invasion plans, 797–798
- Exiles’ invasion, 802–804
- Martin’s appraisal, 770–773
- National Security Council, 780–781
- Rusk’s appraisal, 779–780
- Thurston’s appraisal, 781–783
- U.S.-Dominican Republic relations, 794–796
- U.S. position, 773–778, 785–787, 798–800, 804
- White House meeting, 800–802
- Political situation:
- United States, relations with:
- Ambassador recalled, 792–793
- CIA’s appraisal, 766–769
- Deteriorating relations, 750–751
- Exiles, meeting with, 749–750, 751, 753–754, 770
- Goodwin’s appraisal, 764–766
- Inter-American Affairs appraisal, 761–763
- Martin appraisal, 790–791
- Rusk appraisal, 757–758
- U.S. position, 752–754, 804–806
- White House meeting, 754–756
- U.S. economic assistance, 759–760, 762, 768, 774, 792
- U.S. military relations, 176–177, 762–763, 768, 777
- Venezuela, relations with, 794
- Hamilton, Fowler, 66, 96, 97, 98, 223, 373–375, 455–456
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 94, 185–187
- Hardin, H. O., 202
- Harriman, W. Averell, 125, 159, 160, 415–416, 419n, 420–422, 740n
- Hartwick, Tobias, 265n
- Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul, 862, 863
- Heinl, Colonel, 756
- Helms, Richard, 100n, 468n, 581, 604, 746, 766n
- Hemba, Alton W., 262n, 269n, 277n, 446n
- Hennings, John, 538, 540
- Herrera, Felipe, 28, 730
- Herrera Baez, Porfirio, 625, 641
- Hervas, Anthony J., 872n
- Herz, Martin F., 91
- Hill, John C., 644–645, 654–655, 666, 670, 674n, 675, 676–678, 682, 683n, 690, 692, 696–698
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 91, 94, 126, 383–384, 399–400, 534–536, 665–666
- Hirschman, Al, 28
- Hodge, Charles L., 694
- Hoffmann, Harry, 572
- Home, Lord, 518, 521–522, 528–529, 546–548, 552, 553, 606, 607
- Honduras, 85, 136, 865
- Hood, Lord, 580, 607
- Hoover, John, 629n, 752, 754
- Hoyt, Henry A., 266
- Hubbard, Henry J. M., 538, 540
- Hughes, Thomas L., 86, 558, 612
- Humphrey, Hubert, 266n, 640
- Hurwitch, Robert, 238, 350
- Illia, Arturo, 413n, 414–416
- Imbert Barrera, Antonio, 689, 692, 714, 715, 722, 725, 728
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S., 777
- Ingersoll, John J., 255n
- Intelligence Board, U.S., 209n, 758n, 880n
- Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress (CIAP), 160, 163
- Inter-American Conference, 11th (Ecuador), 42
- Inter-American Defense College, 224–225
- Inter-American Development Bank, 1, 6, 8, 32, 62, 63, 74–75, 89, 94–95, 175, 374
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council (IA-ECOSOC):
- Inter-American Fund for Social Progress, 7–8
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance. See Rio Treaty of 1947.
- Interdepartmental Committee of Under Secretaries on Foreign Economic Policy, 70–74, 137–142
- Internal Security Assessment and Programming Team, 188–189
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 465, 466, 473, 596, 768
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 6, 47, 177, 179, 856
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 14, 15, 40, 108, 458, 473, 492, 495, 731
- International Petroleum Company, 886–887
- International Telephone & Telegraph (IT&T), 456–457
- Jagan, Cheddi (see also British Guiana), 513, 560, 568–569, 575
- British position, 549, 550–551, 585
- Deterioration of U.S.-British Guiana relations, 612–613
- East Indian fears, 572–573
- Economic issues, 535–536, 538–540, 592–593
- Elections, 516–520, 522–523
- Future prospects, 584–585, 593
- Kennedy, letter to, 595–603
- Kennedy, meeting with, 533–534, 536–538
- Socialism, 610–611
- U.K.-U.S. relations, 530
- U.S. position on, 555–558, 575–576, 577, 584–585
- Jagan, Janet, 514, 563, 586, 605
- Jamaica, 131, 315
- Jamison, Edward A., 171n, 254n, 255n, 262n, 263n, 265n, 268n, 277, 280n, 291n, 292, 654n, 664, 680n
- Japan, 121, 361, 478, 865
- Jardim, Ann, 591
- Jimenez Grullon, Juan Isidro, 715
- Johnson, Carl, 100n
- Johnson, Charles, 237, 286n, 821n
- Johnson, Douglas V., 478
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 352, 639, 640, 642, 780
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 221n, 247n, 291n, 355, 505n, 519, 526, 530n, 558, 573n, 579n, 581, 604, 752n, 780, 800
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 209n, 441n, 514n, 758n, 800, 826, 880n
- Jones, J. Wesley, 879–880, 887
- Jose De Seabra, A., 117
- Juliao, Francisco, 336
- Julio Ornes, Horacio, 720
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 144
- Kaysen, Carl, 107n, 298n, 373, 395n, 604, 780, 824n, 828–831, 876
- Kefauver, Estes, 167
- Kennedy, Edward M., 440
- Kennedy, John F., 27, 66, 98, 320, 742n, 780
- Argentina:
- Assassination of, 352n, 419n
- Brazil: 444, 472, 486
- British Guiana, 519, 526, 554, 579, 581, 604
- Cuban question in Latin America, 243,
341, 344n
- Arosemena, meeting with, 298–299
- Betancourt, meeting with, 271–274
- Communism and Central American security, 331–334
- Frondizi, communications with, 288–290
- Frondizi, meeting with, 278–279
- Lleras Camargo, communications with, 305–306
- Lleras Camargo, meeting with, 274–277
- Mexican concerns/positions, 346–347
- Punta del Este Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 297, 304–305
- Turbay, meeting with, 258–259
- Dominican Republic, 660
- Balaguer, communications with, 683–688
- Betancourt, meeting with, 689–691
- Bonilla Atiles, meeting with, 701–702
- Bosch, meeting with, 723–725
- Government overthrown, 739, 747
- Lleras, meeting with, 691–692
- Sugar sales, 619, 714
- U.S. position, 654–655
- White House meeting, 642–644, 664, 704
- Woodward, meeting with, 614–616
- Haiti:
- Honduras, 746–747
- Latin American-U.S. military relations, 180, 206, 214n, 223, 235–237
- Latin American-U.S. relations, 13, 19
- Agency for International Development, 97–98
- Alliance for Progress, 1–2, 4–5, 94–97, 120–121
- Communism, 312–314
- Costa Rican officials, meeting with, 129–131
- Dillon’s appraisal, 61–63
- Food for Peace (P.L. 480), 425–426
- Inter-American Affairs, Bureau of, 29–30
- Military regimes, 149–152
- Montevideo Conference, 27–28, 48, 50–52, 56–60
- National Security Council, 132–133
- OAS, meeting with, 117–125
- Presidents of Central America and Panama Summit, 135, 137
- Schlesinger’s appraisal of public speech, 9–10
- Soviet penetration into Latin America, 348–351
- Stevenson trip to Latin America, 26–27, 30–32
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, U.S., 38–43
- Panama:
- Peru, 858, 867n
- Kennedy, Robert, 182, 481n, 551n, 637, 640, 642, 643, 721n, 780
- Kent, Robert, 249, 849n
- Kenya, 465
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 25, 130, 295, 320
- King, Col. J. C., 238, 639, 740n, 766n
- King, J. F., 486–488
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 190
- Kohler, Foy D., 518
- Kriebel, P. W., 480
- Kruel, Gen. Amaury, 464
- Krulak, Maj. Gen. Victor H., 143, 238, 239n, 337n, 343
- Kubitscheck, Juscelino, 117–125, 158, 441–442
- Kyle, Joseph B., 179n
- Labouisse, Henry R., 62
- Lacerda, Carlos, 505, 506
- Lancaster, Bruce M., 395, 411n, 412n, 417n, 420, 422
- Lane, Samuel O., 262n, 269n
- Latin America (see also Alliance for
Progress; Caribbean countries; Central America; Communism; Cuban question in Latin
America; individual countries), 378, 783n, 853
- Agency for International Development, 97–98
- Agrarian/semi-feudal economic structure, 11–12
- Bogota Act of 1960, 2, 5–6, 7, 40, 44, 54, 68–70, 99, 117
- Middle-class, 12–18, 83
- Political stability, 79–93
- Soviet penetration into, 348–351
- Tax system, 16–17
- Unions, 89–90
- United States, relations with, 42–43, 128–129
- Inter-American Affairs, Bureau of, 29–30, 162–167
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 105–107, 110–115
- Kennedy-OAS meeting, 117–125
- Military regimes, 149–152
- National Security Council, 132–133
- Schlesinger trip to Latin America, 10–19
- Stevenson’s trip to Latin America, 26–27
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, 1–8, 23–25, 38–43, 749
- U.S. position, 33–37, 103–104
- U.S. economic assistance, 47, 72–74
- Alliance for Progress, 87–90, 164–167
- Development, emphasis on, 14–17
- Food for Peace (P.L. 480), 95, 425–426
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 157–158, 160
- Kennedy-OAS meeting, 121–122
- Stevenson trip to Latin America, 30–32
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, U.S., 5–6, 8, 24–25
- U.S. position, 35–36, 37
- U.S. military relations, 41, 176–177, 180, 182,
- Alliance for Progress, 90–91
- Cuban question in Latin America, 181, 238–239
- Foreign and Economic Ministers of Central America and Panama, 178
- Informal strengthening of defense forces, 194–197
- Inter-American Defense College, 224–225
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 170, 197–202, 216–217
- Morse, explanations to, 230–232
- South American Assessment Team, 202–209, 217–221
- Training programs for foreign military personnel, 192–193, 227–228
- U.S. position, 173–176, 226–227, 239–242, 247–249
- Washington Assessment Team for Caribbean countries, 185–187
- Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA), 53
- Lavalle, Juan Bautista de, 892
- Lay, James S., 807n
- Leddy, John M., 5, 38, 40, 62, 64–65, 429, 435
- Legere, Col. Lawrence J., 237, 308–309
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 170, 198, 637, 642
- Lemus, Jose Maria, 333
- Leon, Rene, 803
- Levy, Herbert, 466
- Lewis, Samuel W., 177n, 636
- Lincoln, Evelyn, 821n
- Linder, Harold, 62, 94, 95, 271, 429, 466, 689
- Lindley Lopez, Nicolas, 868
- Lingle, Walter L., 97, 375
- Little, Edward S., 412–413, 582, 764, 766
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto (see also Colombia), 117, 118n, 121, 122–123, 125, 158, 255, 256n, 261, 267, 274–277, 280, 304, 305–306, 691–692
- Llosa, Luis Edgardo, 868, 877n, 886
- Lloyd, Jackson, 412
- Loeb, James I., 109, 858, 863n, 868n, 869n
- Lopez Mateos, Adolfo (see also Mexico), 272, 312–314, 320, 346–347, 471n
- Lopez Molina, Maximo, 657, 669, 670, 696
- Low-a-Chee, Clifton C., 538
- Lumumba, Patrice, 852
- MacLeod, Iain N., 519, 523, 527, 530, 549
- Macmillan, Harold, 569–571, 573–574, 581, 604
- Maechling, Charles, Jr., 194n, 239n
- Manfull, Melvin L., 223, 518
- Mann, Thomas C., 5, 66–70, 133, 312, 424n, 636
- Mansfield, Mike, 640
- Margolies, Daniel F., 353n, 411n, 417n
- Mariani, Clemente, 430, 431, 435–436
- Marshall Plan for Latin America. See Alliance for Progress.
- Martin, Edwin M., 62, 105, 116, 117, 124, 145n, 227n, 228n, 232n, 239n, 247n, 312, 314, 316n, 318, 321n, 323n, 330n, 331, 334, 337n, 353n, 365n, 369n, 371n, 395, 398, 402, 406, 411n, 412n, 419n, 424n, 446n, 464, 471, 481n, 498, 500n, 503, 505n, 699, 701, 703n, 723, 740n, 746, 766n, 779n, 780, 787n, 796, 800, 804n, 828, 831, 849n, 858n, 869n, 890, 872
- Martin, Graham, 395, 397, 766n
- Martin, John B., 109, 671, 673, 674n, 696n, 704, 710–717, 719–720, 726–729, 733–738, 740n, 742n, 744n, 766n
- Martinez, Rodolfo, 294–295, 301, 402n
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 400n
- Maudling, Reginald, 548–551
- May, Herbert K., 62, 105, 110, 117, 395, 397
- Mayobre, Jose Antonio, 224, 255, 271, 272, 689
- Mazzili, Ranieri, 444
- McBride, Col. Clyde R., 860n
- McClintock, Robert, 361, 363–364, 367, 379n, 382n, 385–388, 402n, 406, 409, 411n, 412n, 416
- McCone, John A., 132–133, 468–469, 470, 551n, 604, 780, 788n, 792
- McDermott, 780
- McGhee, George C., 91, 100n, 137, 142, 447n, 558, 638, 640, 666, 668, 671, 673, 674n, 694n, 704
- McGovern, George, 10n
- McLoughlin, Eduardo, 412n
- McManus, Neil C., 844n
- McNamara, Robert S., 171, 214n, 242, 468, 551n, 637, 638, 642, 739, 780
- Melby, Everett K., 513, 523–524, 525, 584–594, 610–611
- Mendez, Rodriguez, 678
- Mercado, Luis, 641
- Mexico (see also Cuban question in Latin America), 51, 57, 60, 116, 117, 224, 327, 865
- Mikoyan, Anastas, 334
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 208, 219, 220
- Miolan, Angel, 657n, 727n
- Montague, Ludwell L., 478
- Montevideo Conference (Uruguay), 44–61
- Moor, Carol, 804, 821n
- Mora, 687
- Morales, Cecilio, 357n
- Morales, Villeda, 331–334
- Morales-Carrion, Arturo, 1, 29–30, 94, 100–103, 654n, 664, 683n, 687, 749
- Moreira Salles, Walther, 119, 120, 427–428, 430, 431, 435, 446, 459, 465, 466, 469, 487, 488
- Morris, Bernard S., 534n
- Morrison, DeLesseps S., 62, 63, 265
- Morrison, Robert T., 660n
- Morse, Wayne L., 230–232
- Moscoso, Teodoro, 1, 75, 94, 100n, 109, 125, 144, 271, 274, 331, 456, 464, 467, 481n, 582, 689, 691, 704, 740n, 749, 890
- Moskowitz, Sam, 271n, 689n
- Mountain, Maurice J., 746, 754, 756
- Muccio, John J., 817, 823n
- Muniz, Carlos Manuel, 130, 406–410
- Munoz Marin, 750
- Murphy, Robert D., 625–628, 643, 644, 654, 664
- Murrow, Edward R., 27, 91, 638, 640
- Musich, Arnaldo, 357n
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Action Memoranda (NSAM):
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Naughten, Thomas E., 478
- Navy, U.S., 441n, 514n, 758n, 880n
- Neal, Jack D., 887
- Neves, Tancredo, 444
- Newbegin, Robert, 750, 751n, 752, 754
- Nicaragua, 88, 126, 136, 137
- Nichols, C. W., 142
- Nigeria, 465
- Nitze, 94, 96, 97, 100n, 780
- Nixon, Richard M., 1
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 319, 325, 328, 778
- O’Conner, James F., 356n
- Odría, Manuel, 862, 863, 882–885
- Oduber, Daniel, 129–131
- Oil issues, 722
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 423–424
- Organia, Juan Carlos, 412n, 422
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 132
- Organization of American States (OAS) (see also
Cuban question in Latin America), 2, 7, 26, 28, 33, 54, 62, 63, 374
- Brazil, 503–505
- British Guiana, 569
- Caribbean-Cuban relations, 171–173
- Dominican Republic, 4, 355, 623, 626, 627, 633, 640, 643, 651–652, 656, 663–664, 670, 692, 705
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, 163–164
- Haiti, 779, 781n, 782–785, 787, 797–798
- Inter-American Defense College, 224–225
- Kennedy, meeting with, 117–125
- National Security Council, 355
- Peru, 855, 866, 870, 874, 876, 892
- Soviet penetration into Latin America, 350–351
- Oropeza Castillo, Alejandro, 689
- Ortiz de Rosas, Carlos, 279, 292, 359
- Palma, Admiral, 367n
- Panama, 116, 327, 865
- Canal zone, 815–816, 822–824, 824–826, 838–839
- Arango-Kennedy meeting, 828–830
- Ball-Chiari meeting, 839–842
- Chiari (Ricardo)-Kennedy meeting, 814–815
- Future sea level canal, 812–813
- Kennedy-Chiari communications, 810, 827–828
- Kennedy-Chiari meeting, 831–838, 844–846
- Kennedy-U.S. officials meeting, 846–849
- Martin-Arango meeting, 842–844
- National Security Council, 807–809
- Renegotiating revenues from, 811–812
- Political situation, 213, 819–820
- Presidents of Central America and Panama Summit, 136–137
- U.S. economic assistance, 845–846, 848–851
- U.S. military relations, 176–177, 179, 187–190
- Canal zone, 815–816, 822–824, 824–826, 838–839
- Papich, S. J., 202
- Pappas, George, 668
- Paraguay, 57, 88, 116, 204
- Paret, Col. Pierre, 803
- Passman, Otto, 95
- Perette, Carlos H., 417–419
- Perez de la Cova, Carlos, 872
- Perez Godoy, Gen. Ricardo, 863, 868
- Perez Guerrero, Manuel, 271, 689
- Perez Sanchez, Elisco, 692
- Peron, Juan, 365n
- Peru, 13, 31, 48, 49,
51, 116, 853, 856
- Coup government, 871, 886
- Cuban question in Latin America, 88, 262–264, 286, 326–327, 852–853, 855, 889
- Latin America, relations with, 382, 855, 865, 873, 875
- Political situation (see also Coup government subheading above), 89, 127, 879, 886
- United Nations, 887–889
- United States, relations with, 854–863
- U.S. economic assistance, 88, 855–857, 890–891
- U.S. military relations, 109, 204
- Venezuela, relations with, 871–875
- Pezzullo, Lawrence, 280n
- Philippines, 72
- Pichardo, Amiama, 693, 719
- Pico, Rafael, 704, 711
- Poole, Richard A., 852, 857–859, 868n, 876n, 882, 883, 890n
- Prado y Ugarteche, Manuel (see also Peru), 854–857, 863, 871
- Prebisch, Raul, 28
- Presidents of Central America and Panama Summit, 135–137, 143–145
- Prestes, Carlos, 336
- Puerto, Alvarado, 331
- Puerto Rico, 749–750
- Punta del Este Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 294–309, 695
- Quadros, Janio (see also Brazil), 40, 119, 423, 426–427
- Rai, Balram Singh, 591
- Ramfis. SeeTrujillo, Rafael Leonidas Martinez, Jr.
- Ramsey, Henry C., 91
- Randolph, Virgil B., 804n
- Rayburn, Sam, 619
- Raymont, Henry, 487, 797
- Read, Benjamin H., 160–162, 247, 417–419, 507n, 802–804
- Read Barrera, Eduardo, 692
- Reed, Lear, 742
- Riani, Clodsmidt, 462
- Riba, Jorge, 818
- Rice, Andrew E., 190
- Rio Treaty of 1947 (Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance), 250, 252, 256, 262, 265n, 269, 280, 289, 295, 471
- Roberts, Col. Francis J., 239n
- Rockefeller, David, 138
- Rodriguez, Gen. Alfredo, 860n
- Rodriguez Echavarria, Pedro Rafael, 678, 681, 688, 690, 693, 694–695
- Roman, Vinas, 744
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 4
- Rosenberg, Anna, 636
- Rosenthal, Edward B., 584n
- Rostow, Walt W., 10n, 75, 86n, 94, 100n, 141, 308–309, 350, 468, 639
- Rowan, Carl T., 91, 100n
- Rowe, David, 143, 413
- Rowell, Edward M., 331n
- Rubin, Seymour J., 75, 179
- Rubirosa, Porfirio, 643
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., 356
- Ruggles, Dick, 28
- Rusk, Dean, 26, 27, 128, 162, 171, 214n,
419n, 604, 607, 642, 654, 780
- Argentina:
- Brazil, 447
- British Guiana, 575–577
- Cuban question in Latin America, 290,
- Argentine concerns/positions, 267–269, 292–294
- Brazilian concerns/positions, 259–261, 280–281, 291–292
- Central American fears, 228–229
- Colombian concerns/positions, 255–257, 281–282
- Dantas, meeting with, 309–311, 470
- Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, 316–317, 324–327
- Frondizi-Kennedy meeting, 278–279
- Mexican concerns, 318–321
- Punta del Este Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 294–308
- U.S. position, 262–263, 286–288, 337–341
- Venezuelan concerns, 352–354
- Dominican Republic, 616–619, 627, 643, 660–663
- Haiti, 757–758
- Latin American-U.S. military relations:
- Latin American-U.S. relations:
- Panama, 811–812, 816–817, 845
- Peru, 853–854, 877n
- Ryan, Capt. Paul B., 194n
- Saccio, Leonard J., 439
- Salinger, Pierre, 821–822
- Samudio, David, 810, 818
- Sanchez, 667, 676
- Sanchez, Col. Castro, 422
- Sanchez Gavito, 295
- Sandys, Duncan, 604, 605, 607–609
- Santos, Salaxar, 253
- Sanz de Santamaria, Carlos, 253, 254
- Sause, O. L., 344n
- Sayre, Robert M., 5, 318
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 134, 399n, 464, 468, 536, 538, 558, 642, 664, 680n
- Schwalb Lopez Aldana, Fernando, 887–892
- Scott, Joe, 579n, 636
- Searwar, John, 538
- Shaw, David G., 693
- Shriver, Sargent, 94, 147
- Sloan, Frank K., 337n, 766n
- Smith, Bromley K., 19, 133, 373, 399n, 517n, 780, 807n, 815n, 858n
- Smith, Stephen, 664
- Sol, Jorge, 28
- Solis, Galileo, 818, 833, 835, 837, 840n, 841, 845
- Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 126, 130, 136, 333
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 468, 780
- South American Assessment Team (SAAT), 202–209, 217–221
- Soviet Union, 2, 3, 41, 295, 497
- Spain, 478
- Sparks, Edward J., 48–61
- Special Consultative Committee on Security (SCCS), 247
- Special Group (CI), 126
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spencer, Col. O. A., 597
- Spencer, George O., 221, 226n, 227n, 230n, 247n
- Springsteen, George, 446n, 818, 849n
- Standard Oil of New Jersey, 886–887
- Staples, H. Lee, 533n
- Stephansky, Ben S., 75, 109
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 26–27, 30–32, 132, 255n, 256, 267, 545–546, 573n, 640, 721n, 780
- Stewart, C. Allan, 271, 689
- Sullivan, Leonor K., 847, 848
- Sullivan, William H., 420
- Surinam, 533
- Swank, Emory C., 177n, 395n
- Symington, Jim, 134
- Szulc, Tad, 303, 797
- Tamayo, Gonzalez, 743
- Tanganyika, 465
- Tasca, Henry J., 573n
- Task Force on Immediate Latin American Problems, 1–8, 23–25, 38–43, 749
- Tasker, Anthony, 597
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 192–193, 399n, 551n, 780, 781
- Teller, Edward, 853
- Tello, Manuel, 295, 300, 312
- Thompson, Herbert, 779n, 876n
- Thomson, James C., Jr., 91
- Thorneycroft, Peter, 607
- Thurston, Raymond L., 238, 239, 764, 775, 779n, 781–783, 787n, 800–802
- Torres, Vidal, 682
- Torres Matos, Juan Francisco, 868
- Torrey, Charles, 664, 699
- Toure, Sekou, 628
- Townsend, E. C., 202
- Tragen, Irving, 49
- Trezise, Philip H., 75
- Trinidad, 131, 315, 551
- Trujillo, Arismendi, 676–681
- Trujillo, Hector Bienvenido, 676–681
- Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas Martinez, Jr., 620, 641–643, 647, 653, 659, 662, 664, 666–667, 681
- Trujillo y Molina, Gen. Rafael Leonidas (see also Dominican Republic), 615
- Tunisia, 628
- Turbay, Julio Cesar, 251n, 253, 257, 258–259
- Turkey, 326
- Turnage, William V., 116, 153n
- Tyler, William R., 512–514, 526n, 530n, 536, 558, 607, 780
- Ulloa, Manuel, 887
- United Kingdom (U.K.), 246, 465
- United Nations, 4, 7, 785
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 157–158, 859
- United States Information Service (USIS), 602, 777
- Uruguay, 31, 48, 204, 307
- Usher, Richard E., 91
- Valarde, Fabian, 818
- Valdezvidaure, Admiral, 682
- Vallon, Edwin, 654n, 660n, 664
- Van Reigersberg, Fernando, 271, 689, 723
- Vance, Cyrus R., 238, 239n, 242
- Vargas, Getulio Dornelles, 452, 485
- Vasconcellos, Arnaldo, 456
- Vega, Otto, 625–626
- Velarde, Fabian, 821–822
- Venezuela (see also Cuban question in Latin America), 13, 31, 50, 53, 794
- Verastegui Izurrietta, Gen. Maximo, 868
- Villeda Morales, Jose Ramon, 130, 136, 144
- Voice of America, 633
- Walker, Patrick G., 606
- Wallner, Woodruf, 558
- Walsh, Loren, 558
- Washington Assessment Team for Caribbean countries, 185–187
- Weismann, Henri A., 505n
- Wellman, Harvey R., 255n, 267n, 362n, 365n, 369n, 371n, 375n, 400n, 412n, 500n
- Wells, C. Edward, 253, 478
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 639
- Wheeler, Richard S., 316n
- White, Ivan, 518, 520
- Whiteman, Marjorie M., 228n, 269n, 277n, 286n, 375n
- Whittaker, Arthur P., 1, 749
- Wiesner, Jerry, 816
- Wiktor, Christian L., 848n
- Williams, Haydn, 5, 38, 41, 68, 94, 173n, 183–184, 221, 450–452
- Williams, Murat, 69
- Williams, Newell, 704
- Wilson, Jackson W., 309n, 310, 456
- Wolf, Joseph J., 239n
- Woodward, Robert F., 30, 62, 74, 94, 181, 183, 194n, 259, 265, 268–270, 271, 272, 274, 276, 277n, 278n, 280n, 282, 291n, 357n, 359, 439, 446n, 447–448, 450, 614–616, 654, 660n, 678n, 680n, 683n, 691, 761n, 810, 811n, 815
- Wooley, Capt. Emile, 803
- World Bank, 465, 466, 473, 596, 768
- Wriggins, Howard, 75, 91
- Wriston, Walter, 138
- Ydigoras Fuentes, Miguel, 130, 135, 136, 333
- Youlou, Abbe, 628
- Zavala Ortiz, Miguel Angel, 414
- Zulueta, Philip de, 607