B. The Genesis of a New United States Security Policy for the Near and Middle East; Establishing the Basis for the Baghdad System (June 1953–December 1954)

[197] No. 197
The Ambassador in Turkey (Warren) to the Department of State

780.5/2–2554: Telegram

[198] No. 198
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Lebanon

780.5/3–2054: Telegram

[202] No. 202
The Ambassador in Iraq (Berry) to the Department of State

780.5/4–554: Telegram

[203] No. 203
The Ambassador in Pakistan (Hildreth) to the Department of State

790D.5 MSP/4–954: Telegram

[204] No. 204
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices

120.4382/4–1254: Circular telegram

[205] No. 205
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan

790D.5 MSP/4954: Telegram

[207] No. 207
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions

120.4382/4–2154: Circular telegram

[214] No. 214
The Ambassador in Turkey (Warren) to the Department of State

780.5/6–1554: Telegram

[215] No. 215
National Intelligence Estimate

INR–NIE files

[216] No. 216
The Chargé in Pakistan (Emmerson) to the Department of State

780.5/6–2354: Telegram

[217] No. 217
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan

780.5/6–2354: Telegram

[219] No. 219
Statement of Policy by the National Security Council

S/S–NSCfiles, lot 63 D 351, “NSC 155 Memoranda”

[221] No. 221
Paper Prepared by the Operations Coordinating Board

S/S–NSC files, lot 63 D 351, “NSC 155 Memoranda”

[223] No. 223
The Chargé in Iraq (Ireland) to the Department of State

674.87/8–2254: Telegram

[224] No. 224
The Chargé in Iraq (Ireland) to the Department of State

674.87/8–2354: Telegram

  1. Prepared on July 15.
  2. An attached cover sheet on the copy of this letter in the Embassy files noted that it had been received on Aug. 10, 1954.