780.5/3–2054: Telegram

No. 198
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Lebanon1


1054. Re Embassy telegram 762 March 17.2

[Page 489]
FYI, Department endeavoring keep United States far in background of developing Turk–Pakistan arrangements. In addition to obvious tactical advantage this course, consider it would be unwise in present state uncertainty re availability fund for aid programs to take initiative which would imply commitment to provide support to countries joining organization. In Iraq, where strategic stakes are high and decision extend aid already taken, we departed from this line to extent of indicating warm interest in possible Iraqi adherence to pact and implying that amount aid would probably depend on effectiveness Iraqi participation in area defense plans which promised contribute to security of region. No plans take similar initiative in other Arab countries at present, but we would be pleased see countries move toward alignment on their own initiative. Where we can appropriately give impetus to such development, this should be done, but in unobtrusive fashion and with regard for above consideration. End FYI.

We prefer you not raise question this time. If Chamoun initiates you should take following line:

Turk–Pakistan arrangements developed on initiative these Middle East countries. We believe this factor of great importance, since indigenous character arrangements should make it easier for other Middle East countries associate themselves. We hope that other states of area will accept implied invitation of Turks and Pakistanis who stated in their original announcement that arrangements would be open other states. We do not know views of Turks and Pakistanis concerning desirable timing of these developments. For ourselves, we convinced that more important than sudden accession of additional states is making sure that arrangements remain based on solid foundation on which they started. If Government Lebanon interested in eventual adherence these arrangements, they might discuss informally with Turks, Pakistanis and Iraqis as situation develops, in order obtain full information on which to base judgment whether participation would serve Lebanese interests.

  1. Drafted by Daspit and Allen and cleared by NE. Repeated to Amman, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, Ankara, and Karachi.
  2. Not printed; it reported a conversation between Ambassador Hare and President Chamoun. Chamoun believed the Government of Iraq would succeed in joining the Turkish–Pakistan alignment, and its action would impel other Arab countries, including Lebanon, to review their positions. The Ambassador requested Department of State guidance for use in case Lebanon again raised the subject of following Iraq. (780.5/3–1754)