790D.5 MSP/4954: Telegram

No. 205
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

top secret

883. State message with which Defense and FOA concur. Re Embtel 820.2

FYI: Formal policy statements on which Pakistan aid program based include NSC 155/13 which lists Pakistan among those states worthy of special consideration as possible recipients of “limited military assistance to promote US security interests, to increase confidence in the US and to help in developing indigenous forces which can improve political stability, internal security, and the maintenance of pro–Western regimes, and ultimately contribute to area defense.” NSC 54094 contains following passages bearing on question: “Encourage Pakistan’s participation in any defense association which is judged to serve the interests of the United States … Seek to insure that in the event of general war Pakistan will make available manpower resources and strategic facilities for mutual defense efforts with the West. Give special consideration to Pakistan in providing military assistance, including grant…” JCS also on record to effect that under certain circumstances aid to Pakistan might contribute to “a satisfactory solution to the problem of defending the Middle East through more effective utilization of indigenous personnel.” These statements not construed to mean “one-shot” program.

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Secretary’s mention of “continuing authorization” was meant to convey to Congress concept that funds appropriated for FY 1954 have already been reserved for initial MDA program for Pakistan. Sum reserved for Pakistan will, in judgment Defense and FOA, based on experience in getting new MDA programs under way, provide for all effective requirements through FY 1955. Executive Branch therefore not requesting additional funds be appropriated this purpose for FY 1955, but asking only for reappropriation funds appropriated FY 1954 but thus far unused. More accurate version of passage quoted terms of reference military survey team would be “For MDAP in Near East, South Asia, and Africa, the Administration is requesting new obligational authority in FY 1955 only for programs for Greece, Turkey and Iran. It is also requesting reappropriation of approximately $80 million from previous years funds that have been reserved for programs in other countries of this region, including Pakistan”. Statement that no assurance future MDAP will carry funds for Pakistan inserted as normal caveat re uncertainty Congressional action and does not indicate lack of purpose in Executive Branch.

Department regrets that lack of clear definition of long-range policy objectives has resulted in disturbing Pakistanis. In discussion with Assistant Secretary Byroade prior team departure Defense officials agreed that team’s terms of reference should not be interpreted in restrictive manner and that team report should recommend long-range as well as immediate one-year program. Department considers that long-range policy objectives can be most effectively considered against background of such report and intends to seek further clarification these objectives when report available. End FYI.

Embassy authorized provide GOP following interim statement US intentions, indicating further clarification may be forthcoming later.

In providing military assistance to Pakistan within general context of Turk–Pak arrangements, we look forward to long-range developments which should materially improve security of general area of Middle East and South Asia.
In effort get developments promptly under way, survey team instructed recommend initial one-year program of military assistance Pakistan. Because of unavoidable administrative delays in establishing MAAG, completing programming, placing orders, effecting shipments, etc., principal accomplishments we expect during initial period will be to lay foundation on which build toward objective stated [by the U.S. Military Survey Team in Phase] “1”.
We recognize achievement long-range objective will probably require program of several years, and Executive Branch USG planning accordingly. Planning toward these objectives will be based on studies and recommendations of MAAG, Pakistan, and other US [Page 497] agencies concerned MSP, which will consult with appropriate Pakistani authorities. GOP must realize, of course, that effectuation any such plans must depend on willingness Congress to make available necessary funds.
We also recognize that to effectuate possible long-range program may create problems for GOP involving balance in budgetary outlays and affecting progress in economic development. USG will be prepared take these problems into account, and US representatives Pakistan who have over-all responsibilities under Mutual Security program will be authorized discuss subject with GOP authorities at appropriate time.5
  1. Drafted by Daspit and cleared by SOA, S/MSA, NEA, FOA, and Defense. Repeated to London for General Meyers.
  2. Document 203.
  3. Document 145.
  4. For text, see vol. XI, Part 2, p. 1089. The following ellipses are in the source text.
  5. Telegram 854 from Karachi, Apr. 20, reported that the essence of the numbered paragraphs of telegram 883 had been given to the Prime Minister that day in writing, and the Prime Minister said he understood the problem of yearly appropriations in the United States. (790D.5 MSP/4–2054)