120.4382/4–1254: Circular telegram
No. 204
The Acting
Secretary of State to Certain
Diplomatic Offices1
358. For Ambassador from Byroade. It has now been nearly a year since visit Sec and myself to Middle East. Think we would all benefit from chance talk things out and have reached tentative conclusion regional conference Ambassadors at Istanbul would be profitable. Would like frank views Ambassadors as to desirability such meeting in near future. Countries to be included, subject comments, would be Greece, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. ConGen Istanbul would of course be expected attend meetings.
Congressional and other schedules make it appear opening date of May 11 best for my absence from Department. Sessions would be informal and attended by Chiefs of Mission only. Agenda would be furnished by Department and would probably highlight Arab–Israeli situation and regional defense arrangements. If current negotiations or local country crisis should dictate, Ambassador could be represented by Counselor of Embassy. Conference would run about three days.
[Page 495]Istanbul suggested because of relative absence political issues and difficulties with press.
Ankara query Foreign Office re any possible objections.
Istanbul report on availability space, transportation and hotel accommodations. Wives could accompany.
This is preliminary cable. Reply by Wirom. After response from field will issue instructions based on amalgamation views of Department and comments from field.
- Drafted by Byroade and cleared by NEA. Sent to Athens, Ankara, Tehran, Karachi, Jidda, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel Aviv, Amman, Beirut, Kabul, and also to the Legation in Tripoli and the Consul General in Istanbul.↩