II. Underlying issues at the United Nations and diplomatic exchanges between the United States and other Administering Authorities regarding certain of these issues

[876] Memorandum of Conversation, by an Adviser of the United States Delegation to the Trusteeship Council (McKay)

ODA files, lot 62 D 225, “US Representative in Trusteeship Council”

[878] Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Dependent Area Affairs (Robbins)

ODA files, lot 62 D 225, “Trust and NSGT’s, General”

[879] Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State

ODA files, lot 62 D 225, “Trust and NSGT’s, General”

[881] Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Dependent Area Affairs (Robbins) to the Director of That Office (Gerig)

UNP files, lot 58 D 742, “Committee on Information, 1954, Report of Rapporteur, Res., etc.”

[885] The British Embassy to the Department of State

ODA files, lot 62 D 225, “United Kingdom”

[886] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

350/6–2854: Telegram

[887] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Key) to the Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth)

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 35, “9th General Assembly Session”

[888] Memorandum Prepared in the Office of Dependent Area Affairs

ODA files, lot 60 D 257, “US–UK Colonial Policy Talks, July 26, 1954”

[889] Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Regional American Affairs (Jamison) to the Director of the Office of Dependent Area Affairs (Gerig)

ODA files, lot 60 D 257, “US–UK Colonial Policy Talks, July 26, 1954”

[890] Memorandum by J. M. Gerrety of the United States Information Agency to the Operations Coordinating Board

S/SOCB files, lot 62 D 430, “Soviet Imperialism & Communist Conspiracy”

  1. The memorandum was drafted May 17.