United States policy regarding problems arising from the question of the representation of China in the organs of the United Nations 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. ii, pp. 209 ff.

[398] Memorandum Prepared in the Office of Chinese Affairs

CA files, lot 57 D 663, “Chinese Representation at UN, 1952”

[399] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

340/3–1352: Telegram

[400] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

340/4–552: Airgram

[401] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt

310.2/5–2852: Telegram

[402] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

310.2/9–2852: Telegram

[404] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Department of State

310.2/9–1652: Telegram

[405] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

320/9–2352: Telegram

[407] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

810.2/10–652: Telegram

[408] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Department of State

320/11–2652: Telegram

[410] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the united Kingdom

820/11–2652: Airgram

[414] Memorandum of Conversation, by Paul W. Jones of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs

CA files, lot 58 D 395, “Chinese Representation at UN. 1953”

[416] Memorandum by the united Nations Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Bacon)

CA files, lot 58 D 395, “Chinese Representation at UN, 1953”

[417] Memorandum by the Regional Planning Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Ogburn)

FE files, lot 55 D 388, “Communist Chinese”

[420] Memorandum Prepared in the Office of the White House Staff Secretary

Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, White House Staff Secretary’s records

[425] Memorandum by the Secretary of State
