340/3–1352: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Washington, March 13,
1952—10:59 a.m.
334. Fol is position which should be taken USReps all functional Comisns ECOSOC, except Narcotics Comisn, on Chi representation issue.
- 1.
- Any motion to unseat regular Member or alternate is out of order on ground ECOSOC functional Comisns not competent decide representation question in view fact ECOSOC determines method of representation these Comisns. Consequently, any question re right either regular Member or alternate to participate in Comisns shd be raised in and decided by Council.
- 2.
- Re regular Members, in accordance ECOSOC resolutions establishing Comisns, although states are initially elected by ECOSOC, individuals nominated by govts after consultation with SYG, are confirmed by name by Council.
- 3.
- Re alternates, rule 13 of Rules of Procedure of Functional Comisns (adopted by ECOSOC for Comisns) provides as follows: “When a member of the Comisn is unable to attend the whole or part of the session, and his govt has designated an alternate in consultation with the SYG, such alternate shall have the same status as a member of the Comisn, including the right to vote”. Regular Chi [Page 622] members of the Comisns were designated by name by Chi Natl Govt and confirmed by ECOSOC. Consequently, Chi Natl Govt has right in consultation with SYG to appoint alternate and Comisns are not competent deal with any motion unseat such alternate.
Dept suggests that best procedure is discuss matter in advance with Chairman each Comisn, with view to having matter handled, as has been general past practice, by ruling of chair.
- Drafted by Betty Gough of the Office of UN Political and Security Affairs (UNP) and approved and signed by David W. Wainhouse, Director of the Office. (During the years 1952–1954 Gough very often was the UNP drafting officer on matters relating to the Chinese representation issue.) Instructions drafted in UNP on the question of Chinese representation normally were cleared by the geographic bureaus, each of which had UN advisers, and by the office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for UN Affairs (L/UNA).↩