320/9–2352: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
127. 1. Re Chi representation formulae for GA, Dept approves drafts reed from Hyde by pouch2 which we understand UKDel has accepted without change. Suggest you proceed discuss these procedures with Can, Mex and Fr and subsequently with other appropriate and representative Dels. As indicated Deptel 110, although we wld actively support we wld prefer not sponsor proposed formulae and hope you will be able line up appropriate sponsor.
2. Text of draft motion in plenary “I move that the GA postpone for the duration of its Seventh Regular Session consideration of all proposals to exclude reps of the govt of the Republic of China and seat reps of the Central Govt of the People’s Republic of China.”
3. Text of draft Res in Gen Comite “The Gen Comite
Recalling that the GA at its Sixth Regular Session decided to postpone consideration for the duration of the mtg in Paris of the Sixth Regular Session of any proposals to exclude reps of the Natl Govt of China from the Assembly or to seat reps of the Central Govt of the People’s Republic of China to represent China in the Assembly; and
Considering that the circumstances leading to that decision of the GA have not changed, and that therefore consideration of this question by the GA is neither opportune or appropriate;
[Page 629]Recommends that the GA decide to reject the request of the Sov Union for the inclusion on the agenda of the Seventh GA of the additional item entitled (precise description of SOV item)’; and
Recommends that the GA decide to postpone consideration for the duration of the Seventh Regular Session, of any further proposals to exclude reps of the Govt of the Republic of China from the Assembly or to seat reps of the Central Govt of the People’s Republic of China to represent China in the Assembly”.