310.2/5–2852: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt
1879. Re urtel 2117 May 28,1 you may inform Fawzi as follows:
- (1)
- Except as indicated para 2, USReps all UN and specialized agency bodies are instructed take position that discussion of and action on any proposals unseat reps Chi Natl Govt and/or seat Chi Commies shd be indefinitely postponed on ground Chi Rep issue shd not even be considered at time conduct Chi Commie regime departs so drastically from normally accepted standards intel conduct and when regime has shown no respect for or intention abide by principles for which UN stands as shown by its defiance UN in Korea. If this procedural [Page 625] motion were not adopted and substance Chi Rep issue were put vote USReps wld, of course, actively oppose and vote against any proposal unseat Chi Natl Reps and/or seat Chi Commies.
- (2)
- In certain expert and quasi expert bodies such as Intl Law Comisn, Advisory Comite on Admin and Budgetary Question, Comite on Contributions, ECOSOC functional Comisns, US Members take position these bodies not competent consider or take action on proposal unseat Member on ground individual membership determined by other body.
For ur info, in adopting above position designed deal Chi Rep issue on procedural basis and avoid vote on substance, we have sought (a) to provide formula which all free world UN Members, including those which recognize Chi Commies, cld support and thus avoid public airing basic differing views; and (b) to achieve most easily our basic objective re Chi Rep issue, i.e., contd seating Chi Natl Reps in all UN and SA bodies. Postponement procedure which has been followed in nearly all bodies since June last year has been supported by large majority UN Members. Words “indefinitely postponed” para 1 above normally interpreted each body to mean for duration session.
- Not printed. The Ambassador in Egypt (Caffery) reported that the Egyptian Foreign Minister had requested information as to “standing instructions which have been issued to our Dels to UN groups re their attitude toward Chi Rep when question raised.… He wants this information to coordinate instrs to Egypt Dels with ours.…” (310.2/5–2852)↩