S/S–OCB files, lot 62 D 430, “Soviet Imperialism & Communist Conspiracy”
Memorandum by J. M. Gerrety of the United States Information Agency to the Operations Coordinating Board1
International Communist Conspiracy and Soviet Colonialism
To make clear to the free nations of the world the fact of the international communist conspiracy and, with this end in view, to produce useful documentary materials demonstrating the ties of local communist and front organizations with Moscow, and the techniques employed by the communist movement in promoting the selfish interests of the USSR; to inform the nationals of the free nations of the world that communist-controlled parties, although they may have an indigenous base, are merely adjuncts of an international movement; to show that these parties are the instruments of a new colonialism, Soviet colonial expansion and control.
It is believed that documentary data is either readily available in the Government, or can be compiled, to demonstrate convincingly that the so-called national or country communist parties have a direct connection with the Kremlin and in some instances with Peiping. From the Kremlin they receive direction, training, and support. Many hundreds of the communist leaders in these countries have been trained in Moscow, some over a period of years. Many hundreds of others have gone to Moscow for consultation. Still additional hundreds have attended international front meetings sponsored by the Kremlin Many local parties are receiving economic or propaganda assistance from Moscow.
It is also believed that documentary material can be obtained to show that, following the return of these local communist leaders from Moscow, certain actions are taken, certain directives are issued, which were patently given the local leaders during their stay in Moscow.
Of the wealth of material on the international communist conspiracy in the files of various government agencies and departments, much is of a devastating nature. It is not believed, however, that this has ever been pulled together in one handy, useable place and form. Nor is there any arrangement for a continuing assembling of this material.
Note is taken of the fact that the current intelligence survey conducted under the direction of the Director of the Central Intelligence [Page 1405] Agency has recommended that a major effort be devoted to developing intelligence on the international communist conspiracy.
Appropriate facts can also be used to show that the Soviet Union and Communist China represent the new colonialism and that the Soviet Union has imposed, and will impose, a colonial rule far worse than that of any Western nation in the past.
The U.S. Information Agency feels that if the required material were assembled and the Operations Coordinating Board gave its backing to a coordinated government effort on the subject of the international communist conspiracy, a victory could be gained in one battle of the psychological side of the cold war.
The U.S. Information Agency has of course made some effort along the line of the international communist conspiracy, but has had to deal too largely in generalities; there has not been a sufficiency of bricks and mortar. The Agency feels that the bricks and mortar are needed to make a convincing case of conspiracy.
A coordinated effort by responsible Departments and Agencies would have the following immediate purposes:
- 1.
- To establish the subservience of the local Communist Party to the international mechanism.
- 2.
- To document in convincing detail the control exercised by the national Communist Party over front groups, other groups, and related activities.
- 3.
- To show that in carrying out the purposes of the Kremlin the local communist leaders become the instruments of imposing a new colonial rule far worse than any in the past.
- 4.
- To identify the principals in the national structure and if possible to establish the connections of the principals with both the local ‘Communist Party and the international center for communism for as long a historical period as is possible.
- 5.
- To select particular communist campaigns and link them if possible with Moscow direction or at least with Moscow policies and action. If it is impossible to establish Moscow initiative it is possible to demonstrate that various local campaigns arise from communist-controlled international meetings and to pursue the extent to which the local counterparts of the international communist-controlled meetings fall into line.
At an appropriate time it would be necessary to establish procedures for planning courses of action for using documentary material available or to be compiled. It would appear desirable in most cases to make the maximum use of grey and black channels for initial public release of such material in order to establish credibility and basis for exploitation. Indication of the types of exploitation which might be planned and coordinated are the stimulation of statements by high government officials; inclusion of material on this theme in major speeches to be made by government officials; use of appropriate material [Page 1406] at international conferences, specialized professional conferences, seminars, colloquia, etc.; the release of materials through government outlets domestically to be picked up and used overseas; uses in the domestic press and publications field; and special ideas and techniques for making foreign governments and peoples more aware of the external threat of Soviet communism.
general observations
The following are a number of general observations pertinent to the implementation of this activity:
- 1.
- This is one of several approaches to combatting world communism, in support of U.S. positive national objectives.
- 2.
- Special situations in particular countries must be taken into account. This includes the use of appropriate terminology; consideration of the local status of the Communist Party and its relationship to the local government, the status of overall U.S. relations with that government, and propaganda lines of our allies. Information of this sort may be obtained from the U.S. missions overseas.
- 3.
- Caution must be exercised to ensure close coordination with grey and black activities.
It is therefore recommended that the OCB:
- 1.
- Endorse the development of a coordinated program of activity by the appropriate departments and agencies on the subject of the international communist conspiracy and Soviet colonialism.
- 2.
- Request the IAC to take appropriate action to fill the needs of the participating agencies for intelligence on this subject.
- 3.
- Direct the Executive Officer, in consultation with the Board Assistants, to determine appropriate organizational procedures for coordinating interagency action on this subject.
- Circulated to the OCB Board Assistants under cover of a memorandum by Elmer B. Staats, Executive Officer of the Operations Coordinating Board, Aug. 11, 1954.↩