
Memorandum of Conversation, by Sheldon B. Vance of the Office of Western European Affairs

  • Subject:
  • Belgian Views on Statements by the U.S. Representative in the Trusteeship Council

Mr. Carlier stated that he wished to inform me that Ambassador Silvercruys had called on Assistant Secretary Key to say that the Belgian Government was disturbed by the tenor of statements made by the US Representative in the Trusteeship Council regarding the British and French Cameroons.

He added that he and Baron Dhanis had also called on Mr. Utter, in African Affairs regarding the same subject. He then told me what he had told Mr. Utter (for these remarks, see Mr. Utter’s memorandum of conversation on this subject dated February 24, 1954).

Mr. Carlier emphasized that he had never in his experience received such an annoyed message as the one from the Belgian Foreign Minister on this matter.