References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 109, 112, 123, 128
- Middle East regional security, 23, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S. covert action in Iran, 34
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 68, 70
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 173, 200, 222, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean
- Allied roles, 54, 57, 78
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 40, 42, 54, 56, 57, 78, 82, 86
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 49, 50
- Egyptian role, 64
- Middle East unified command proposals, 29
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases:
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Rapid Deployment Force, 39, 40
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- U.S. military aid overviews, 92, 94
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 187, 190
- Yemen crises, 249
- Aba al-Khayl, Muhammad, 150
- Abd al-Muhsin (prince of Saudi Arabia), 175
- Abd al-Ghani, Abdul Aziz, 254, 256
- Abdallah, Lt. Col. Fahd, 213, 215, 217, 225, 266
- Abdallah Abd al-Aziz al Saud (prince of Saudi Arabia), 165, 175, 176, 219, 225
- Abdu, Ahmad, 251
- Abdullah (prince of Saudi Arabia), 161, 255
- Abu Dhabi. See Persian Gulf states.
- Adham, Kamal, 165
- Administration transition period (1980–1981), 97
- Afghanistan (see also Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 34, 35
- African countries (see also specific countries), 95
- Agha, Ali, 223
- Aherne, Richard, 298
- al-Ahmar, Abdullah, 238
- Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (prince of Saudi Arabia), 154
- Albright, Madeleine, 200
- Ali-Rajai, Mohammad, 223
- Alireza, Ali Abdullah, 151, 161, 172
- Alston, Philip, 107
- Ames, Robert:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Middle East regional security, 23, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Soviet role in the Middle East, JCS strategy paper, 91
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 214
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 190
- Yemen crises, 277, 294
- Antar, Ali, 299
- Arab-Israeli conflict (see also Camp David
Accords; Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty negotiations):
- October 1973 War, 5, 35, 100, 144
- Oil prices and availability and, 9, 158
- People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and, 235
- Saudi role:
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 130, 132, 133, 137
- U.S. policy in the Middle East and, 1
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 148, 151, 161, 172, 185, 188, 207
- U.S.-Yemen Arab Republic discussions, 288
- Arab League, 254, 274, 276, 281
- Arabian Peninsula. See Persian Gulf.
- Arafat, Yassir, 207
- Arietti, Michael R., 228, 289, 293, 298
- Armacost, Michael A., 107, 122
- al-Ashtal, Abdullah, 231, 232
- al-Asnaj, Abdullah, 234, 245, 251, 259, 261, 282, 286
- Atherton, Alfred L. “Roy”:
- Atwood, Brian J., 18, 246
- Austin, Granville S., 2
- Australia, 107, 120, 122
- al-Ayni, Muhsin, 293
- Azzawi, Fadhil, 142
- Aaron, David:
- Baghdad summit (Mar. 1979), 191
- Baghdad summit (Nov. 1978), 174, 180
- Bahrain:
- al-Bakr, Ahmed Hassan, 132, 134, 137, 138
- Bandar bin Sultan (prince of Saudi Arabia), 225
- Barnett, David, 107
- Barrow, Gen., 220
- Barry, Robert L., 273
- Bartholomew, Reginald:
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 121
- Middle East Force negotiations, 5
- Middle East regional security, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework, 95, 97
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 59, 70, 71, 72
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 220, 222, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 54, 56, 57, 62, 82
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
- Brown memoranda, 27
- Diego Garcia base, 54, 57, 129
- Egyptian role, Special Coordination Committee discussions, 64, 74, 89
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases:
- U.S. military aid overviews, 92
- Vance memoranda, 44
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 60
- Yemen crises, 252
- Bass, Kenneth, 187, 262
- Begelman, Art, 124
- Begin, Menachem, 35
- Bell, Griffin, 187
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., 166, 168
- Benson, Lucy Wilson:
- Bentsen, Lloyd, 166
- Bergold, Harry E., Jr., 23, 26, 180, 192
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 17, 180, 210
- Bingham, Jonathan, 156
- Blackwill, Robert D., 208
- Blechman, Barry, 26, 190, 284
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 157, 180, 190, 194
- Boatner, Helene L., 214
- Bodine, Barbara, 159, 160, 184, 246, 273
- Boice, Lt. Col. William, 284
- Borek, Ted, 246
- Borr, Peter, 190
- Bosworth, Stephen W., 203
- Bowdler, William G., 187
- Bowie, Robert, 17
- Bowie, Robert R.:
- Brement, Marshall, 124, 128
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 26, 100
- Brooke, Edward, 166
- Brown, Gen. George S., 102, 111, 112, 119
- Brown, Harold:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks:
- Middle East regional security, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23
- Middle East trip (1979), 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
- Oil prices and availability, 9, 96, 210
- Persian Gulf security framework, 14, 58, 79, 83, 87, 93, 96, 98
- Saudi Arabia visit (1979), 178, 184, 185, 186
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi regional security financing, 82
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 54
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 9, 91
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 169
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 195, 198, 200, 221,
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 209
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 149, 151
- Interagency meeting discussions, 212
- Iran-Iraq War and, 96, 220
- Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 17, 269
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 57, 64, 222, 223
- Sultan discussions, 217
- Tuchman memoranda, 156
- Vance memoranda, 155, 169
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean,
27, 30
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 47, 52, 85
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 79
- Contingency response capabilities, 28
- Diego Garcia base, 26, 42, 54, 56, 57, 126, 127
- Egyptian role, 20, 64, 74, 87
- Jones memoranda, 11
- Middle East unified command proposals, 29, 77, 226
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 20, 41, 42, 54, 57, 73, 96
- Persian Gulf unified command proposals, 46, 61, 62, 69
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Rapid Deployment Force, 39, 48, 88
- Rapid reaction capability, 55
- Saudi role, 19, 20, 96, 217
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- U.S. military aid overviews, 94
- Vance memoranda, 127
- U.S. relations with Pakistan, 73
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 151, 180, 216
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 178, 184, 185, 187, 217
- Yemen crises:
- Brown, Leslie H., 246
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 16, 17, 20
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 109, 110, 113, 114,
- Carter meeting, 106
- Interagency response memorandum, 100
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 124
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 99
- Sick/Bartholomew memoranda, 121
- Sick/Thomson memoranda, 101, 104
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 102, 105, 111, 112, 116, 118
- U.S.-Australian discussions, 107, 122
- U.S.-Soviet meetings, 115, 117
- Iranian hostage crisis, 75, 90
- Iranian Revolution, 196
- Iraqi Pan-Arab Charter proposal, 140
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 202
- Middle East regional security, 16, 21, 22, 23
- Oil prices and availability, 90, 93, 196, 210
- Persian Gulf security framework, 43, 51, 93
- Propaganda broadcasting, 36
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi political situation, 175
- Saudi regional security financing, 72, 79, 82, 90, 93, 95
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 45
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 67, 68, 70
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 130, 131
- U.S.-Libyan relations, 130
- U.S. military aid to Egypt and Israel, 162, 169
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 40, 42, 51, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 58, 162, 209
- Brown memoranda, 195, 198, 200, 227
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977) discussions, 149
- Interagency meeting discussions, 212
- Iran-Iraq War and, 220
- Sick/Hunter memoranda, 197
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 57, 64, 222, 223
- State Department paper, 211
- Tuchman memoranda, 156, 166
- Vance memoranda, 169, 199
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean,
- Allied roles, 57, 78, 96
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 51, 83, 87
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 49, 50
- Brown memoranda, 27, 96
- Contingency response capabilities, 28
- Covert action, 51
- Diego Garcia base, 26, 40, 42, 54, 56, 57, 126, 127
- Egyptian role, 64, 74, 87, 89, 90, 93
- Local contributions, 95, 96
- Middle East unified command proposals, 29, 31, 34, 77
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 37, 49, 66, 90
- Persian Gulf unified command proposals, 39, 46, 51, 69, 90, 93
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 25, 26
- Rapid Deployment Force, 39, 40, 51, 90, 93, 95, 96
- Rapid reaction capability, 55
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- U.S. military aid overviews, 92, 93, 94, 96
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 207, 208
- Vance memoranda, 127
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41, 49
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 60
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 13
- U.S.-Pakistani relations, 73
- U.S. policy in the Middle East, 11
- U.S.-Saudi relations:
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 185
- Yemen crises:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 17
- Covert action proposals, 294, 296, 300
- al-Ghashmi assassination, 245
- Hoskinson memoranda, 252
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 264
- Saudi-Yemen Arab Republic relations, 297
- Soviet military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 293
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 40, 263
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 207
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 249, 256, 257, 258
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 263, 273
- U.S.-Yemen Arab Republic discussions, 254
- Vance memoranda, 289
- Yemenite War (1979), 283
- Buck, 81
- Buczacki, Jeffrey J., 289
- Burgess, John E., 2
- Burke, Peter, 127
- Burleigh, A. Peter, 12, 32, 136, 254
- Bushnell, 157
- Butcher, W. Scott, 203, 288, 298
- Camp David Accords (1978) (see also Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty negotiations), 12, 19, 137, 181
- Camp David negotiations (1978), 9
- Carlucci, Frank C.:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Middle East regional security, 23
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 64, 220
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 37, 42, 64, 65, 73, 192
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 187
- Yemen crises, 263, 277, 294, 300
- Carmody, A. T., 107
- Carswell, Robert, 94, 97
- Carter, James Earl III “Chip,” 188
- Carter, Jimmy:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 15, 19, 20
- Ghashmi correspondence, 234, 235
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 106
- Iranian Revolution, 196
- Khalid correspondence, 167, 182, 185, 192, 253, 255
- Khalid U.S. visit (1979), 188
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 204
- Oil prices and availability, 163, 196, 210
- Persian Gulf security framework:
- Presidential elections (1980), 216
- Propaganda broadcasting, 36
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 23, 192
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 45
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 10
- U.S. citizen security in Saudi Arabia, 204
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 67, 68
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 130, 131, 132
- U.S.-Libyan relations, 130
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 162, 169
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 162, 169
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia:
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Allied roles, 54, 57, 78
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises:
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 50, 52
- Brown memoranda, 27, 41, 47
- Brzezinski memoranda, 38, 43, 51
- Egyptian role, 64, 74
- Middle East unified command proposals, 226
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases:
- Persian Gulf unified command proposals, 46, 51, 61, 69, 90
- Rapid Deployment Force, 48, 88, 90
- Rapid reaction capability, Brzezinski memoranda, 55
- Vance/Brown memoranda, 30
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 12, 13
- U.S. policy in the Middle East:
- U.S.-Saudi relations:
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 182
- Yemen crises
- Covert action proposals, 294, 296
- al-Ghashmi assassination, 243
- Khalid correspondence, 253
- National Security Council discussions, 271
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 264
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 260, 268
- U.S.-People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen relations, 239, 240, 241, 242
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 249, 256
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 263
- Yemen reunification discussions, 281
- Yemenite War (1979), 261, 270, 274
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980), 60
- Case, Clifford P., Jr., 156, 166
- Castrodale, Richard, 18, 178
- Carter Doctrine (State of the Union address (1980)), 43, 45, 51, 80, 90, 208
- Cathey, Gen. Charles H., 177, 251, 255, 265, 266, 267
- Cave, George, 188, 266
- Cecil, Charles O., 143
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Documents not declassified, 174, 189
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 103
- Intelligence Memoranda:
- Iranian Revolution, 35, 181
- Iraqi Middle East role, 141
- Iraqi political situation, 134
- Middle East regional security, 17, 35, 181
- Oil prices and availability, 35, 144, 158, 183
- Propaganda broadcasting, 36
- Saudi Arabia, 144, 165, 181
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 6, 35
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 165, 214
- Yemen crises, 35, 237, 238, 267, 292
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 9
- Chinese People’s Republic (CPR), 54
- Christopher, Warren M.
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 207, 208
- Europe trip (1980), 51
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 102, 105, 111, 112, 116, 124
- Soviet role in People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, 236
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 149, 212, 220, 222, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180, 188
- Yemen crises, 231, 232, 241, 254, 258, 261, 294
- Church, Frank F., 16, 17, 166
- Churchill, George, 3, 5, 127
- Clarke, Bruce C., 50, 94, 128, 268
- Claytor, W. Graham, Jr.:
- Clements, William P., Jr., 145, 149
- Cleveland, Carolyn, 187
- Clift, A. Denis, 17, 50, 128, 187, 220, 222, 263
- Cluverius, Wat Tyler, IV, 2, 4, 7, 136
- Cogan, Charles, 74, 78
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC), 150
- Congress, U.S.:
- Israel boycott and, 148
- Middle East Force negotiations, 5
- Oman visits (1980), 65
- Saudi Arabia, 143, 160, 161, 180
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 23
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 16, 17, 149, 156, 161, 166, 168, 172, 199, 211
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 26, 42, 49, 54, 97, 126
- Yemen crises, 255, 257
- Constable, Peter D.:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 124
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 203
- Middle East regional security, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 40
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 78, 82, 84, 92, 94
- Yemen crises, 285
- Coon, Jane A., 65
- Cooper, Richard N., 150, 172, 190, 210
- Countryman, John R., 32, 71, 143, 228, 232, 285, 288, 289
- Court, Charles, 122
- Cowan, Gray, 50, 82, 84
- Crawford, William R.:
- Crosswhite, Clyde, 94
- Cuba, 267
- Currier, Charles G., 136
- Cutler, Lloyd, 50, 208
- Dahmash, Ahmad Qasim, 234
- Davis, Lynn E., 102, 105, 111, 116
- Denend, Leslie G., 40, 166, 275, 277, 280
- Dhufari rebellion, 237
- Dickman, François M., 8, 18
- Diego Garcia base:
- Djibouti, 41, 42
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 263, 264, 273
- Documents not declassified, 174, 189, 218
- Dodson, Christine, 21, 73, 74, 77, 124, 187
- Donnelly, Maj. Gen. Charles, 213, 215, 228
- Donovan, Hedley, 37, 42, 50, 208, 294
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 102, 103, 105, 112
- Middle East Force negotiations, 2
- Persian Gulf security framework, 93, 97, 98
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 26, 40, 73
- U.S. policy in the Middle East, 10, 11
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 62, 151, 180, 187, 190, 210, 212, 222
- Yemen crises, 257, 258, 263
- Eagleton, Thomas F., 142
- Earle, Ralph, II, 50, 124, 125
- Earle, Robert, 62
- Egypt (see also Egyptian-Israeli Peace
Treaty negotiations):
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 16, 17, 19
- Middle East regional security, Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 17, 19
- Political situation, CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35
- Saudi military aid to, 23, 165, 192
- U.S. economic and military aid:
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 135
- U.S. military aid:
- U.S. military presence in:
- Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty negotiations:
- Eilts, Hermann F., 135
- Eizenstat, Stuart E., 50
- Ellerman, Denny, 268
- Ericsson, Richard, 246
- Ermarth, Fritz:
- Ethiopia. See Ogaden War
- Evans, John M., 288
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al Saud (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia):
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 157
- Brzezinski visit (1980), 207
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 165
- Oil prices and availability, 152, 153, 157, 161
- Political situation, 143, 144, 154, 175, 176
- Saudi oil policies, 152, 153, 157, 161, 206
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 171
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia:
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 207
- U.S.-Saudi relations:
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 179, 185, 224, 225
- Yemen crises, 207, 238, 240, 255
- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), 40, 42
- Fish, Gen. Howard M., 151
- Flaten, Robert, 5
- Flynt, John James, 255
- Forbes, John D., 184
- Ford, Gerald R., 149
- France, 40, 42, 107, 216
- Fraser, J. Malcolm, 107
- Funk, Gerald P., 49
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al Saud (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia):
- Gaffney, Henry H., 33, 284
- Gates, Robert, 126, 260
- Gelb, Leslie H., 2, 21, 102, 112, 168
- Gerlach, Frederick, 213, 265, 266, 293
- Gerson, Ralph, 26
- Gessaman, Donald, 63
- al-Ghashmi, Ahmad, 233, 234, 238, 243, 245, 252
- al-Ghazali, Abdullah, 81
- Giese, Arthur M., 289
- Glenn, John, 166
- Gnehm, Edward William, Jr., 171, 282, 291
- Goldman, Leslie J., 73, 97, 210, 222, 223
- Goldsmith, Sydney, 232
- Gompert, David C., 44, 66, 78, 86, 127, 129
- Gorman, Gen. Paul F., 91, 220, 222, 223
- Graves, Lt. Gen. Ernest, 248
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 100
- Gross, Woolf, 127
- Habib, Philip C.:
- al-Hajri, Abdallah, 235
- al-Hamdi, Ibrahim, 176, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 238, 299
- Hammad, Gen., 213, 215
- Hammadi, Saddoun, 132, 133
- Hannifin, Vice Adm. Patrick, 111
- Hansell, Herbert J., 169
- Hanson, Rear Adm. Thor, 11, 14, 185
- Harmon, John, 262
- Harrop, William C., 44
- Hayden, Walter, 298
- Hayward, Adm. Thomas, 78, 105, 222, 223
- Helgerson, John, 280
- Henze, Paul B., 34, 45, 49, 187
- Hibbits, John, 116
- Hobbs, Richard, 2, 3
- Holbrooke, Richard, 107
- Holcomb, Rear Adm. M. Staser, 151
- Horn of Africa. See Ogaden War
- Hornblow, Michael, 100, 131
- Hoskinson, Samuel M., 23, 175, 192, 252
- Houdek, Robert C., 127
- Humaid, Gen., 179, 213, 215, 266
- Human rights, 131, 143, 154
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 156
- Hunt, Col., 266
- Hunter, Robert, 26, 40, 45, 197, 202, 297
- Hussein, Saddam, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141
- Hyland, William G., 102
- Ibrahim, Izzat, 138
- Inderfurth, Karl F. (“Rick”), 16, 108, 121, 130, 252
- India, 42
- Indian Ocean. See Diego Garcia base; Indian Ocean demilitarization talks; Kenya; Middle East Force negotiations; Oman; Somalia; U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean.
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 34,
- Brzezinski memoranda, 109, 110, 113, 114, 119
- Carter meeting, 106
- CIA memoranda, 103
- Interagency response memorandum, 100
- McGiffert memoranda, 123
- Middle East Force negotiations and, 2, 5
- NSC draft guidance paper, 113
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 26, 124
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 99
- Quandt/Sick memoranda, 1
- Sick/Bartholomew memoranda, 121
- Sick/Thomson memoranda, 101, 104
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 102, 105, 111, 112, 116, 118
- UN Ad Hoc Committee, 128
- U.S.-Australian discussions, 107, 122
- U.S.-Soviet meetings, 108, 115, 117, 120, 125
- Inman, Adm. Bobby, 187
- Iran (see also Iran-Iraq War; Iranian hostage crisis; Iranian Revolution):
- Iran-Iraq War:
- Iranian hostage crisis:
- Iranian Revolution:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) and, 15, 16, 17
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35, 181
- Duncan memoranda, 10
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks and, 123
- JCS paper, 14
- Jones memoranda, 11
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident and, 202, 206
- Middle East regional security and, 18, 179
- Saudi concerns, 176, 179, 181, 185, 196, 206, 214
- Vance memoranda, 18
- Yemen crises and, 259
- Iraq (see also Iran-Iraq War):
- Islamic Conference (1980), 207, 217
- Ismail, Abd al Fattah, 235, 244, 252, 266, 267, 281, 292
- Israel:
- Israel boycott, 143, 144, 148
- Jackson, Henry M. (“Scoop”), 210
- Janka, Leslie A., 3, 151
- Japan, 40, 42
- Javits, Jacob K., 156, 199, 231, 232
- Jayne, Edward Randy, 62, 64, 65, 66, 73, 210, 284
- Jerusalem, 143
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also Jones, Gen. David C.), 14, 29, 34, 39, 77, 91
- Jones, Gen. David C.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 99, 100, 110, 114, 115, 124
- Middle East regional security, 21, 22, 23
- Oil prices and availability, 9
- Persian Gulf security framework, 14, 79, 83, 87, 93, 97, 98
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Saudi regional security financing, 82
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 9, 91
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 70
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 142
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 212, 221, 227
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 11
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 187
- Yemen crises, 260, 263, 268, 294
- Jordan, 19, 20, 284
- Jordan, Hamilton, 42, 50, 294
- Jughman, Yahya, 259, 261
- Kabbani, Gen., 177, 251, 266
- Kahan, Jerome H., 116
- Kairollah Talfa, Adnan, 134, 138
- Keely, Robert, 66
- Keene, Douglas E., 7, 32, 71
- Keeny, Spurgeon, 23, 26, 192
- Kelley, Maj. Gen. Paul X., 48
- Kelly, Cmdr. James, 277
- Kenya:
- Kessler, Martha, 222
- al-Khail, Aba, 176
- Khaldi, Gen., 7
- Khalid bin Abdul Aziz (king of Saudi Arabia):
- Khalifa bin Zayid, Shaikh, 8
- Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 35
- al-Kibsi, 261, 287
- Kimmitt, Robert, 198, 200, 268
- Kissinger, Henry A., 145, 231
- Klutznick, Philip M., 55, 98
- Komer, Robert W.:
- Middle East regional security, 62, 63, 64
- Persian Gulf security framework, 95, 97
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 70
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Yemen crises, 294
- Korn, David A., 161
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 273
- Kramer, Frank, 78, 89, 94
- Kreisberg, Paul H., 18, 21, 44, 184, 246
- al-Kuhali, Moujahid, 251
- Kurdish insurgency, 131, 132
- Kuwait. See Persian Gulf states
- McCall, Sherrod, 273
- McDougall, Ellis, 154
- McGiffert, David E.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977), 151
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 116, 123, 124, 125, 128
- Middle East regional security, 18, 23
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 70
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 54
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 26, 50, 54, 65, 70, 73, 74, 192
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180, 185, 220, 223
- Yemen crises, 275
- McIntyre, James T., 17, 55, 68, 73, 91, 93, 98
- McKean, Joel, 125
- McKim, Lt. Col. Kenneth, 262, 268, 275, 277
- McMahon, John, 187
- Madani, Nizar O., 172
- Makki, Hassan, 288
- Mansuri, Abd al-Rahman, 188, 239, 285
- Marcuss, Stanley J., 180
- Marsh, William H., 184, 213, 215
- Martin, Thomas G., 254
- Matheny, John, 277
- Mattingly, Lt. Col. John, 94
- Mauritius, 129
- Maxim, Robert M., 18
- Maynes, Charles W., 128
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 35, 201, 202, 203, 204
- Mendelevich, Lev, 104, 108, 117, 120, 125
- Metzenbaum, Howard, 166
- Meyer, Col., 177
- Michel, James, 268, 277
- Middle East Force negotiations, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Middle East regional security (see also
Persian Gulf security framework; Saudi regional security financing;
U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean):
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 16, 17, 19, 20
- Carter Doctrine, 43, 45, 51, 80, 90, 208
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35
- Iranian revolution and, 18, 179
- Komer paper, 62, 63, 64
- Persian Gulf states and, 12, 13, 18
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 21, 22, 23, 63, 64, 192
- U.S.-Iraqi discussions, 132
- U.S.-Omani discussions, 12, 13, 60
- Yemen and, 235
- Miller, G. William, 93, 97, 98, 212
- Mishal (prince of Saudi Arabia), 175
- Moberly, Patrick, 129
- Mondale, Walter F.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 99, 100, 105, 112
- Middle East regional security, 82
- Persian Gulf security framework, 98
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 220
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 73, 74, 77, 192
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 187, 264
- Yemen crises, 263
- Montgomery, James, 50
- Moor, Carol C., 18
- Moore, Frank, 166
- Moose, David, 50
- Moose, Richard M., Jr., 172
- Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (prince of Saudi Arabia), 154
- Muller, George, 18
- Murphy, Adm. Daniel J., 26, 187, 277
- Murray, Robert J.:
- Musallim, Ali, 251
- Muskie, Edmund S.:
- Muti’, Muhammed Saleh, 232
- Naas, Charles, 2, 3
- Nagle, Chester, 60
- Najim, Nabil, 142
- Nasser, Gamel Abdel, 81
- National Intelligence Estimates, “Iraq’s Role in the Middle East,” 137
- National Security Council (NSC), 113
- Nayif bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud (prince of Saudi Arabia), 154
- Nazer, Hisham, 144, 154
- Newhouse, John, 102, 105, 112, 116, 124
- Newsom, David D.:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 204
- Middle East regional security, 18, 21
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 135
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 40, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 220, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 12
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 178, 187
- Yemen crises:
- Soviet military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 278, 293
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 260, 262, 263, 268, 275, 277, 280
- U.S. military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 246, 254
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 250, 298
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 273
- Yemen reunification discussions, 288
- Nimetz, Matthew, 64, 65, 71, 78, 84, 92, 94, 208
- Non-aligned Movement Summit (1979), 30
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 28, 54, 78
- North Yemen. See Yemen Arab Republic.
- October 1973 War, 5, 35, 100, 144
- Odom, Brig. Gen. William:
- Carter Doctrine, 45
- Iranian hostage crisis, 34, 45
- Middle East regional security, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework, 34, 97
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 220, 222, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Yemen crises, 31, 34, 179, 294
- O’Donohue, Daniel:
- Ogaden War:
- Brown memoranda, 96
- Brzezinski memoranda, 90, 93
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 165
- People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen role, 235, 237
- Soviet role, 171, 236
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 50, 66, 73, 82, 84
- Tarnoff memoranda, 95
- U.S.-People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen discussions, 231
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 161, 171
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41, 49
- Oil prices and availability:
- Arab-Israeli conflict and, 9, 158
- Brown memoranda, 96
- Brzezinski memoranda, 90, 93
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks and, 100, 123
- Iraq and, 137
- Middle East regional security and, 35
- National Intelligence Estimates, 137
- Saudi oil field security, 14, 17, 19, 154
- Saudi policies:
- Blumenthal-Fahd discussions, 157
- Christopher-Saud discussions, 207
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35, 144, 158, 183
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 210
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 180, 190
- State department briefing paper, 143
- Vance-Fahd communications, 152, 153, 161
- West memoranda, 154, 163, 173, 196, 206, 216
- Soviet role in the Middle East and, 176, 179
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 97
- Tarnoff memoranda, 95
- U.S. domestic policies, 172
- U.S. policy in the Middle East and, 1, 9, 26, 35, 143, 180
- Oman (see also Persian Gulf states):
- Congressional delegation visits (1980), 65
- Dhufari rebellion, 237
- Iranian hostage crisis and, 60, 75, 76, 81
- Saudi military aid, 54
- U.S. bases in:
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 49, 50, 51, 53
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 20
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 90
- Habib mission discussions, 81
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks and, 100
- Jones memoranda, 11
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 40, 50, 54, 57, 65, 66
- Vance memoranda, 44
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41, 49
- Wiley memoranda, 70
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 59, 60
- U.S. economic and military aid:
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 12, 13, 60
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980), 60
- Omran, Gen., 215
- Onek, Joseph, 128
- Organization of African Unity (OAU), 95
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (see also Oil prices and availability):
- Owen, Henry D., 40, 56, 57, 65, 208, 210
- Pakistan:
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 35
- Palestinian Autonomy Talks (1979–1980), 35, 212, 216
- Palestinians. See Arab-Israeli conflict; Lebanese Civil War; Palestinian Autonomy Talks
- Palmer, Brig. Gen. David, 92
- Panama Canal treaties, 166, 172
- Parker, Richard B., 192
- Parkinson, N. F., 107
- Parris, Gen. William, 60
- Parsons, Anthony, 136
- PASEX, 34
- Peacock, Andrew, 107
- Peck, Edward, 133, 139
- People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) (see also Yemen crises):
- Persian Gulf. See Middle East Force negotiations; Persian Gulf security framework; Persian Gulf states; U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean.
- Persian Gulf security framework (see also Oil prices and availability; Oman, economic and military aid; Pakistan, U.S. relations with; Saudi Arabia, U.S. military aid; Saudi regional security financing; U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean):
- Persian Gulf states:
- Pharaon, Rashid, 161, 188
- Platt, Alan, 23, 192, 284
- Plummer, Lt. Col. G. W., 33, 266
- Poats, Rutherford M., 16, 66, 180
- Policy Review Committee (PRC):
- Porter, William J., 145, 148
- Portugal, 95
- Powell, Jody, 37, 42, 50, 107, 128, 294
- Presidential Directives, PD/NSC–63, “Persian Gulf Security Framework,” 97, 98
- Presidential Review Memoranda:
- Propaganda broadcasting, 36
- Pustay, Lt. Gen. John:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 124, 125, 128
- Middle East regional security, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Yemen crises, 294
- Qaboos bin Said al Said (Sultan of Oman), 13, 38, 53, 66, 70, 76
- Quandt, William B.:
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 122
- Middle East regional security, 18, 22, 23
- Saud U.S. visit (1978), 172
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 130
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 192
- U.S. policy in the Middle East, 1, 16
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 168, 178, 180, 191
- Yemen crises, 252, 254
- Radio Liberty, 36
- Ransom, David M.:
- Ras Banas base (Egypt), 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96
- Reddy, Leo, 3, 133, 150, 232
- Renouf, Alan P., 107
- Rogers, William P., 229
- Rohwer, James, 5
- Rosenthal, Benjamin S., 149
- Rubayyah Ali, Salim, 231, 235, 244, 245, 252
- Ryan, Leo, 156
- Ryer, Lt. Col., 213, 215
- Sabbagh, Isa K., 160, 161, 206, 232
- Sabri, Maj. Gen., 215
- Sadat, Anwar, 18
- Saleh, Lt. Col. Ali Abdallah, 238
- Salih, Ali Abdallah:
- Sanders, Edward G., 50, 89, 92, 94, 97, 180, 262
- Saud al-Faisal bin Abd al-Aziz (prince of Saudi Arabia):
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 154
- Brzezinski visit (1979), 188
- Brzezinski visit (1980), 207
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 165
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977), 151
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 203
- Political situation, 144
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 273
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 167, 172
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 177, 184, 185, 188
- U.S. visit (1978), 172
- Vance visit (1977), 161
- Yemen crises, 250, 255, 264, 265, 266
- Saudi Arabia:
- ARAMCO takeover, 143, 163, 176
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 16, 17, 19
- Camp David Accords and, 26
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 144, 165, 181
- Duncan visit (1980), 62, 210
- Economic situation, 143
- French military aid, 216
- Human rights, 143, 154
- Iranian Revolution and, 176, 179, 181, 185, 196, 206, 214
- Israel boycott and, 143, 144, 148
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 35, 201, 202, 203, 204
- Middle East regional security (see also Saudi regional security financing), 16, 17, 19, 35, 181
- Middle East unified command proposals and, 226
- Military aid to Egypt, 23, 165, 192
- Military aid to Oman, 54
- Military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 229, 230, 262, 291
- Ogaden War, 161, 165, 171
- Oil field security, 14, 17, 19, 154
- Oil policies:
- Blumenthal-Fahd discussions, 157
- Christopher-Saud discussions, 207
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35, 144, 158, 183
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 210
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 180, 190
- State department briefing paper, 143
- Vance-Fahd communications, 152, 153, 161
- West memoranda, 154, 163, 173, 196, 206, 216
- People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen relations with, 161, 237, 239, 240
- Political situation:
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 206, 207, 217
- Soviet relations with, 171, 179, 181
- Soviet role in the Middle East:
- State Department briefing paper, 143
- U.S. citizen security, 204, 205
- U.S. health care project aid, 219
- U.S.-Iraqi relations and, 131
- U.S. Joint Economic Commission, 143
- U.S. Middle East unified command proposals and, 29
- U.S. military aid:
- Blumenthal-Fahd discussions, 157
- Brown-Fahd discussions, 151
- Brown memoranda, 195, 198, 200, 221, 227
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 16, 17, 19, 20, 269
- Brown-Sultan discussions, 217
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 149, 162, 209
- Carter-Khalid correspondence, 167
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 165, 214
- Daniels memoranda, 193
- Interagency meeting discussions, 212
- Iran-Iraq War and, 220
- Jones memoranda, 9
- Lawrence-Sultan discussions, 215
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Porter-Sultan communications, 145, 147
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 180
- Saunders memoranda, 228
- Sick/Hunter memoranda, 197
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 57, 64, 84, 91, 220, 222, 223, 284
- State Department briefing paper, 143
- State Department paper, 211
- Tuchman memoranda, 156, 166
- Vance-Fahd discussions, 148
- Vance memoranda, 146, 155, 167, 168, 169, 170, 199
- Vance-Saud discussions, 172
- West-Fahd discussions, 171
- West memoranda, 173, 176, 186, 209, 216
- West-Sultan discussions, 159, 160, 213
- Yemen crises and, 214, 264, 269
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 50, 51, 53
- Brown memoranda, 96
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 19, 20
- Brown-Sultan discussions, 217
- Jones memoranda, 11
- Lawrence visit (1980), 215
- Odom memoranda, 34
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 23, 64
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 185, 186, 188, 192, 207, 208
- U.S. relations with:
- Brown visit (1979), 178, 184, 185, 186
- Brzezinski visit (1979), 188
- Brzezinski visit (1980), 207, 208
- Carter visit (1978), 159, 164
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 144, 183
- Economic initiatives, 194
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977), 148, 149, 150, 151, 152
- Fahd U.S. visit proposals (1979), 182, 188, 190
- Presidential Review Committee discussions, 180, 190
- Quandt/Sick memoranda, 191
- Saud U.S. visit (1978), 172
- State Department briefing paper, 143
- Vance-Fahd discussions, 148
- Vance visit (1977), 161
- West memoranda, 154, 176, 186, 216
- U.S. security cooperation:
- Brown-Fahd discussions, 185
- Brown-Sultan discussions, 217
- Brown visit (1979) discussions, 178
- Brzezinski memoranda, 90, 93
- Brzezinski-Saud discussions, 188
- Carter-Khalid correspondence, 182, 185
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 181, 183
- Covert action, 187
- Tarnoff memoranda, 95
- Vance memoranda, 184
- West-Fahd discussions, 170, 224
- West memoranda, 179, 186, 225
- West-Saud discussions, 177
- West memoranda, 154
- Yemen Arab Republic relations with, 229, 238, 259, 287, 292, 297
- Saudi regional security financing:
- Saunders, Harold H.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, UN Ad Hoc Committee, 128
- Middle East regional security, 18, 21, 23
- Saud U.S. visit (1978), 172
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 135
- U.S. military aid to Bahrain, 32
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 17, 57, 64, 168, 220, 222, 223, 228
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 40, 42, 54, 56, 57, 62, 86
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 50
- Egyptian role, 64, 74
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 37, 40, 42, 50, 54, 57, 73
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 60
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 12
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 178, 184
- Yemen crises, 236, 246, 262, 263, 284, 287, 288
- Schlesinger, James R., 21, 22, 23, 26, 190, 192
- Scotes, Thomas J., 229, 230, 234, 235
- Seignious, Lt. Gen. George M., 124, 125, 192
- Seitz, Raymond G. H., 56, 288
- Shackley, Theodore, 187
- Shahi, Agha, 40, 42, 51
- Shaw, Harry, 56, 63, 66
- Shawkey, Cmdr. Richard S., 33
- al-Shayah, Lt. Gen. Muhammad, 266
- Shayba, Ali, 251
- Shenefield, John, 210
- Shinn, William T., 289
- Shoemaker, Capt. Chris C., 33
- Shoemaker, Maj. Christopher C., 92, 94
- Shulman, Marshall D., 273
- Shulter, Maj. Gen. Philip, 155
- Siad Barre, Mohammad, 38
- Sick, Capt. Gary:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 1, 108, 110
- Brzezinski memoranda, 113, 114
- Carter meeting, 106
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 124
- Sick/Bartholomew memoranda, 121
- Sick/Thomson memoranda, 101, 104
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 102, 105, 111, 112, 116
- UN Ad Hoc Committee, 128
- U.S.-Australian discussions, 122
- U.S.-Soviet meetings, 125
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 202
- Middle East regional security, 22, 63
- Oil prices and availability, 1, 163
- Persian Gulf security framework, 97
- Saudi political situation, 175
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 1, 91
- Strait of Hormuz, 33
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 130
- U.S. military aid to Bahrain, 32
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 64, 197, 198, 200, 220, 222, 223
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 42, 54, 62, 78, 82, 86
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 49, 50
- Egyptian role, 64
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 37, 42, 50, 54, 66, 75, 78, 84
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 26
- Unified command proposals, 29
- U.S. military aid overviews, 92, 94
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 60
- U.S. policy in the Middle East, 1, 16, 24
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 154, 184, 188, 190, 191
- Yemen crises, 245, 276
- Covert action proposals, 294
- Hoskinson memoranda, 252
- Odom memoranda, 31
- Saudi-Yemen Arab Republic relations, 297
- Soviet military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 278
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 260, 262, 263, 268, 275, 277, 280, 284
- Twinam memoranda, 246
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 249, 257, 298
- Yemenite War (1979), 283
- Sikes, Robert L. F., 255
- Slocombe, Walter:
- Smith, Lt. Gen. William Y.:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 102, 105, 112, 116
- Middle East regional security, 23
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 26, 192
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180, 187, 190
- Yemen crises, 260, 262, 263, 268, 275, 280, 284
- Sober, Sidney, 2, 3, 146, 151, 168, 232
- Solarz, Stephen J., 156
- Solomon, Anthony M., 17, 150, 180, 190
- Somalia (see also Ogaden War):
- South Yemen. See People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan:
- Soviet role in the Middle East (see also
Indian Ocean demilitarization talks; Soviet invasion of Afghanistan;
Soviet role in the Yemens):
- Brown memoranda, 9
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 19
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 6, 35
- Duncan memoranda, 10
- Iraq and, 136, 137
- JCS strategy paper, 91
- Jones memoranda, 9
- Odom memoranda, 34
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Quandt/Sick memoranda, 1
- Saudi concerns:
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 42, 56, 84
- U.S. 1980 policy revision and, 45
- Soviet role in the Yemens:
- Soviet Union (see also Indian Ocean demilitarization talks; Soviet role in the Middle East):
- Special Coordination Committee (SCC):
- Covert action, 36, 294
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 102, 105, 111, 112, 116, 118, 128
- Middle East regional security, 21, 22, 23, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework, 42, 54, 56, 57, 62, 64, 65, 73, 74, 78, 82, 84, 86, 89, 91, 94, 97, 210
- Propaganda broadcasting, 36
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 40, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 64, 84, 91, 220, 222, 223, 284
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 187
- Yemen crises, 22, 40, 163, 260, 262, 263, 268, 275, 277, 280, 284, 294
- Stapletone, Seton, 44
- Sterner, Michael E., 7, 188
- Steven, Robert S., 285
- Stewart, Jake, 126
- Stone, Richard, 156, 166
- Strait, Edward, 63
- Strait of Hormuz, 33, 65, 223, 288
- Strauss, Robert S., 26
- Sudayri, Khalid ibn, 238
- Suddarth, Roscoe S., 32, 289
- Sulaiman, Sadek, 60, 72
- Sultan Abd al-Aziz al Saud (prince of Saudi Arabia):
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 165
- Political situation, 175, 176
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 145, 147, 159, 160, 213, 214, 215, 217, 227
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 249, 250
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 179, 185, 217, 225
- Vance visit (1977), 161
- Yemen crises, 238, 285, 289, 298
- Sultan bin Zayid, Shaikh, 8
- Syria, 131, 283
- Taiz summit (1977), 230, 235
- Tange, Arthur, 107
- Tarnoff, Peter R.:
- Iraqi Pan-Arab Charter proposal, 140
- Middle East regional security, 21
- U.S. citizen security in Saudi Arabia, 205
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 131
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 168, 211
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 66, 95
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 12
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 95, 185, 190
- Taylor, Jane E., 71
- Thibault, Albert, 2
- Thomson, James, 101, 102, 104, 105, 111, 116
- Thornton, Thomas:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1980), 208
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks, 128
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 131
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 40, 42, 50, 54, 56, 65, 73
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 180
- Yemen crises, 280, 294
- Thunayyan, Abd Al-Aziz, 177
- Toon, Malcolm, Yemen crises, 273
- Tripoli Conference (1977), 161
- Truman Doctrine, 45
- Tuchman, Jessica, 156, 166
- Turkey, 93, 95, 96, 185
- Turki ibn Abd al-Aziz (prince of Saudi Arabia), 181
- Turki ibn Faisal (prince of Saudi Arabia), 161, 165, 177, 188, 220, 225, 266
- Turner, Adm. Stansfield:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 17
- Documents not declassified, 218
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks:
- Middle East regional security, 21, 22
- Persian Gulf security framework, 58, 79, 83, 87, 93, 97, 98
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- Saudi oil policies, 210
- Saudi regional security financing, 82
- Soviet role in the Middle East, JCS strategy paper, 91
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 57, 58, 64, 212, 214, 220, 222
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Allied roles, 57, 78
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises:
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 79
- Egyptian role, 64, 74, 87
- Middle East unified command proposals, 77
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 37, 40, 54, 57, 65, 73, 78, 84
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 183, 187
- Yemen crises, 260, 263, 268, 271, 277
- Twinam, Joseph W.:
- Middle East Force negotiations, 2, 3, 5
- Middle East regional security, 18
- Saud U.S. visit (1978), 172
- State Department briefing paper, 143
- United Arab Emirates U.S. military aid requests, 7
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 146, 228
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean, 44, 65, 66
- Yemen crises, 236, 246, 278, 293, 298
- Twombly, John, 111
- UN Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean Zone of Peace, 128
- United Arab Emirates (UAE) (see also Persian Gulf states), 7, 8, 96
- United Kingdom, 40, 42, 126, 129, 136
- United Nations, 100, 128
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean (see also Diego Garcia base; Indian Ocean
demilitarization talks):
- Allied roles, 54, 57, 74, 78, 96
- Amphibious deployment:
- Bartholomew Mission, 38, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 207
- Brown memoranda, 27, 41, 47, 126
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 19, 20
- Brzezinski memoranda, 38, 43, 51, 79
- Carter Doctrine on, 43, 45, 51, 80, 90, 208
- Contingency response capabilities, 26
- Covert action, 34, 51, 272
- Djibouti bases, 41
- Egyptian role:
- Enroute basing/overflights, 41, 42, 89, 96
- Ground force exercises:
- Indian Ocean naval presence (see also Indian Ocean demilitarization talks):
- Kenya bases:
- Middle East Force augmentation, 20, 23, 24, 26, 30
- Middle East Force negotiations, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Middle East unified command proposals, 29, 31, 34, 77, 226
- Oman bases:
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 49, 50, 51, 53
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 20
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58, 90, 93
- Habib mission discussions, 81
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks and, 100
- Iranian hostage crisis and, 75, 76
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 37, 40, 42, 50, 54, 57, 65, 66
- Tarnoff memoranda, 95
- U.S.-Omani discussions, 59, 70, 81
- Vance memoranda, 44
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41, 49
- Zawawi U.S. visit (1980) discussions, 60
- Pakistan bases, 40, 42
- Persian Gulf unified command proposals:
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24, 25, 26, 123
- Rapid Deployment Force:
- Rapid reaction capability, 55
- Rear bases, 63, 64, 73
- Saudi role:
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 50, 51, 53
- Brown memoranda, 96
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 19, 20
- Brown-Sultan discussions, 217
- Jones memoranda, 11
- Lawrence visit (1980), 215
- Odom memoranda, 34
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 23, 37, 64
- Somalia bases:
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 38, 49, 50, 51
- Brown memoranda, 96
- Brzezinski memoranda, 90, 93
- Odom memoranda, 34
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 37, 40, 42, 54, 66, 73, 78, 84
- Tarnoff memoranda, 95
- Vance memoranda, 44
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192, 208
- Surge capability, 26, 27
- U.S. military aid overviews, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 185, 186, 188, 192, 207, 208
- Vance/Brown memoranda, 30
- Welch/Ermarth memoranda, 41, 49
- Yemen crises and, 260
- U.S. policy in the Middle East:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 15, 16
- Brzezinski memoranda, 11
- Carter Doctrine, 43, 45, 51, 80, 90, 208
- Duncan memoranda, 10, 11
- Iranian hostage crisis and, 45
- Jones memoranda, 9
- Oil prices and availability and, 1, 9, 26, 35, 143, 180
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 24
- Quandt/Sick memoranda, 1
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 45
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 26
- U.S. presidential elections (1980), 216
- Vance, Cyrus:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979), 19
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks
- Brzezinski memoranda, 110, 114, 119
- Interagency response memorandum, 100
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 124
- Presidential Review Memoranda, 99
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 105, 112
- U.S.-Australian discussions, 107
- U.S.-Soviet communications, Gromkyo discussions, 100
- U.S.-Soviet meetings, 115
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 203, 204
- Middle East Force negotiations, 3, 5
- Middle East regional security:
- Oil prices and availability, 152, 153, 161
- Persian Gulf security framework, 58
- Saudi military aid to Egypt, 192
- United Arab Emirates U.S. military aid requests, 7
- U.S.-British discussions on Iraq, 136
- U.S. citizen security in Saudi Arabia, 204, 205
- U.S. economic and military aid to Oman, 59, 70, 71
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S.-Iraqi relations, 130, 131, 133
- U.S. military aid to Bahrain, 32
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 169
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 169
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 42, 54
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 146, 155, 167, 168, 169, 199
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean,
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 42, 52
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 50, 52
- Brown memoranda, 27
- Brzezinski memoranda, 58
- Diego Garcia base, 26, 42, 126, 127
- Egyptian role, 74
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 42, 50, 59, 70, 73
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 26
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 192
- Vance/Brown memoranda, 30
- U.S.-Omani security consultations, 13
- U.S.-Saudi relations:
- Yemen crises, 233
- Covert action proposals, 294
- al-Ghashmi assassination, 243
- National Security Council discussions, 271
- Soviet military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 278, 289, 293
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 260, 263, 268, 277
- U.S. military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 247, 254, 256, 285, 288
- U.S.-People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen relations, 231, 232, 239, 240, 242
- U.S./Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 298
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 263, 264, 273
- U.S.-Yemen Arab Republic discussions, 254
- Yemen reunification discussions, 281, 287, 288
- Yemenite War (1979), 270, 274
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., 250
- Vest, George S., 40
- Voice of America (VOA), 36
- Von Marbod, Erich, 92, 248, 275
- Vance, Cyrus:
- Walker, Lannon, 73, 84
- Warnke, Paul C.:
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks:
- Welch, Maj. Gen. Jasper:
- Middle East regional security, 63
- Persian Gulf security framework agency review, 97
- Soviet role in the Middle East, 91
- U.S. military aid to Pakistan, 54
- U.S. military presence in the Middle East/Indian Ocean:
- Allied roles, 54, 57, 78
- Amphibious deployment/ground force exercises, 41, 54, 57, 62, 78, 82, 86
- Bartholomew Mission discussions, 50
- Egyptian role, 64, 74, 89
- Odom memoranda, 39
- Oman/Somalia/Kenya bases, 41, 49, 54, 57, 65, 66, 73, 78, 84
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 64
- U.S. military aid overviews, 92
- West, John C.:
- Brzezinski Saudi Arabia visit (1979), 188
- Documents not declassified, 218
- Fahd U.S. visit (1977), 151
- Fahd U.S. visit proposals (1979), 182
- Iranian Revolution, 176, 179, 185, 196, 206
- Mecca Grand Mosque hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 201, 206
- Oil prices and availability, 163, 176, 196
- Saud U.S. visit (1978), 172
- Saudi oil policies, 154, 163, 173, 196, 206, 216
- U.S. health care project aid to Saudi Arabia, 219
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 173, 176, 186, 209, 216
- U.S.-Saudi relations, 154, 161, 176, 186, 190, 216
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation, 170, 177, 178, 179, 185, 186, 224, 225
- Yemen crises:
- White, John:
- Whitlam, Gough, 122
- Wiley, Marshall W.:
- William, Col. T. O., 268
- Winn, David M., 7, 12, 233
- Wisner, Frank G.:
- Wolfe, Alan, 187
- Wolff, Lester, 156
- Wollemborg, Leo R., 184
- Yamani, Ahmed Zaki, 26, 144, 150, 163, 176
- Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) (see also
Saudi military aid to Yemen Arab Republic; Yemen crises):
- al-Ghashmi assassination, 243, 245, 252
- al-Hamdi assassination, 176, 233, 234, 235, 238, 299
- Saudi military aid (see also U.S./Saudi military aid cooperation below), 229, 230, 262, 291
- Saudi relations with, 229, 238, 259, 287, 292, 297
- Soviet military aid:
- U.S. military aid:
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 16, 17
- al-Ghani U.S. visit discussions, 254
- Hoskinson memoranda, 252
- Lane memoranda, 259, 286, 299
- Lane-Salih discussions, 291
- Ransom memoranda, 251
- Scotes memoranda, 230
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 263, 280, 284
- Vance-Makki discussions, 288
- Yemenite War (1979) and, 261, 262, 268, 275
- U.S./Saudi military aid cooperation:
- Yemen crises (see also People’s Democratic
Republic of Yemen; Yemen Arab Republic; Yemenite War (1979)):
- Arab League and, 254, 274, 276
- Brown Middle East trip (1979) discussions, 16, 17, 20
- CIA Intelligence Memoranda, 35, 237, 238, 267, 292
- al-Ghani U.S. visit discussions, 254
- al-Ghashmi assassination, 243, 245, 252
- al-Hamdi assassination, 176, 233, 234, 235, 238, 299
- Hoskinson memoranda, 252
- Indian Ocean demilitarization talks and, 123
- National Security Council discussions, 271
- National Security Council staff memoranda, 264
- Odom memoranda, 31, 34, 179
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 17, 26
- Rubayyah Ali assassination, 244
- Saudi Arabia and (see also Yemen
Arab Republic (North Yemen), Saudi military aid and U.S./Saudi military aid
- Carter-Khalid correspondence, 253
- Christopher memoranda, 241
- Daniels memoranda, 193
- Hoskinson memoranda, 252
- Military intervention possibilities, 245, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 275
- Odom memoranda, 179
- Sick memoranda, 245
- Soviet military aid to Yemen Arab Republic, 289, 293
- State Department briefing paper, 143
- Vance memoranda, 239, 240
- West memoranda, 186, 255
- Saunders memoranda, 236
- Scotes memoranda, 229, 230, 234, 235
- Sick memoranda, 245
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 22, 40, 163, 260, 262, 263, 268, 275, 277, 280, 284, 294
- Treaty of friendship, 290
- Twinam memoranda, 246
- U.S. covert action proposals, 272, 294, 296, 300
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 170, 185
- U.S.-Saudi security cooperation and, 177
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 263, 264, 273
- Vance memoranda, 242
- Yemen reunification discussions:
- Yemenite War (1979), 261, 262, 267, 270, 274, 276, 283
- Young, Andrew J., 112, 172, 216