182. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1
890. Subject: Letter From King Khalid to President Carter.
1. (C-entire contents).
2. Embassy received on January 31 following letter from King Khalid to President Carter. Informal Embassy translation follows.
3. Begin text: With my best regards. I was informed by the Ambassador of the United States, Mr. John West, of Your Excellency’s message concerning an invitation to HRH Crown Prince Fahd bin Abd al-Aziz to visit the United States and to meet Your Excellency in order to exchange views regarding the developments which are taking place in the Middle East region in particular and other matters which are of importance to both countries in general.
4. I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency that I welcome this gracious step. It symbolizes the proper relations existing between our countries—relations which require cooperation and mutual understanding in all problems and matters. It is especially important to seek means of supporting our relations and means of responding to any development which may affect in one way or another the existing situation in the Middle East.
5. Excellency there is no doubt that Your Excellency is fully aware of the importance of the events which are taking place in the Middle East region and in other regions of the world. If these events intensify they will threaten not only our vital interests but world peace and security. Therefore from our viewpoint the matter requires a precise evaluation of the situation and a decisive, quick response to the challenges and dangers around us in order first to isolate these dangers and then to eliminate them.
[Page 594]6. Your Excellency may agree with my view that the matter requires formation of a high-level committee of experts and specialists from both sides to study the security situation in the region and to submit the necessary recommendations. These recommendations, in the form of a well-defined working program, should be submitted to Your Excellency before your meeting with HRH Crown Prince Fahd so that these recommendations will enable you to get the full benefit from meetings with His Highness. In this manner, your meetings will achieve the desired results, benefit our two friendly countries, and achieve our aim of strengthening the fruitful cooperation between our two governments.
7. May I extend to you my best wishes for a successful career and for the continuation of good health, happiness, and well-being. Likewise, I wish increasing prosperity, success, and comfort to the friendly people of the United States. God keep and protect you. Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz al Saud, Riyadh, 29 Safar 1399H (January 27, 1979.) End text.
8. Original letter will be sent by pouch to NEA/ARP.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D790047–0249. Confidential; Immediate; Exdis.↩