90. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

160010. Subj: South Arabia. Re Aden 1198,2 1200.3

As result SAFG revelations to journalists (Aden 1198), Dept again pressed British Embassy here for authority inform posts on limited background basis of revised British withdrawal plans South Arabia communicated to us initially in London on most secret basis March 10.4 EmbOff conveyed FonOff agreement March 21. Following summary accordingly provided for background only.
Revised UK plans conceived February-March to meet need give SAFG as much assurance for the future as possible, provide some reassurance against aggression thereafter and meet SAFG demand for control internal security Aden before state entirely on its own.
Specifics included proposal advance date of independence to November 1, 1967, at which time Federal security forces would assume responsibility for Aden security. British base would be closed same day but some military strength would be kept off-shore in region for limited period thereafter for sole purpose of providing some assurance against outside aggression. HMG favored SAFG application UN membership soon after independence date while UNGA in session.
MinState Thomson presented foregoing to SAFG in Aden March 18. HMG hoped for prompt Federal acceptance to permit announcement by FonSec in Commons March 20 but Federals balked, giving reasons Farid has furnished ConGen Jones (Aden 1200). SAFG assured Thomson they did not wish close door but hoped they could defer reply to proposals for month to permit full consideration. Thomson said he was not in position give assurance UK offer would remain open indefinitely.
In the event, FonSec’s detailed announcement was cancelled. FonSec instead limited remarks to short general statement reported London 7591.5
Foregoing remains highly classified British proposal, and addressees cautioned fully observe Noforn designation. Uncertain whether even British Embassies in field have been informed and earlier plans give advance word friendly rulers such as King Faisal have been dropped. Appropriate guidance will be provided when and if HMG makes public announcement.
At lunch with Ambassador Battle in Washington, March 21, Thomson reported on his Aden talks along lines foregoing and reftels. He said HMG had agreed to Federal request that modified British proposal could be kept under consideration for about a month. Thomson added somewhat surprising footnote that one factor in SAFG position had been telegram they had received from Sharif Beihan counselling against acceptance UK proposal.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 19 ADEN. Secret; Limdis; Noforn. Drafted by Brewer on March 21, cleared by Davies and Judd, and approved by Katzenbach. Sent to Aden, Cairo, London, Jidda, Sanaa, USUN, and CINCSTRIKE.
  2. Telegram 1198 from Aden, March 20, reported that the SAF Government had revealed to journalists on March 19 that talks with U.K. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs George Thomson had centered on Thomson’s effort to win SAF approval of November 1 as independence day, which had been rejected as premature. (Ibid.)
  3. Dated March 20. (Ibid.)
  4. On March 16 U.K. Charge Sir Michael Stewart called at his request to hand the Under Secretary a copy of a British paper setting forth revised British plans for withdrawal from Aden and South Arabia, and for subsequent “offshore” British military protection of the new state for a period of up to 6 months after the date of independence, November 1, 1967. (Memorandum of Conversation, March 16, 1967; ibid.)
  5. Dated March 20. (Ibid.)