91. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

178848. South Arabia. Re State 177971.2

FonSec Brown had brief corridor exchange re South Arabia with Under Secretary Rostow and Assistant Secretary Battle during SEATO meeting early April 20. Brown said British now hoped to establish broadly based coalition government, though he admitted chances somewhat slim. Battle responded we thought this was right tack to take and that British should continue efforts have contacts with all South Arabian political groups. Brown said he had seen British message indicating Dept might be reluctant continue pass messages on HMG behalf to FLOSY officials. Battle assured him this not the case and said we continued willing help British on this in any way we can.
Brown asked whether we had info indicating FLOSY government-in-exile was about to be set up. Battle replied indications FLOSY considering this were coming in but no irretrievable step had apparently yet been taken. Brown commented establishment such government would make things far more difficult for British but then said he supposed HMG could still talk with FLOSY as political party.
Comment: Exchange took place just prior receipt Taiz 1376.3 Brown’s reference to Dept reluctance pass messages apparently stems from lack full information surrounding despatch State 177971. In initial discussions reported therein, Dept had taken position USG official could hardly be instructed see Makkawi without taking account latter’s tendentious April 18 public anti-US reference and statement that a FLOSY government would close Straits to Israeli shipping.4 On insistence [Page 202] British no such instructions included State 177971 in order maximize favorable atmosphere for passing British message to Makkawi. British Minister phoned Davies late April 19 express appreciation prompt transmission UK message but FonSec apparently not yet briefed. Brown expressed appreciation for Battle’s assurance we continued ready be of whatever assistance we could to UK in seeking bring all South Arabian parties together.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 19 ADEN. Secret; Noforn. Drafted by Brewer, cleared by Mary Sommer Seasword (EUR/BMI), and approved by Battle. Repeated to Sanaa, Taiz, Cairo, USUN, and Aden.
  2. Telegram 177971 to Taiz, April 19, instructed the Embassy to pass to FLOSY leaders Asnaj and Makkawi separate oral messages that Lord Shackleton, U.K. Minister without Portfolio in Aden, wished to confirm that he would be glad to meet with them soon at a place to be determined. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 1376 from Taiz, April 20, Dinsmore reported that he had conveyed the British message to both men in separate private meetings at FLOSY headquarters that morning. Makkawi responded that on April 18 the FLOSY Command Council passed a formal resolution stating that FLOSY was unwilling to talk to any British minister unless the United Kingdom agreed to recognize FLOSY as the sole representative of the people of South Arabia. (Ibid.)
  4. Circular telegram 178435, April 19, quoted press reports that Makkawi had stated that a future South Arabian Government under FLOSY would be anti-United Kingdom, anti-United States, and anti-Israel, and would close Bab al-Mandeb to Israeli shipping. (Ibid., POL 13 ADEN)