- Adams, General Paul D., USA, Commander in Chief, Strike Command (CINCSTRIKE) until November 1966; concurrently Commander in Chief, Middle East/South Asia and Africa South of the Sahara (CINCMEAFSA)
- Aini, Muhsin al-, Foreign Minister of Yemen April-July 1965; Ambassador to the United States August 1965-October 1966; Prime Minister, November-December 1967
- Amer, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim, First Vice President of the United Arab Republic and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces from 1964 until June 1967
- Amri, General Hassan al-, Prime Minister of Yemen February-April 1964, January-April 1965, July 1965-September 1966, and from December 1967; also Minister of Defense from December 1967
- Ansary, Hushang, Iranian Ambassador to the United States from 1967
- Aram, Abbas, Foreign Minister of Iran, January 1965-February 1967
- Aref, Lieutenant General Abdul Rahman Muhammad, President of Iraq April 1966-July 1968
- Aref, Field Marshal Abdul Salam Muhammad, President of Iraq until April 1966
- Atherton, Alfred L., Deputy Director, Office of Near East Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, November 1965-June 1966; Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq July-December 1966; thereafter, Country Director for Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs
- Badeau, John S., Ambassador to the United Arab Republic until June 1964
- Bakr, General Ahmed Hassan al-, President of Iraq from July 1968
- Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State until September 1966; Representative to the United Nations, June 1968-September 1968
- Barzani, Mustafa, leader of Iraqi Kurds, and President of the Command Council of the Kurdish Revolution in Iraq
- Battle, Lucius D., Ambassador to the United Arab Republic September 1964-March 1967; Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs April 1967-September 1968
- Bazzaz, Abdul Rahman al-, Prime Minister of Iraq and Minister of Foreign Affairs September 1965-August 1966
- Bergus, Donald C., Country Director for United Arab Republic Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, July 1966-July 1977; thereafter, Principal Officer of the U.S. Interests Section in the United Arab Republic
- Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France until February 1968; thereafter, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- Brewer, William D., member of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State, September 1965-November 1966; thereafter, Country Director for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Aden, and Yemen, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- Brown, George, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs August 1966-March 968
- Buffum, William B., Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until August 1965; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs September 1965-December 1966; thereafter, Deputy Representative to the United Nations
- Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until February 1966
- Butler, Richard Austen, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs until October 1964
- Campbell, Stephen J., Officer-in-Charge, UN Political Affairs in Middle East, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until November 1966; Deputy Director, Office of UN Political Affairs, November 1966-August 1967; thereafter, Consul General in Jerusalem
- Carter, Lieutenant General Marshall S., USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until April 1965; thereafter Director, National Security Agency
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs until September 1965
- Cottam, Howard R., Ambassador to Kuwait
- Davies, Rodger P., Director, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until October, 1965; thereafter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Dean, Sir Patrick, British Permanent Representative to the United Nations until March 1965; thereafter, British Ambassador to the United States
- Dhalai, Sayf Ahmad, Foreign Minister of Southern Yemen
- Dinsmore, Lee F., Officer-in-Charge of Iraq-Jordan Affairs, Office of Near East Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, May 1965-January 1966; political officer, then Charge d’Affaires in Sanaa January 1966-July 1967; Office of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Aden Affairs, Department f State, August 1967-July 1968; Principal Officer in Dhahran from September 1968
- Eilts, Hermann F., Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from January 1966
- Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., Country Director for Iran, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from July 1966
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz (Prince), Second Deputy Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia and Minister of the Interior
- Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia until November 1964; thereafter, King
- Farid Al Awlaqi, Mohammed, Foreign Minister of Aden until November 1967
- Fawzi, Mahmoud, United Arab Republic Foreign Minister until March 1964; Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs March 1964-March 1968
- Foster, John W., member of the National Security Council staff
- Ghoussein, Talat al-, Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States
- Goldberg, Arthur J., Representative to the United Nations July 1965-June 1968
- Grant, James P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until September 1964
- Hamid, Subhi Abd al-, Iraqi Foreign Minister until November 1964; thereafter, Minister of the Interior
- Handley, William J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from September 1964
- Hani, Nasir, Iraqi Ambassador to the United States April 1964-June 1967; Foreign Minister from July 1968
- Hare, Raymond A., Ambassador to Turkey until August 1965; Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs September 1965-November 1966; thereafter, President of the Middle East Institute
- Harlech, Lord (Sir David Ormsby Gore), British Ambassador to the United States until March 1965
- Harriman, W. Averell, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until March 1965; thereafter, Ambassador at Large
- Hart, Parker T., Ambassador to Saudi Arabia until May 1965; Ambassador to Turkey October 1965-October 1968; thereafter, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern ad South Asian Affairs
- Helms, Richard M., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence April 1965-June 1966; thereafter, Director of Central Intelligence
- Houghton, Robert B., Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, January 1967-August 1968
- Hughes, Thomas L., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- Hussein I, ibn Talal, King of Jordan
- Ignatius, Paul R., Secretary of the Navy from September 1967
- Iryani, Qadi Abd al-Rahman al-, Member of the Presidency Council of Yemen from April 1965; President of the Presidency Council from November 1967
- Jarring, Gunnar, Swedish Ambassador to the Soviet Union, detailed to the United Nations to serve as Special Representative, United Nations Middle East Mission
- Jernegan, John D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until July 1965
- Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States
- Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until July 1964; Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam July 1964-September 1965; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs November 1965-October 1966
- Jones, Curtis F., Officer-in-Charge of United Arab Republic Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until June 1965; Principal Officer at Aden July 1965-April 1967
- Kamel, Mostafa, United Arab Republic Ambassador to the United States until June 1967
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Deputy Attorney General until February 1965, Attorney General February 1965-October 1966; thereafter, Under Secretary of State
- Khalid ibn Abdul-Aziz (Prince), Saudi Arabian Deputy Prime Minister
- Khouli, Hassan Sabri al-, top adviser to President Nasser
- Kitchen Jeffrey C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs until February 1967
- Kohler, Foy D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs November 1966-December 1967
- Komer, Robert W., member of the National Security Council Staff until September 1965; Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs October 1965-March 1966; Special Assistant to the President March 1966-May 1967
- Lang, William E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Lee, Guy A., Director, Office of Near East and South Asia Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until September 1966
- McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense until February 29, 1968
- McNaughton, John T., General Counsel, Department of Defense, until July1964; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs July 1964-July 1967
- Makkawi, Abdel Kawi Hassan, Prime Minister of Aden until September 1965; General Secretary of the Front for the Liberation of South Yemen (FLOSY)
- Makki, Hassan, Yemeni Minister of Economy until February 1964; Foreign Minister from February-May 1964; and November 1967-September1968
- Moore, George C., Officer-in-Charge of Arabian Peninsula Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, August 1964-July 1966; thereafter, Acting Country Director for Arabian Peninsula Affairs
- Naaman, Ahmed Mohammed, Vice President of the Yemen Executive Council February-December 1964; Chairman of the Consultative Council April-December 1964, concurrently member of the Security Council; Prime Minister March-July 1965; member of the Presidency Council from November 1967
- Nasser, Gamel Abdel, President of the United Arab Republic
- Nitze, Paul H., Secretary of the Navy until June 1967; thereafter, Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Pachachi, Adnan M., Iraqi Foreign Minister April 1966-July 1967
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, Shah of Iran
- Pharaon, Rashad, Special Counselor of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia
- Riad, Mahmoud, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Republic from March 1964
- Rockwell, Stuart W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from September 1966
- Rostow, Eugene V., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from October 1966
- Rostow, Walt W., Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council until March 1966; thereafter, Special Assistant to the President
- Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State
- Russell, H. Earle, Jr., Officer-in-Charge of Lebanon-Israel Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until July 1965; Officer in Charge of United Arab Republic and Syrian Arab Republic Affairs July 1965-July 1966
- Sabah, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al Jabir al-, Foreign Minister of Kuwait
- Sabah, Sheikh Sabah al-Salim al-, Amir of Kuwait
- Sabri, Ali, President of the Executive Council of the United Arab Republic until September 1965; Vice President October 1965-June 1967; Deputy Prime Minister June 1967-April 1968
- Sadat, Anwar el-, Vice President of the United Arab Republic and Speaker of the National Assembly from March 1964
- Sallal, Field Marshal Abdullah al-, Prime Minister of Yemen and Minister of Foreign Affairs until February 1964; and September 1966-November 1967
- Saqqaf, Sayyid Omar, Deputy Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia; Personal Representative of King Faisal on diplomatic missions
- Saunders, Harold H., member of the National Security Council staff
- Seelye, Talcott W., Officer-in-Charge of Arabian Peninsula Affairs until August 1964; Deputy Chief of Mission and Counselor at the Embassy in Jidda from June 1965 until July 1968; thereafter, Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraqi Affairs
- Shaabi, Qahtan Muhammed El-, President of the People’s Republic of South Yemen from November 1967; also Prime Minister and Commander of the Armed Forces
- Sirri, Mohsin al-, Yemeni Foreign Minister May 1964-January 1965
- Sisco, Joseph J., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from September 1965
- Sowayel, Ibrahim Al-, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States from September 1964
- Spinelli, Pier P., Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, and head of the United Nations Yemen Observation Mission
- Stewart, (Robert) Michael Maitland, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs January 1965-August 1966, and from March 1968
- Stoddart, Jonathan D., Deputy Director, Near East and South Asia Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Stoltzfus, William A., Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission in Saudi Arabia from July 1968
- Strong, Robert C., Ambassador to Iraq until April 1967
- Sultan ibn Abdul-Aziz (Prince), Saudi Arabian Defense Minister
- Symmes, Harrison M., Deputy Director, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until October 1965; Director, then Country Director, Office of Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs October 1965-July 1966; Ambassador to Jordan from November 1967
- Talbot, Phillips, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until September 1965
- Talib, Naji, Iraqi Foreign Minister November 1964-September 1965; Prime Minister August 1966-July 1967
- Thant, U, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Walsh, John P., Deputy Director, Office of Near Eastern and South AsianRegional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until May 1965; Deputy Executive Secretary May 1965-September 1967; thereafter, Acting Executive Secretary
- Warnke, Paul C., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from August 1967
- Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, until July 1964; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Wilson, Harold, British Prime Minister from October 1964
- Wolle, William D., Officer in Charge of Arab-Israel Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, August 1965-August 1967
- Wriggins, W. Howard, member of the National Security Council staff
- Yahia, Lt. Gen. Tahir, Prime Minister of Iraq until September 1965, and July 1967-July 1968
- Zahedi, Ardeshir, Iranian Foreign Minister from March 1967
- Zuckert, Eugene M., Secretary of the Air Force until October 1965