112. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
Washington, November 17, 1967,
70917. Subject: Recognition of South Arabia.
- 1.
- Dept aware British in throes preparations for Geneva UK/NLF talks and no doubt still uncertain what their final attitude will be toward regime likely arise Aden. Questions British attitude towards NLF government and extent to which HMG may be willing extend it tangible support are nevertheless important keys to basic question of South Arabian regime’s survivability and international recognition. We accordingly hope Embassy will remain in closest touch with British in effort provide as timely readings as possible of evolving British policy.
- 2.
- Will also be desirable seek assure that Saudi attitude as understanding as possible re Western position, in event UK and others decide have dealings with NLF regime. We assume HMG intends keep Saudis, and no doubt Iranians, abreast of British intentions, particularly with reference financial support to South Arabian Army (SAA).
- 3.
- For Rome and Addis: State 628882 being repeated you separately gives our tentative attitude on recognition question. While we do not think it necessary at this stage to initiate contacts with host governments on this subject, it will be appreciated if Embassies can be alert to any signs host government attitudes on South Arabian recognition issue.
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 19 ADEN. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brewer on November 16; cleared by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Walter J. Stoessel and Looram; and approved by Brewer. Repeated to Beirut, Amman, Tehran, Kuwait, Jidda, Aden, USUN, Rome, and Addis Ababa.↩
- Document 108.↩