108. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Regional Organizations1

62888. NATUS. Deliver Wilson 0900, Thursday, November 2. Subject: Recognition of New Government in Aden. Re USNATO 164.2

Dept agrees in principle re desirability early recognition South Arabia by number Western countries, including USG. For present, however, absence of any government in the state and uncertainty as to whether one, and if so what type, will be in charge on independence makes it difficult speak today in concrete terms.
Furthermore, international acceptability new state would, in our view, be enhanced if several regional governments were to recognize it ahead of most Western powers. This does not, of course, apply to UK which we would think should recognize at once assuming successor government in place.
You should take line at POLAD meeting that prompt recognition by Western countries is desirable, depending on local circumstances at time and assuming earlier comparable action by several area states. Should Communist countries themselves extend immediate recognition without, as seems more likely, waiting for area states, fact British had already recognized would reduce impact. View fluidity situation and to coordinate actions as closely as possible, would appreciate British keeping POLAD currently informed re attitude London as independence date approaches.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 16 ADEN. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brewer on October 31; cleared by Davies, William Dixon Boggs (EUR/RPM), and Seasword; and approved by John I. Getz (EUR/RPM). Repeated to London, Aden, Jidda, and Tehran.
  2. Dated October 31. (Ibid.)